
Sunday 5 December 2010

Bookers' Heaven

Assalamualaikum and hello to all :)
Bookers' Heaven. It is a term that I invented, referring to a some sort of heaven for the book lovers (bookers). I know that Bookers is the  WRONG word but it seems cool,  and Booker's Heaven seems appropriate for the title of a book, or in this case; a blog entry. So, there it goes, BOOKERS' HEAVEN. A heaven for those who love books. =)

We went to Chowrasta Market in Penang, yesterday. And I found discovered one of the best places on Earth...

BOOKERS' HEAVEN! The first floor of Chowrasta Market houses several bookstores that sell old, new, second-hand, used books!

New books at a price of RM20 each! The real price at MPH is about RM30+ CHEAPO, RIGHT????

New, fresh books wrapped in plastic at RM20 each! :)

A heaven for bookers of different ages and that includes teenagers and children

Customers with the Book Dealer

I could just run, dancing happily amidst the mountains of books just like an Oompa Loompa!

I wish I could just gobble up all these books just like Augustus Gloop and keeping them to myself, saying 'Precious, my precious!' just like Gollum.

 Sweet Valley Twins for RM2 each~!! I kid you not!
I remember reading Sweet Valley when I was in primary school. Now, you couldn't find any Sweet Valley Twins books in the major bookstores such as MPH. I guess they have stopped the publication of this series. :(

Ancient bookcase filled with ancient books

So, if you're going to Penang, be sure to drop by at Chowrasta Market. Warning, the book dealers could be too eager and earnest sometimes. You need peace when browsing for books right?

The first book dealer asked 'What are you looking for?'
  I said 'Oh, I'm just browsing,'
'Okay, continue browsing then,'

When I went to the second book store, the second book dealer asked
'What are you looking for?'
'Sweet Valley ada tak?'
and off he went to bring a stack of Sweet Valley books. Pergghhh.

Yeah, they are very helpful. It is almost impossible to find the books you want by yourself, of which they might be buried under the mounds of books and never be found forever *dramatic tone*.

Oklah, the book dealers are EXTREMELY NICE AND HELPFUL! You can even bargain with them!

It's not just fictions. You can buy reference books, religious books, comics (Archie's, etc), almost everything!

My mum said 'Next time, you can just buy your books here. No need to go to MPH,'


P.S It's a good thing that Penang is situated just about 30-45 minutes of journey from Sungai Petani! (minus the never ending traffic jams, of course =___= )

P.P.S The ancient books reminded me of my ancient school library (Convent School, established 1951) :P


Lisa said...


Definitely heaven :O
omg Sweet Valley! Childhood punya readings tu lol

mana nak cari kedai macam tu kat KL eh?

Sarah said...

Yeah! High five, booker! :D

Kedai macam tu memang takde la kat KL kan, one of a kind tu, LOL.

Kat Selangor ada satu kedai dekat Amcorp Mall. PayLess Bookstore, kalau tak silap. Cuba cari.

Next time I nak borong semua available Sweet Valley books kat sana. :DD

And thanks for the comment, Liz. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow all I can say is that you are a great writer! Where can I contact you if I want to hire you?

Jem said...

EH OMG! Alaaahhhh, why sekarang baru I tau? umphhh.. nak habis cuti dah ni. haih..

Lisa! Dekat Annexe, Pasar Seni ade kedai macam tu, but not as big lah.

Sarah said...

Yeah, another booker! High five! LOL

I dh tau lama. Internet research on second hand bookstores :D

Tapi tak pernah pergi. My mum ajak beli pants lepas tu baru I tersedar yang tempat pants tu kat Chowrasta. I pun cari la bookstore tu.

Takpela Jem, nanti the next semester vacation pergila borong banyak-banyak buku buat library. :P

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Thanks for sharing the link - but unfortunately it seems to be down? Does anybody here at have a mirror or another source?


Ummu Hurairah said...

hye there booker! wow, looks like ade org nak hire sarah.. nanti bila dh jd writer berjaya jgn lupa belanja kak timi k? wink2..
p/s: OMG! hehe..wish ade booker's heaven mcm tu kat KL T_T

Sarah said...

Hi Booker! Wah, ramai bookers kat sini, bagus2!

Erm Kak Timi. Rasanya tu spam comment je. Bukannya betul pun. Haha.

Tu la, Kenapa Kak Timi pindah KL? >__<

Anyway, congrats for your results! :)

Julia Ishak said...

I jauh la from Penang~

I know about the one in Amcorp Mall, though. My sister loves that place. Thnak you for the pictures! They make me want to go. Lol, rindu la Sweet Valley! XD

Sarah said...

Julia the awesome booker, thanks for the comment! :D

Yes, dekat Amcorp Mall ade PayLess dgn Book Xcess. I tak pernah pergi tapi teringin nak pergi. :D

I pun rindu Sweet Valley! When I told my mum that I wanted to buy Sweet Valley books, she asked
'Aren't you a little old for Sweet Valley?'


ummu said...

sarah,,i'm so jealous!!!!
just yesterday i g kt bookstore kt kuantan ni...sgt x100000 la xbest....
do u take orders????

Sarah said...

Hey UMMU! Lama tak dengar cerita. Hehe.

Pegi bookstore mana kat Kuantan?
Popular? Popular is not that bad la. Haha. MDS tu yang bosan. Aku pegi bookstore kat sana beli stationeries aje. :D

Amik order? Ko nak buku apa? :P Haha. Janganla order sampai 10 buku. Teruk aku kena angkut dari Kedah datang Pahang 12 hours journey xD

ummu said...

haha...yup2...lme xdgr cte^^

mbs,popular...both xbest lgsg...*__*

so,r u serious ley take order ni???

Sarah said...

Yes, bolehla amik order. :)

But you're only going to get it on july next year. Haha. :P

Sebab aku nak balik UIA dah. So memang x pegi Penang. Lepas tu ada 2nd sem that takes about 4 months, lepas tu sem vacation baru ada time pegi Penang. And my sem vacation lasts for 3 months, from April to July :D

ummu said...


why don't you tell me sooner???


it's ok...hehe
klu cmtu,,i'll remind u again time u cti la...ok?????

Sarah said...

Ok. Sure, sure. :D

I'd be glad to help other fellow bookers. :)

ummu said...


Anonymous said...

Sangat bagus memang saya mungkin akan mendownloadnya. Terima kasih

vivi said...

I like going to chowrata market too ;PP didnt know they sell new books for rm20 though...

Sarah said...

Hello Ash Ketchum! :DD

Yeah, it's true! Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol for RM20. In mint condition. Wrapped and NEW! LOL. I sound like a book promoter here. ;P

Ustaz Azrai said...

Hm.. bila la kedai buku saya bk jadik camtu.. kene usaha lbih lgi camni!

Sarah said...

Oh, encik bukak kedai buku ke? Bagus2!

Buku-buku kena jual murah, baru orang nak beli dan baru boleh semaikan tabiat suka membaca.