
Sunday 6 April 2014

I guess this is goodbye?

You have no idea how many drafts I had written just to post at least something on this blog. 
I'm suffering from a major 'writer's block'.
I usually write about myself, my thoughts and just anything else related to me (because it's my blog and blog is usually known as an online diary duhh) in this blog. But now I guess I just don't have that desire(?) to talk about myself anymore, haha! 

Oh well, I was being sarcastic towards myself.

I had started this blog almost 7 years ago, in December 2007, after I had finished my SPM. 
Now it's April 2014, almost 7 years later and I'm about to graduate with a Bachelor in Pharmacy, insya Allah. 6 years of foundation studies and university years had changed me, I think. To become a better person, I hope.  

It's a new world out there, and I think I'm ready to take on the challenges! 

But for now, I just don't feel like blogging anymore. The passion is no longer there. Like I said, I have changed? Hahaha...

So I guess...This is goodbye? :)

Whoever you are, wherever you come from, new readers or loyal readers (LOL), thank you for reading my ramblings throughout these almost 7 years. Thank you. 

*bows head*

This is Sarah Sarcastic E.Beth Darcy Knightley Matsujun Syaheira Skywalker Wizard Nox Kushairi signing off. 

*Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened-Dr Seuss*

*Cries in the corner xD*


a said...

owwww Sarah ;'(
this is so saddening but I do feel what you're going through and I know there's nothing I can do to change it. All I can do is hope you'll find the inspiration some day and the desire to hug the pen (keyboard xD)again.
All the best, gonna miss your writings :(

Sarah said...

'What I'm going through?' what exactly is that? Hahaha
Thank you very much for your kind words, Assia! Insya Allah I might make a comeback someday in the future.

And sorry for not hanging out with you at the library for quite a long time. I'm not in Kuantan now. I'm in Pekan for 6 weeks doing my hospital attachment. But I see that you're doing great now, coping much better than you initially did when you first arrived here. I feel happy for you. :)

As for you, keep on composing poems!! XOXO

a said...

the loss of inspiration of course xD hahaha
Thank you Sarah and don't worry, even though it was for a short time I do cherish the minutes we spent together. good luck to you as well^^

Anonymous said...

Smile yo. you're one of a kind.... wishing u all da best in ur life.

Sarah said...

@assia. It's not exactly a loss of inspiration. But rather, an emergence of self - realisation, haha. Yes, those days at the library had been awesome. May you complete your research successfully! :)

@anonymous dear anonymous, you are being very kind. whoever you are, thanks for reading my blog and thanks for the comment! :)

Najah said...

sis, I came here for Your Uia's post. Wanted to ask you. IS wide shawl or selendang is allowed there ?

Mrs Poonda said...

Sis, is Selendang or wide shawl is allowed in Uia ?

Sarah said...

@Najah/Mrs Poonda

Yup, you can wear anything that covers your aurah, including shawl/selendang. I wear them everyday. xD

Anonymous said...

[POEM Never Say Goodbye]
We go to Kulliyyah everyday (except Sat & Sun but there still kelas ganti)..
We learn a lot of thing (although only 15 min wake up and 45 min sleep)..
At the end of the Kulliyyah, we are tested on something that we were never taught (except for killer quiz or exam questions from killer lecturers)..
We have to stand in front of each other and say GOODBYE..
Goodbye Sarah Sarcastic. I will remember your name.. LOL
I'm also signing off..

Sarah said...


Thanks! what a unique poem, haha.
Even though I don't know who you are -so many people keep on using the anonymous identity! Nevertheless, thank you for reading my blog :)