
Saturday 12 February 2011

Morning facts

Assalamualaikum and hello to all :)

It's 9.31 a.m. I had just returned from having breakfast of roti canai and teh tarik outside together with my dearest roommates, Kak Aliya and Kak Nana. :D
Here, list of facts. Maybe confessions as well. :P 

Let's start my facts and confessions with Ummul Furqan, al-Fatihah.

1.  I love it when people called me 'Sarah Syahirah'. Recently, there has been a number of people (usually, people I'm not really close to) who called me 'Sarah Syahirah'. For example 'Assalamualaikum.Ni Sarah Syahirah ke?' or even 'Sarah Syahirah buat yang ni eh'. Whoa. Macam cair sekejap, walaupun yang cakap tu perempuan, LOL. Surely, you would really like it if somebody addressed you with your full name, right? ;)

2. Some classmates started to call me 'Sarah Kushairi'. And when they did, I would look at them with disbelief, asking 'Eh, you read my blog eh?' (perasan) hahaha. Sarah Kushairi is my pen name. 

3. The meaning of my name- as Maryam Sakinah (a friend) analysed it is 'The famous princess'. Well, I'm certainly not famous. And I'm not a princess. But I do like watching 'Princess Diaries' and reading the books. Okay, takde kena mengena.

4. I'm a right handed person. Which means, my left side of the brain dominates the other side. But I seriously think my right brain is functioning more effectively and better, that I tend to use my right brain more than I did with my left brain. Throughout the school years (and university), I tend to have better performances in subjects such as language (Bahasa Melayu and English), history, philosophy and yeah, Pendidikan Islam and Tasawwur Islam (where I self-studied during SPM and miraculously scored an A1) rather than in Science subjects such as Biology (Physiology, Anatomy), Chemistry, Physics and Maths.

5. How did I arrive to this conclusion? Well, my exam marks proved it. I tend to get higher marks (and sometimes the highest in class) for those subjects mentioned above (language, arts and thinking subjects).Oh yeah, if that's not enough, I scored a B3 in Biology for SPM (the only one yang dapat B and thus ruined my dreams of securing JPA scholarship to overseas). Oh well. Malaysia lagi best la!

6. Out of all the science subjects, I love Chemistry the most (maybe that explains why Allah put me in Pharmacy). 

7. My mum enrolled me and my brother to Music class (organ/keyboard)  and Art class when we were in primary school. I performed well in both (Music and Art) but I prefer (and performed better) the former over the latter. I continue to practise Music till now (for mere self-enjoyment and satisfaction) and I prefer to play by ears (just like Nodame in Nodame Cantabile) instead of reading the music notes (of which I think are rather complicated and confusing at times). I play keyboard, piano and organ (these 3 instruments are generally similar). I had a try on the guitar but later gave up because I couldn't stand the pain of having to continuously struck and pluck the delicate and prickly guitar strings. Sakit jari tau!

8. I took music lessons at school. I performed in the Recorder Ensemble for school events and participated in choir competitions, my voice range is 'Tenor-Soprano'. I love classical and instrumental music.And oldies! :P

9. I'm taking Pharmacy in university which was originally not my first choice. But later on, I feel an immense gratitude of having to be 'chosen' by Allah the Great and all-Knowing to take this course, instead of taking Medicine or Dentistry (my roommate (4th year Dentistry)-Kak Nana confessed 'Rasa macam silap pilih course').I love Pharmacology, but I performed better in Pharmacy Practice. >____<

10. When it comes to science subjects, I'm just a mediocre student. I can cope with those subjects, but I'm not an exceptional science student. I don't really have flair in science subjects (my parents both take art courses in university), the same goes with my mum's siblings where most of them take art-related courses such as Law, Language, Architecture, Finance (one of my aunts is a chemical engineer). Maybe this explains it. Genetic factors, cewwah. Tapi yang anak petani, penoreh getah boleh score pulak kenapa? Jangan cari alasan, Sarah! :P

11.  Whenever my Mom called me and asked 'Have you studied?, I will go >_____<. Study mana boleh paksa, wakakakaka.

12. I love books (fictions, biographies, documentaries- artsy stuffs). Scientific books filled with boring scientific terms are the most potent and effective sedatives.

