
Thursday 23 December 2010

Just for the sake of updating :P

Assalamualaikum and hello to all :)

Yes, this is me. Hello again! (tak boleh blah)

I'm 'supposed' to update this blog by the end of this week. But right now, it seems that the internet connection is quite 'conducive' for blog updating (LOL),  and therefore, I shall update the blog.

 My 2nd week here in UIA Kuantan. My 2nd semester, yeah.
I love being in my compartment. :) Like I said before, the window of my compartment is facing the lush, green hill behind a.k.a hutan belantara berbukit bukau. It's the monsoon season now (musim tengkujuh, eh, betul ke?), and Kuantan is located in the eastern coast of Malaysia so everyday is a rainy day. And it's really cold. Like, seriously. I'm wearing a jacket as I typed this.

I'm currently imagining that I'm in Cameron Highlands, hahaha. Now that's a delightful and comforting thought, isn't it? :P

Last weekend, Hazie asked me out (LOL) to Gambang WaterPark together with her and some other friends. But my parents didn't allow me to go. I was a bit upset but oh well, we have to obey our parents' orders.  My mum said ' Kalau dengar cakap mak bapak selamat dunia akhirat'. :)
I went out to East Coast Mall to watch 'The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader' with Syidah instead.

I splurged about almost RM150 buying

1. Nodame Cantabile Live Action Drama ( I have one in hard disk, but I SO NEED the DVDs :P)
2. Nodame Cantabile Special Episodes 
3. Nodame Cantabile Movie Set Complete (I and II)
4. Nodame Cantabile Anime set 

:DD Don't tell my mum. Muahahahaha.

And I have 'successfully' finished reading Nodame Cantabile manga Chapter 1-23. Again, muahahahha *evil laughter*.

How's class? Lectures? So far, ALL my lecturers are foreigners

1. Pharmaceutical Microbiology : Dr Elamin (Sudan), Dr Khin Ma Ma (Myanmar)
2. Organic Chemistry : Dr. Qamar (India). He is charming and charismatic. I enjoyed his lectures. And thus, I'm starting to love Organic Chemistry. :)
3. Pharmaceutical Analysis: Dr. Mokhlesur (Pakistan, if I'm not mistaken). He's very generous when giving us marks and his quizzes are quite 'tolerable' and 'answerable' thus can give us more marks (if we study) yaay!
4. Biochemistry: Dr. May Khin Soe and Dr. Lwin (both from Myanmar). Dr. May is really nice. We haven't had any lectures with Dr. Lwin yet.
5. Islam: Knowledge and Civilization: Philosophical class which promotes us to think out of the box. Is there such thing as ghosts? HOHOHO

Pharmacology belum start lecture lagi sebab Dr. Razak dengan Dr. Wan Azizi baru balik dari Mekah.

Oh yeah, being a class rep equals to lots of works. That, plus having to tolerate with some of the classmates' +____+ behaviours. Let's leave that aside for a while. Hahaha.

Studying takes a lot of discipline. I was reading Audrey Niffenegger's 'Her Fearful Symmetry' just now. I mean, I was so engrossed with the novel that I was actually thinking of snuggling on my bed, reading it till it's finished (and maybe I'd end up sleeping). But no, I have to study Organic Chemistry for the quiz tomorrow so okay, I put the book aside and start studying. I mean, continue studying :P

I love Organic Chemistry and I don't want to make my lecturer (and myself, my mum) upset so I must try my best to score high marks for this subject.

And I'm alternating between writing my novel, reading 'Her Fearful Symmetry', reading 'Chronicles of Narnia 7 in 1', reading Jean Ure's 3 in 1, watching Nodame Cantabile anime, and studying. I did all these everyday. I hope this routine will continue till the end of the sem (especially the studying part). Haha. A bit of writing (expressing ideas and creativity), a bit of reading ( learning how to develop stories, learning sentence structures- thus helps in writing, cultivating imagination. Albert Einstein said that the true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination, take that, take that! :P),  a bit of entertainment (watching anime, of which I only watch when I'm eating and after studying- as a reward  give to myself for finally finished revising the entire chapter, haha) and of course, studying, which is my main priority.

Dr Qamar said 'Be sincere in learning, studying,'. That's what I'm doing now (or at least try to do). To be sincere in everything I do, to have faith in Allah and insya-Allah, with His Wills and Blessings, everything good will fall into place.

Well, that's all from me now. You might have this thought in your mind 'Ape ni budak ni esok quiz pun nak update blog. Ada hati nak dapat Dean's List' and I would say 'HAHAHAHAHAHAHA,'

Even the poor and the fools have the rights to dream. So can I. Hmmph!

Sayonara~~ and thanks for reading ^^


MellyNomNom said...

Pharmacology is FUN baby!!!! hehehe

Sarah said...

Yeah, baby! :P
I hope so!!! :DDD