
Monday 31 October 2011

The longest word

Yeah, done with Anti-Infective Quiz 2! Boleh meronggeng!Muahaha (as if the final exam is over >__<)
The reason I put this picture is because urmm...well, it's colourful, isn't it? :P
 'Smile' is the longest word in the world, because the distance between the 'S-es' is....a mile!  LOL

P.S. Tapi bila dua kali tengok takdela lawa mana gambo ni. 

Sunday 30 October 2011

Macrolide Antibiotics

Assalamualaikum w.b.t and hello all. :)

Okay, please ignore the title of this post. Nothing to do with what I'm going to share/write. I had quite a 'hard' time thinking of this post's title, my eyes staring blankly at the title box that I quickly typed in 'Macrolide Antibiotics', which happens to be the very topic of Anti-Infective Agents' that I'm reading now. 

So, this week will mark the EIGHTH week spent here in the land of the nerds, LOL. It also means that I haven't seen any of my family member's face for EIGHT weeks. I'm stuck in Kuantan for almost TWO months. 

Oh yes, The Torch 2nd Issue had been released and distributed by us the Torch people. Both of my articles appeared in the 2nd Issue. The responses from my friends are quite overwhelming. Well at least, to me. Thank you for reading and the feedback! :D Some of my friends even sent congratulatory messages that made my day (and my cheeks turned red, hehe). I would like to say thank you to The Torch's team (especially the editor, Nazriq) and the NSTP people (Michael Lai). Mucho gracias for this rare opportunity. And oh, my English is not that refined. It's the NSTP people/The Torch's grammar nazis (most of them are BEN students and Journalism students) who edited some parts of my articles, making them 'look' presentable than they really are. Haha. Kudos to them. My articles are not that interesting, to tell the truth. Merepek banyak. I love Anisah Shurfa's articles the most. :D

Not forgetting, the representatives from each kulliyyah who came all the way from their kulliyyahs to collect 'The Torch' from OCD and distributed them to the students. Thank you. May Allah bless all of you. 

Possibly, my article would not come out in the 3rd issue. Why? Because I didn't write any. LOL. Actually, I was a given a task (life section) for the 2nd issue but I was quite busy so I said '3rd issue, can?' and later on I realized that I don't even have time to write it for the 3rd issue. I'm going to work on it during this one week mid break, insya-Allah, because the internet at home is super amazing, haha. Stay tuned for the 3rd issue of 'The Torch' which will feature my friend, Atiqah Hasman Yusri's travel article and also Farah Izzati Azmi's articles about activities in Kuantan.

This week:
1. Anti-infective agents quiz (Tuberculosis drugs, Chloramphenicol, Metronidazole, Carbapenems and Monobactams, Quinolones, Macrolides)
2. Anti-infective agents seminar (Anti-malarial drugs in Pregnancy)
3. Pharmaceutical Analysis' Lab Report (done, pheww, only viva >__<)

Okay, may peace be upon you! :)

I can't wait to go home. :(((

Sunday 23 October 2011


Haziq Haziq Haziq Haziq Haziq Haziq Haziq Haziq Haziq Haziq

I'd usually call him 'Haziq ZOOhairy!' (his name is Haziq Zuhairy)
Then he'd say 'Nama Haziq Z-U, bukan Z-O-O!'

I'd annoyingly reply back 'Takde, ZOOHAIRY! ZOOHAIRY!'

Supposed to go back to Kedah for this 5 days of holidays. Then tak jadi.Balik raya haji terus.

I haven't seen my family for almost SEVEN weeks! *sobs*

Haziq, kakak rindu Haziq! :((

Monday 17 October 2011

A so-called tragedy. :P

Assalamualaikum and hello all :)

Taken from my facebook status. I deleted it after 30 minutes or so because I was afraid that my Mum would read it while browsing through her facebook homepage (though she rarely goes online but still, I could't take that risk, couldn't I?)

On the day I turned 21, I decided to cycle to class. I strolled gleefully down the hill, forgot to 'hit' the brake, lost my control, hit the road's divider and fell over from the bike. I quickly stood up, smiled (with some minor bruises) to my friends who tended to me with worries. And that's how I 'celebrated' my 21st birthday. An unforgettable day indeed'

Well, it goes something like that. Why am I afraid?
Because the day before, my brother Syafiq met with an accident. Again, with bicycle. Which resulted in him having a minor bruise on his forehead and a slightly chipped front teeth  :((.
My mother was so worried and a bit angry with him (marah sayang).

Oh yeah. I forgot to baca Bismillah before 'taking off'.  Doa kenderaan pun.


Sunday 16 October 2011

Favourite verses

Assalamualaikum and hello all. :)

 I don't exactly know why, but whenever I'm feeling sad or down (sometimes for inexplicable reasons), I'd take the tafsir al-Quran and began searching and skimming through the translations, hoping I would find something. 

