
Monday 29 September 2008

Tales of a Sarah

One funny incident that I would like to recall. It's quite embarrassing but oh well.
I might as well blurt them all out.
During mid semester break, I was so busy studying (and enjoying my leisure time, hehe) when suddenly this bus guy sent me a very disturbing message, saying that the bus will depart one day earlier.
I was like WHAT???????
And of course, having no choice, I just GOT to take the bus on that date.
So many things that have to be done. Done them all.
The bus was supposed to fetch me at about 11 pm. And of course, them being so punctual, arrived about almost 12 a.m.
I saw the bus first. And off I went frantically running fter the bus. After a brief moment of teary eyes with family, of course. LOL.
OK. UIA bus. Why does it look so different? I was thinking at that time.
Wait, why got so many people? I have no choice but to squeeze on the back seat.
Hang on. I thought the brothers supposed to sit at the back. Now, why the sisters are taking over.
My eyes searched wildly for the sight of Husna, my friend. Who's supposed be with me. In the same bus.
I called her and said.
" Husna, Bas dah datang! Saya dah naik bas!"
And....guess what?
" Sarah, saya tak nampak bas pun. Awak suruhlah bas tunggu. Awak kat mana?"
" Saya kat Jalan Kereta Api tu. Cepat naik! Bas dah nak jalan!"
" Awak, suruh tunggu!"
" Okay, okay,"
I put down my phone and asked that Kakak. I was so relieved that I got to take the bus. Hehe.
" Kak, tunggu! Kawan saya belum naik!"
" Siapa?" that Kakak asked.
" Nama dia Husna!"
That kakak checked through her list. Husna something something ke?
" Tak! Husna something something,"
Kakak raised her eyebrows. " Tak ada orang nama tu dalam list ni,"
" Huh??"
The bus started moving already. OMG. WHat happened???
I asked again. " Kak. Ada bas UIA lain ke?"
" Ada. Bas nak pergi UIA PJ. Nanti dia sampailah,"
OH NO!!!!
" Jadi, bas ni pergi UIA NILAI LA??"
Everyone in that bus chorused " YES!!"
And I screamed (almost) out loud. " Kak, SAYA TERSILAP BAS!!!"
And in that instant, everyone laughed. Including the brothers.
That Kakak said to that driver. " Pak cik. Tunggu. Ada orang silap bas,"
She asked the girl beside me " Kenal ke dia?"
She said " Tak. Ingatkan kau yang kenal dia," she said to the girl beside me.
Everyone of course, looked at the back and laughed laughed laughed. Some whispered to their friends beside. Aih. SOOO embarrassing la..
That pak cik dropped me off in front of the police station. Lovely sense of sarcasm, that is.
Oh dear. I saw another bus. UIA bus. I waved frantically. But it didn't budge. Remember Jem, the time at school where I always waved for my school bus to stop? Well, exactly like that.
Some girls passed by me and asked " UIA PJ kan?"
And I said "Yes,"
Seriously, it was almost 12 a.m and yet, there were SO MANY BLOODY vehicles.
Me, on the other hand, had to bring my enormous bloody heavy luggage across the traffic light. ANd everyone was watching me struggling with the luggage. I could have sworn I heard the mat motors sniggering and laughing. AT MUA!
And yes, I met Husna and she motioned me to that Bus guy and said " Ah, ni tadi kawan saya yang tersilap bas," Well, sort of. Haha.
And I couldn't help laughing and giggling all the way from SP to Seberang Perai, kot.
My mum got so mad( at me) when I told her that I almost took the wrong bus.
Well, that's all. Me, the absent minded sarcastic


Dasuki D5T7 said...

kami slalu juga kejar bas back at campus dlu..

Sarah said...

LOL. Good. Exercise!