
Wednesday 6 October 2010

There's a little imp in my room!!

Well, I don't know whether it's a little imp or an adult imp, but a 'little imp' sounds cuter and less scary, so there!

Imps were often portrayed as lonely little creatures always in search of human attention. They often used jokes and pranks as a means of attracting human friendship, which often backfired when people became tired or annoyed of the imp's endeavors, usually driving it away. (Wikipedia, n.d.)

Apakah ini Sarah? Is this one of the many adverse effects of watching too much Japanese dramas (thus contributing to the derangement of my mind? Because most Japanese Dramas are irrelevant, illogical yet fun to be watched at the same time XD, err, ada kaitan ke dengan imp) or is this the long term side effect of taking too much diphenydramine expectorant (cough syrup, ceh, nk jugak guna generic name dah nama pun belajar jadi pharmacist, kan?) thus causing hallucination of the mind? Oh yeah, FYI I was sick for one whole week and was absent from classes for two days (with one day M.C but the next day I ponteng because I wasn't feeling well) thus the doctor gave me tooooo  much medicine and I was forced to finish them all. Ok, done!

Anyway, I digress. About this imp. Yes, I'm not joking, okay. In fact, this imp is the main reason of why I got high fever in the first place. Okay, where to start?
This story is really unbelievable. You might just laugh at me if I decided to expose the whole matter here, publicly. But, really, the IMP is REAL!  

Eh, whaddya know, look at the time. Almost 7 p.m Gotta go shower and study for Physical Pharmacy quiz tomorrow. Muahahahahaha.

To not be continued.....Well, it depends on my mood. To say it again, the IMP is REAL!

Hey, alas, I've updated this blog! *throws confetti*
P.S. Out of the four compartments in my room, mine is the only one whose window faces the dense jungle/hill behind. Erkkk. Go figure. And I have a slight suspicion about something that's lurking under my bed at night. SCARY!!! O___o


bunyaminkhair said...

we miss your blogposts

-the readers

Sarah said...

Err...thank you? No worries, I shall write more crappy stuffs.


syidah said...

sarahhhhhhh....hihihi...scary lah bace post nie..nak tau cite penuh..tapi cam susah jer skang nie..n masih x pham psl imp tue....(^_^)

Sarah said...

Takpe, nanti saya cerita selanjutnya dalam blog ni. Stay tune! Muahahaha

P.S. Bila nak bertandang ke compartment saya? :D

syidah said...

I will..hihihi..nak datang nnti..tunggu erk kedatangan saye..nnti syidah wat appointment dulu ngan sarah..hahaha

mariam said...

sarah...cpt citer lg pasal imp awak tawu jgk!:D

Sarah said...

@Syidah. Thanks sebab datang bilik semata-mata nk wish birthday and bagi hadiah lagi tu. Nanti lepas exam kita lepak-lepak OK! :)

@Mariam. Thanks for the comment, dear. :) Insya-Allah, nanti sy tulis kalau ada inspirasi. :P