Of course, al-Quran, words of wisdom, guidance, 'love letters' from Allah towards His Servants contains 'that something' that I've searched for so long, only in the simple surah lazim of 'Al-Insyirah'. His answers towards my questions. 

To tell the truth, I tend to only read and memorize the Quranic ayats without reading the meanings behind each verse.

Surah al-Insyirah or 'alam nasyrah'.

There are two verses in repetition.

Surah al-Insyirah verse 4: So verily, when there's difficulty, there's relief 

and again, Allah repeats

Surah al-Insyirah verse 5: Verily, when there's difficulty, there's relief' 

Now why does Allah say the same thing twice? In my own humble opinion, this in a way, is to affirm our faith towards Him, to convince us, to make us believe, that He will be helping us sooner or later, that His help will come in our way, IF ONLY we believe in Him. 

These two verses have become one (let's just combine) of my favourite Quranic verses, that when I was in distress or sorrow, I'd repeat 'Fainnama'alusriyusro, innama'alusriyusro' (verily when there's difficulty, there's relief, when there's difficulty, there's relief) over and over again in my head.

So, let us reaffirm our faith towards Allah. 

P.S I love this surah so much that I actually consider to name my future (I dunno when will that be, haha) daughter Insyirah. Al-Insyirah (sedap, kan? ) :P  (okay, ignore)

May peace be upon you! 

Friday 14 October 2011

So I'm 21. Does this make me officially a woman now?

Assalamualaikum and hello all. :)

As you grow older, you found that the date of which you were born becomes slightly insignificant. Rather, you perceived the particular date as the date your mother gave birth to you, that you're now getting older, the same goes with your parents, your family members, the earth, basically everything and everyone around you are getting older. The older you've become, the closer you are to death. So what have you achieved so far?

It seems like yesterday that I was in my old room back in M3, writing a blog post 'Turning 20'. And now, I'm already 21(not really, I'll only turn 21 tonight at 10 something :P)

I wish I would become a better person. A better servant towards Allah s.w.t.

Thank you for everyone's wishes. May you have a pleasant day. Wassalam. :)

Thursday 13 October 2011

Envy and Jealousy

Assalamualaikum and hello all. :)

BIG BAD WOLF BOOK SALE 7th-16th of October 2011!

Okay, tak boleh pergi sebab tercampak jauh kat Kuantan, huhuhu.

Kat sini, RM35 boleh beli sebuah buku je. Kat sana, dengan nilai yang sama boleh beli EMPAT BUKU!!!

Beli memanglah senang kan. Tapi bila nak baca? LOL

Seolah-olah nafsu membuak-buak sewaktu nak pilih juadah berbuka puasa di bazar Ramadhan.

Jangan tunduk kepada nafsu, Sarah!

Baguslah hang duduk terperap kat Kuantan ni. Jimat sikit duit. Kalau tak boleh bankrap beli buku banyak-banyak mengalahkan stokis kedai buku -_______-

Semalam ada classmates 2 orang hilang laptops dengan camera. Tiba-tiba nak jadi Sherlock Holmes ke, Ellery Queen, Shinichi Kudo, Hajime Kindaichi dengan Nancy Drew.

Tapi pencuri-pencuri kat UIA ni takdela brilliant macam pencuri kat dalam cerita-cerita di atas. Mencuri takde pattern, takde motif. Asal nampak, rembat je. >___<

That's all. Wassalam. 

Friday 7 October 2011


You're sarcastic, annoying, irritating,
Just be yourself
You're childish, dramatic, panic stricken
Just be yourself
You're verbal, outspoken, confident,
Just be yourself
You laugh over simple things and finds joy in small things
Just be yourself
You're loony, weird, a daydreamer
Just be yourself
You're expressive, painfully honest and highly imaginative
Just be yourself
You couldn't care less on people's perceptions
Just be yourself

However, up till what extent is 'being yourself' considered a good thing?
I think that it's as long as you feel comfortable I guess. And others too (oh, who cares about others. It's always better to reveal rather than to pretend/backbiting).
I always smile, I always laugh, I always talk animatedly to my close friends. I always wear a dreamy and cheerful expression on my face. Is that good or bad? Bad, because I've developed two lines of wrinkles at the corner of my eyes. Gahhh! 
Being yourself is not always good. 

Life Lessons from Steve Jobs

Assalamualaikum and hello all. :D

Here are highlights of Steve Jobs’ commencement speech to the graduates of Stanford University in 2005. In it he talks about getting fired from Apple in 1985, life & death. Watch the video starting at 8:49 for the following words:

If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you will be certainly right. For the past 30 years I have looked in the mirror and asked myself, “if today were the last day of my life would I want to do what I am about to do today?” Whenever the answer is, “No” for too many days in a row, then I know I need to change things. Remembering I will be dead soon is the most important tool I have ever encountered to make the big choices in life… all pride, all fear of embarrassment of failure, these things fall away in the face of death. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking that you have something to lose. You are already naked, there is no reason not to follow your heart… No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to Heaven don’t want to die to go there. Death is the destination  we all share. No one has ever escaped it. Death is very likely single best invention of life. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you. But someday, not too long from now, you will become the old to make way for the new… Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life… Don’t let the noise of other people’s opinions drown out your inner voice. Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish!

