
Thursday 27 September 2012

Naik pangkat.

Assalamualaikum and a very good afternoon to all. 

Caption oleh Fatin Kamarulzaman via FB: 27 September 2012. Boys at the front! Hari ini dalam sejarah. Yay!! Ps: sarah dekat belakang sekali weyh!! Haha

(well, not really. duduk row 2nd last -____-) 

Since 1st year (we had our classes at the auditorium) up till 2nd year and now the 3rd week of 1st semester of 3rd year, MY PLACE had always been there, 

FIRST ROW on your right, the 3rd seat.

I love sitting in front of the class, as it puts me into direct eye contact with the lecturers and it refrained me from falling asleep in class; sitting in front builds confidence within me, and it's really easy for me to ask questions during lectures.

But yesterday, on the 26th of September 2012, 3rd week of 1st semester of 3rd year, the batch leader had said

'Brothers have requested to sit in front. So, the first two rows on both right and left sides of the class will be reserved for the brothers'.

The reasons:
1. Brothers are supposed to be the leaders to women. 
Before this, the sisters were the ones who occupied and conquered the first 6 rows on the right and the first 5 rows on the left. Brothers semua duduk kat belakang. What to do? The unofficial 'system' had always been there since the 1st year. 1st year dulu bagi chance tak nak duduk depan. HUHU. 

2. To 'menjaga pandangan'.
I don't know what's with guys and their 'pandangans'. LOL. 

3. Brothers dah ada kesedaran nak membaiki diri dan to be a better man (better men)! (nyanyi lagu Robbie Williams) (my own opinion, LOL).
Of course la, dah 3rd year, mestilah ada kesedaran untuk jadi lebih baik supaya boleh menjadi bakal suami dan ayah yang mithali!

And so, sadly and reluctantly, I was forced to move to the not third, fourth nor fifth, but the SIXTH row!

The funny thing is that the next day (the day of which the 'system' commenced),  everyone (the sisters) tried their best to come early to class to reserve the 'frontest' place possible!
One of them includes yours truly. The class started at 9 a.m and I went out of my room at 8.30 am!

Upon reaching the class, I was dismayed that the 3rd, 4th and 5th rows are fully occupied!!!! NOOO!!!!

The sisters made a pact with the brothers. If they came any later than 5 minutes after the lectures had commenced, then the sisters will move to the 1st and 2nd rows.

Surprise, surprise!80% of the brothers came early (8.55 is early for them) to class and so, yes, their rights to take the front seats are justified.

Throughout the 3 hours classes, I was squirming uncomfortably at the back, not to mention, feeling rather sleepy but then, an amazing thing had happened.

I COULD ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND BETTER of what the lecturers had taught when I'm SITTING at the BACK as compared to when I was in front. ALHAMDULILLAH!!! 

I guess sitting behind with lots of obstructions (people's heads in front of me) and distractions (the sound of my other friends talking) actually exert positive effects on my concentration. 
My concentration power is levelled up as I tried my best to focus despite all those hurdles.

Another good thing of sitting at the back.


Nak menggeliat bila mengantuk, nak menguap luas2 (tapi tutup mulut), nak gelak, nak duduk dengan cara yang tidak keperempuanan, nak tengok handphone ( I tak tengok handphone), you nak makan nasi lemak, roti canai, hatta semuanya bolehlah (cuma jangan bising sampai distract kelas dan lecturer yang mengajar). 

I gotta admit, my movements were a bit restricted when I was sitting at the front. In front of me was the lecturer and there were BROTHERS at the back who could see what the sisters are doing at the front. So kena control behaviours, pergerakan semua tu la.

And as for the brothers, HAHAHA.

After the class, I asked one of my male classmates with syrupy sweet sarcastic manner. 

'Best tak duduk depan?' 

He laughed and said 'Rasa macam ada boundaries. Tak boleh nak menggeliat, etc'.

Hehe, see? 

My friend, Liyana who had been sitting at the back since 1st year (LOL) even commented,
'Budak-budak lelaki ni bila duduk belakang ramai yang tidur, kepala terlentok semua tu. 

But based on what I've observed, tak ada seorang pun yang tersengguk-sengguk kat depan tu!
Another classmate, Sharifah who was sitting right behind the brothers said that 'H**** tu tidur sebenarnya. Tapi dia pejam mata je'. LOL.

Conclusion: the brothers had shown more positive behaviours when they are sitting in the front rows as compared to the back rows.

I can't wait for Prof Noriah's class! Dia suka tanya orang duduk depan. :P 

So, Sarah. Whatever happened, it's for the best. Believe it!

This is the story of how a front bencher turned into one of the backbenchers. HAHA. 


Ani Arina said...

untunglah! kitorg punye brother, even da 4th year pon, xde nyer nk ddk dpn.. pernah sekali je kot, 2 pon sbb lecturer srh.. but honestly, I pernah try ddk at the back rows, tp seriously xley focus.. too much distraction! huhu..

Sarah said...

Untung??? NO WAY! I rugi okay sebab duduk belakang! Haha.

Never mind, ada hikmah di sebaliknya.

A classmate pernah cakap yg brothers kelas kitorang tercabar dengan brothers 2nd year. Hahaha. Tak tau la.

Dekna said...

hahaha...nice entry..
i pon baru nak cite. tpi malas nk menulis...kiki

share cite sarah je la..hee

Sarah said...

Haha, thanks for the comment, Zaty!

Zaty tulislah byk lagi.... :)