
Friday 16 October 2009

Confessions of a Procrastinator

    How could anything that seems so simple could be so appealing?

Picture taken from Flickr                          
I don't know what have I been doing for the past two weeks of holidays. And I'm recuperating from flu.
I'm sad to say that I haven't watched any Jap-Dramas throughout these two weeks, I haven't finished reading 'Eclipse' and ' Breaking Dawn', haven't finished reading 'RADHA', haven't completed the essay that my mum wanted, oh, what else? I haven't been to ANY shopping complexes due to two reasons. One, I'm afraid to drive, a pretty lame excuse. Two, my mum uses the car. Haih..

I just turned nineteen on 14th October. Yaay, Happy Birthday to me. We haven't celebrated it yet coz my parents are working and my siblings are school-ing.
I don't really care for a birthday celebration anyway, a simple but sincere wish from everyone is enough to make my day.

Also, I've been logging in and out of the UIA Asasi website. To check whether the result is out or not. Nope. And thus, another week filled with agony. I wanted to get over it QUICKLY.

I am a big time procrastinator. I accidentally left my camera at college. Or like, seriously? Did I dropped it off somewhere? NO!!!! How stupid of me. My electone is yet to be repaired. It's sad coz I only remembered how to play 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' on my cousin Liyana's keyboard. LAME-OH.

I hate myself for eagerly starting something and later forget all about it in another few days.I must change this behaviour  fast before it gets worse.

Till then, toodles.

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