13. The library (leisure reading section) is my number 2 place of retreat in IIUM Kuantan. I would go there almost every day after lectures, sitting comfortably on the sofa, with books on my hand (and lap). Whenever I feel stressed out, the library is the first place I'll head to. The sight of neatly arranged books of assorted colours and titles provide an immediate mind therapy. The first retreat place is my own compartment, of course, which serves as a cinema, a library (my bookshelf stacked with books), a hotel room :P

14. I should have taken art courses in university. But I declined based on several reasons;
- Art courses mana dapat JPA scholarship :P (jawapan mata duitan)

- I wanted to develop both sites of my brain (jawapan saintifik)

- I wanted to serve the community, helping the ummahs and my country (jawapan professional)

- Kalau amik art courses, orang pandang rendah. 
 Contohnya 'Eh, amik apa eh kat universiti?' and if I said 'Saya amik Media Studies' mesti orang pandang pelik dan berfikir (budak ni tak cerdik sangat or nanti nak kerja apa? Biasalah, masyarakat Malaysia *rolled eyes*)

- I know that I could do more than just languages and art-related stuffs (jawapan sahih, and my mom said it)

15. When I was 7-8, I watched 'Spellbinder' on TV. There were some guys who were scientists and I really thought 'Whoa, they're really cool!' and at school, when the teacher asked me what do I want to become when I grow up, I'll proudly say 'Saya nak jadi saintis cikgu!' Then the teacher will go 'Wow, bagus! Kena belajar betul-betul la macam ni'. Yelah, berapa kerat je budak darjah 2 kata nak jadi saintis.

16. I've never thought that the course I'll be taking 12 years later is scientist-related (research-related).

17. I wrote, directed and produced my first movie when I was 18, in CFS. The short movie won 2nd place in Ramadhan Short Movie Competition. Not to brag or whatsoever, just further affirming my theory that I performed better in those kind of fields.

18. When I said I'm good in languages, it doesn't mean that I'm the best in the field. For a start, I didn't get exempted in English when I was in CFS (budak-budak English power sangat je yang exempted) and I only scored Band 5 in MUET ( tu pun atas garisan je, LOL).And do notice the numerous amounts of grammatical errors committed in this blog post (and others).  
19. I really have a lot of things to do and study
-Pharmacology report
-Microbiology reportS
-Study Microbiology
-Study Pharmacology for upcoming quiz (memorizing drugs' names)
-Study Biochemistry 
-Study Organic Chemistry
-Study Pharmaceutical Analysis
-UNGS assignment 

20. My head is much clearer now. My bottled-up feelings are now unbottled, poured, conveyed. 

Kita tamatkan dengan Tasbih al-Kifarah dan Surah al-Asr. 

And yeah, thanks for reading up till here. I wish you all the best in whatever you're doing, be loved by God  and everyone around you. 


Hanis MY said... i know... selamat berkenalan Sarah Syahirah.. hehe eh, apekah???

fikah mus said...

i like when you called me 'afi'.
cair tau.
nanti i nak bakal suami i panggil i 'afi' gak.

Sarah said...

@Kak Hanis.
Wah.. cair la.. Hahaha.
Selamat berkenalan jgak, Hanis Mohd Yusoff. :)

Mula2, Soul start panggil Afi then I pun panggil jugakla. Hahaha. Best panggil Afi!
I pulak tak tau nk suruh 'bakal suami' panggil apa. HAHAHA.

yanar89 said...

haha sarah.. x sangka time ko nak mention name aku, time 2 la jugak aku tdetik nak bukak blog ko.. hehee.. seronokny aku... huhu, i appreciate tht u remember that sembang in arab class(was it, or was it chem?? hehe).. well, u noe, I recently found out what my name really means, the first part.. at first it shocked me a bit, and made me sad, but after some time, I realized that my first name is still the name of one of the greatest woman on earth.. I should be proud to have her name as my name, and should try to live my life like her.. wallahualam

Sarah said...

Haha, saje nak bagi kau kembang hidung. :P
If I'm not mistaken, the first time I heard you saying the meaning of my name was during taaruf in Kuantan. Entahlah, lupa. :P

You have a really nice name. Be sure to live up to your name. Jangan jadi budak kecik dah. Perangai tu biar matang sikit. MUAHAHAHAHAHA.