Yes, I agree with you Steve Jobs! We're all going to die anyway. So we should not dwell too much in certain problems. Life is short. Live it to the fullest. 

Wednesday 5 October 2011


Assalamualaikum and hello all. :)

This topic gives me goosebumps. SCARY!!!
I've had no ideas at all that majority of my classmates are already thinking about establishing their own baitulmuslims and that some of them are actually seeking, searching for their future spouses. Now I know and this fact scares me! 

I know that this is normal, and that we're already 21 (well, some of us) and even my mom was engaged to my dad when she was at this age. But again, SCARY!!!!!!
Maybe I still feel that I'm in the 'schoolkids' stage and all that's important is my studies. 

Reality struck me. I'm going to be 21 this year! Then 22, 23, 24 and so on! The average age of women getting married! 

Is it only me, who have plans on getting my degree first, working, pursuing Masters' Degree at least, then will only I think about marriage?

To quote Maddy, 'What's with this sudden talks about marriages? What's the rush?'

This scenario about getting married is ubiquitous in UIA. There's even a form which you could fill, listing your criteria, the criteria of the person that you'd want as your future husband/wife, and the matchmaker will find the person who matched the criteria and walla, you'll be 'reserved' as the guy's future wife, possibly both of you'll get married after graduation.

Why should I be giving much thoughts about this anyway? HAHAHAHA. Ok bye. 

Penicillins, Cephalosporins, Beta Lactam drugs+Beta Lactamase inhibitors, Carbapenems, Aminoglycosides and Tetracyclines are all antibiotics

Assalamualaikum and hello all. :)

Okay, tajuk macam takde motif.

I handled my first study circle session yesterday. Sufi sent me to at-Tabbari to meet those halaqah members. 1st year Medical students. I was out for outing to search for bicycle before so I straight away went there with jeans (loose okay, loose) and pashmina wrapped around my head (covered okay, covered). Tak pernah dibuat facilitator halaqah datang pakai jeans dengan pashmina, cakap pasal Islam, Iman, Ihsan. Oi, don't judge people by their appearances. Siapa cakap facilitator kena bertudung labuh dan berjubah aje? 

Oh yes, 8 of us (Sarah Syau Naza Isfa Hajar Salihah Rumaisa) bought our own bicycles. Yeah!

Okay, the study circle went well I guess. Luckily I've been blessed with the skills of 'the flow of ideas when talking' LOL thanks to the debate practices at school.  We finished our study circle at 10.30 pm. Dah terlajak tak sempat nak tadarus al-Quran surah al-Israk pun. Sambung minggu depan.

So today, something interesting happened. We had our leadership class. So have to DEBATE! So I debated a lot. I mean, really A LOT! It feels so refreshing. To be able to gaduh-gaduh over petty reasons. HAHA.

I was feeling really exhausted. Had my dinner. Then ngantuk gila so I accidentally fell asleep for about 15 minutes until Isfa woke me up for Maghrib prayer (buruk perangai tidur nak dekat Maghrib tapi penat sangat!)

And then, have to study for Pharmaceutical Analysis and Pharmacology of the Peripheral Nervous System quizzes this Friday. Tomorrow maybe gonna wake up early at 4.30 a.m to study. *sigh*.

Oh yes, a thing that popped into my mind.
The Torch is IIUM Official's newspaper that is created by BEN+journalism+Mass.Comm students of IIUM Gombak. They went to the Journalism on Campus (JOC) boot camp organized by News Straits Times. 

Lepas tu datanglah si budak Pharmacy ni menyibuk tiba-tiba nak tulis artikel hantar kat The Torch. Pastu budak Pharmacy ni pun fikir 'Ko ni nak jadi Pharmacist ke journalist?'. Kalau betul-betul nak jadi journalist, apasal dulu tak amik BEN ke, Human Sciences (journalism) ke, hahaha. Syau cakap 'Tak salah pun,'. Yes, memang tak salah. 
I've always loved writing. And that includes becoming a journalist for a newspaper. The editorial board members of The Torch, I reckon they might work with News Straits Times after they graduated. Jealous much? 

Takpela, I'm destined to become a Pharmacist. Pharmacy is of course, a tough course but I like to challenge myself. I like to test my capabilities and abilities, to see up to which extent could I continue. In a way, I love Pharmacy la because it's challenging!

Journalism pulak? Urmm, see first. Part time tu okay la kot. But I still love Pharmacy. :P

Sorry for this oh-so-unproductive post. My mind is too occupied (lah sangat) with Physostigmine, Pilocarpine, Mivacurium and other Isoquinoline derivatives to be writing about politics, cultures or whatsoever. Adios!