
Sunday 12 December 2010

Becoming a Drug Dealer

Assalamualaikum and hello to all. :)

The agony is over. I've already checked my result for Semester 1 of Year 1 in Kulliyyah of Pharmacy. Alhamdulillah! Thank you Allah! :D

 It's not that excellent, and it's not too bad either. I'm going to maintain my GPA around that range and I'll try my best to increase it for the next semester. ^^

Speaking of  it, I really hope that each coming semester will be better better and better, with CGPA that is higher, higher and higher.

The second semester will commence tomorrow and I must say, the subjects for the semester are tougher as compared to the first semester. *gulp*

ORGANIC CHEMISTRY  (4 credit hours)
UNGS 2040K (3 credit hours)
STUDY CIRCLE 2 (0.5 credit hour)

Total: 20.5 credit hours! *faint* But I bet the kulliyyah will lower down the credit hours of one of the subjects above. We are not allowed to take more than 20 credit hours per semester.
Yeah, face it (this goes to me). Yeah, now you know it (this goes to you). Pharmacy students have the highest accumulation of credit hours and contact hours (per semester, per year, per graduation) out of all the courses offered in IIUM
Pharmacy is not a piece of cake *rolled eyes* It's a piece of raw, leathery, freshly slaughtered meat that you are forced to shove down your throat. *what kind of comparison is this?*
So, another 5 months to be spent in UIA Kuantan ( 16 weeks of lectures, 1 week, 2 weeks of revision period).
But along hardship, comes ease. Allah has promised that. :)
You know why?
The university knows that we had gone through a really difficult time during the 4 months period (Sakit fizikal, mental, emotional semua ada) and thus they do not allow us to take short semester and they insists that we should rest and take a really long vacation during the 2 months short semester period. Plus one month semester vacation after short semester, making it 3 months!
What, you don't understand. OKAYYY
2 months (short semester for other students from other courses) + 1 month (semester vacation after short semester) = 3 months of holidays for Pharmacy students.
Yeah, 3 months! AWESOME!!!
What makes it more AWESOME is that the government had decided to standardize the academic calendar for all universities in Malaysia. So, UIA is granting TWO more months of holidays to its (?) students!
3 months + 2 months (extra holiday due to standardization of holidays) = FIVE FREAKING MONTHS!!!
What? Masih tak faham ke? Makan kismis banyak-banyak lain kali.
Senang-senang tengok ni la...
Important Dates for Semester 2, 2010/2011
University Academic Calender 2010/2011
University Academic Calender 2011/2012

Credits to Jem


Apa ni, belum masuk new semester dah fikir pasal cuti? Like, who doesn't? :PP

For the next semester, my resolutions are ;

1. To study smart
2. To get to know my coursemates better
3. To spend more time with friends
4. To try something new
5. To get involved with outdoor activities
6. To meet new people
7. To enjoy my university life. :D
In a nutshell, I couldn't wait for the second semester to start and for it to be over. ;D
And I was elected to become the class representative for my batch (Rx9) next semester *faints*


fikah mus said...

wow, 20.5??

oh, congrats on being the class rep.
more responsibility i guess??

Sarah said...

Hai AFII!!! :D

Yeah, 20.5! Banyak, kan? Penatla sem ni. >___<

Class rep banyak kerja, banyak responsibility. But I like it though. :P

Good luck in your studies! Don't ever ever give up! ^^