
Tuesday 3 May 2011

The Childhood- The Haunted House

Assalamualaikum and hello to all :)

Okay, I'm gonna tell about the supernatural things that I've experienced when I was about twelve to thirteen, back then, when we were living in our old house.

Let me describe the house. It's a large single storey bungalow with really spacious compounds in front and at the back. The frontyard and backyard when combined together, are larger than the house itself. So you could imagine how big it is. I'm not bragging, mind you, it's not really ours. It's a government house, since my dad works with the government.

I spent my childhood days playing in the really big house with spacious hall and hallways, also playing outside, panjat tangki air (yup, a water tank outside), climbing the rambutan tree (I was quite tomboyish then), riding bicycles and whatsoever.

It is quite an old fashioned house, probably constructed in the 70s or 80s. We moved there from Muar, Johor in 1999. And we stayed in that house until 2003.


A so-called visual aid to help you visualize. Drew it using Paint. Drawn not according to scale. :P

I, being 9 at that time, was delighted to be able to live in such a big house with big compound! Seriously! I could run free! I could play hide and seek with my siblings. I could build a tent outside, I could do everything I wanted to do! I was quite an adventurous child.
At first, everything seems OK. We've never experienced any supernatural occurences there.

But during Hari Raya in 2000 (if I was not mistaken), some of my neighbours (my friends) came to my house. We sat at the dining hall, eating kuih raya and all when suddenly, Anas, my neighbour broke the news.

Anas: Wei, hang tau tak, rumah ni berhantu? (did you know that this house is haunted?)

Me: Woi, hang tipu! Mana ada! Aku dok sini okay je! (Get real! I didn't experience any of that!)

Anas: Betoi! Orang sebelum hang tinggai kat sini, dia kata rumah ni berhantu! (Seriously, the people who lived here before you, they said it's haunted!)

Me: Merepek! (Rubbish!)

I told my mother about this and she said not to listen to others' tales. I just shrugged it off.

1999,2000,2001,2002. For four years, none of us had experienced any unnatural things. At least, we siblings didn't know about it. After we moved out of the house, then only my mother said, each time she woke up early in the morning to cook for her sahur (ganti puasa), she would hear somebody knocking on the front door saying 'Assalamualaikum!' but of course, being a reasonable and relevant person she is, she didn't open the door.

Then in 2003, the year I turned 13, we experienced lots of supposedly 'unseeable' things.

The Lady in Black

My siblings and I were watching TV in the TV room with the door opened. My sister was sitting at the chair beside the door, so she could see whoever who's outside. Then suddenly, sombody throwed a rolled up pair of wet black socks to me. I was a bit shocked. Then I asked 'Who threw this?' All of my siblings were in the room, so none of them did that, I was quite sure of that.

My sister said 'I saw a glimpse of someone wearing black standing outside the door and she throwed the socks to you. Maybe it was Kak Su,'

Kak Su was our Indonesian maid hailed from Lombok. She's a happy go lucky person and we always played all sorts of games with her. And off we went to Kak Su's room, situated next to the dining hall.

"Kak Su, did you throw the socks just now?"
She looked at me in a shocked expression and said " I was in this room all the time, listening to the radio," Kak Su loves listening to Hindustan songs.

We looked at each other in bewilderment. Then Kak Su said
"I saw a girl about your height, with long black hair and black clothes all over running to the door, sprinkling water to me. And she ran off, giggling. I thought it was you, Sarah, who tried to play a prank on me,"


The Store Room

There is a small store room located in between Kak Su's Room and the Kitchen. The Store room is haunted, Kak Su said. What she had said surely scared us as we tried our best not to pass by the store room whenever we wanted to go to Kak Su's room or the dining hall. The store room is usually locked, using the seal, where once it is locked outside, it could only be opened from the outside.

One day, when I came out from the bathroom besides the store room, the door of the store room suddenly banged violently as if there's someone inside. BANG! BANG! BANG! I got scared and ran off. I brought my sibling together with me to show him. To my surprise, the store room is well, locked. Blurghh. And it had been a couple of times that I witness the door of the store room was left open, no matter how many times we locked it. Usually, we were too scared to lock the door. Goodness knows what will suddenly popped out if we tried to lock it. I stil shudder when I think about it.

The Doppelganger

As days, months passed by, it's getting worse. The poltergeist didn't make any effort to hide its presence. Instead, it was trying to show us its presence by throwing and moving stuffs.
One day, I was playing the organ in the living hall when suddenly, a pair of scissors was thrown towards me. Imagine, dangerous, right?! But of course, the shooter missed her target.
I was surprised, knowing something unnatural is going on. I stood up, picked the scissor, clutching it as is it was my ultimate weapon to defeat the unseens. And I heards some giggles. I saw Kak Su, crouching beside her room, smiling.

I laughed too. Kak Su kept on smiling and she crawled to her room at a fast speed like Ju On. And once the 'Kak Su' entered the room, the real Kak Su came out from her room, walking as if nothing happened. I was shocked and I asked her 'Was it you who disturbed me just now?'
She was shocked too and she said 'No! I swear!'

Again, who's that?

The Door that opened by itself

Okay, later on, we couldn't care anymore. You're going to disturb us? We don't care. We got tired, seriously. The multiple occurences where the door opened by itself, well, we got used to it.

One night, my siblings and I were in my room, sitting on the top bunk of the double decker bed. I told them ghost stories, LOL. There wasn't anyone else at the house at that time. Only us four (Haziq wasn't born at that time). And suddenly, tadaa! The door opened by itself!
We got down, inspected the door. Yes, it seems like the knob had been turned by someone. It's an old fashioned doorknob where you can see through the keyhole.

The floating basket

This is the last supernatural thing I have witnessed when staying in the house. It was the end of 2003 and we were packing our stuffs to move to another house as my dad got transferred to another place.
So, I was in the dining room, facing the kitchen. And I could see Kak Su cooking through the opening between the kitchen and the dining room. The store room is of course, there.
I was doing my folio and suddenly my eyes drifted towards a little yellow basket placed on top of the box. I saw that basket being lifted up, floated and then fell down to the floor.
Nope, it's not because of gravity. I SAW THE BASKET FLOATED FOR ABOUT 3 SECONDS!

Well, there are lots more. But never mind. As I looked back, I realized that almost all those supernatural events that I've experienced includes Kak Su in it. I wonder...Haha. No no. Wallahualam.

Okay, bye! And sorry for the lengthy post. I'm trying to test my memory and improve my writing skills. :)


Anonymous said...

ya ALLAH!!!!
scary nya sarah!!! how could u endure that during ur childhood sarah.. creepy.. takotnya!!!
ish..sekarang ape jadi kt umah tu?
seriously,i dont know wat to say..ingt kan dlam filem je..rupanya..realiti pun ade.. :|

Nies Hanna said...

waa...agak seram membaca..huhu..kiranya keluarga sarah memang kuat la.tak takut dan mudah melatah..tapi betul la..Hanya pada Allah kita berserah, takut pun padaNya

Sarah said...

Unbelievable, kan? Haha.
Org cakap rumah tu sekarang bertambah berhantu. Hoho.
Ingat tak Dr. Razak kata takde hantu?
Kalau kita sendiri kena baru tahu. Huhu.

Heh, Alhamdulillah takde benda buruk terjadi. Aah, tu lah. Takut hanya pada Allah. Kalau Allah tak izinkan, benda tu pun takkan harm kita.

Anonymous said...

btol2..klo bende tu ALLAH xizin,xkan terjadi pun kan.. btol2 :)

DIYSAR said...

rumah tu kat mana??? nak buat macam penunggu istana hahaha

Sarah said...

@Muna :)

@Rasyid. Mana boleh buat dokumentari la. Rumah tu ada orang duduk lagi. Sampai bila2 pun akan ada org duduk rumah tu. Huhu.

Mohd Naqib bin Mazlan said...

ni wat filem laku nih...seram!!

Sarah said...

Aah kan? Buat indie movie bolehlah.