
Saturday 6 October 2012


I have this folder labelled 'Inspirations' in my laptop. 
Whenever I came across any inspiring or motivating photos, I'd save them into this folder. Sometimes I'd open this folder and browse through the pictures, pondering upon each word and relating them with the life I'm living now. And sometimes, I'd follow the suggestions and advices given in these photos! Hehe. 

I love number 4, because I love running.
Number 5 is undeniably true.
I practise number 6 whenever I met some girls I don't know on the way to the cafe. Greet them with a smile and salam, of course, for it is one of the beautiful teachings of Islam.

TRAVEL OFTEN! I'm planning to go to Indo-China (Vietnam, Cambodia) with my friends! Haha, PLANNING TO, kalau my parents bagi la, which is probably a 90% possibility that they won't. -___-.
That reminds me, I'm 22 this year. My mom got engaged when she was 21. It means she's matured enough to get engaged at that age. In a way, I'm matured enough (by one year older) to travel with my comrades in a foreign country! :P 

Plus, a primary school teacher who is usually around the age of 22-23 is entrusted by the students' parents to BRING the students to trips to KL, etc. LOL.

Maybe when I come home this mid break, I'd hold a discussion about 'Definition of maturity and your daughter is now 22' with my parents thus begging and persuading them to let me to on this trip. Worse come to the worst, my younger brother Syafiq can come to act as my 'chaperone'. Hehh.. >_<


I always hug my friends whenever they're feeling upset.  I always hug my female friends to show my gratitudes to them. 
I always hug my younger sister and my youngest brother, Haziq. We commented that Haziq is becoming taller everyday (duh! Growth spurt of a child) because we each hugged and kissed him every single hour. :P

Of course, in the future, I would make it a point to hug my children everyday. When they wake up in the morning, before they go to sleep, whenever I'm happy or pleased with them, whenever they're upset. Cehh, dah fikir pasal children. 

This is an awesome place to be in, an amazing place to study. This place reminds me of the settings in Jane Austen's novels, the particular scene in 'Pride and Prejudice 1995' where Mr.Darcy played by Colin Firth swim in the lake in front of his mansion. This place is so beautiful. So breathtaking.

I wish, and pray and hope to go to this place someday. Insya-Allah. I just have to start working hard from now. 

And of course, the Holy Quran, the mukjizat given by Allah to Prophet Muhammad s.a.w, the 101 lifeguide for the Muslims, for the mankind.
Just take a few minutes of your day to read the translation and ponder upon its meanings. You'll realize that there are bigger things in life, and that the world is huge, wide, whatever you call it, and that your own problems would be insignificant, they're just specks. of. dust.

Of course, the beautiful verses of the al-Quran are the love letters from Allah to His servants, whenever we read and recite the verses, we're actually saying the words of Allah.

When we're feeling upset, it's as though Allah assures us by saying 'Be patient my dear'. 

'So verily, when there's difficulty, there's relief'.
'Verily, when there's difficulty, there's relief'

(surah al-Insyirah verses 5-6)

Bear in mind that nothing in this world is permanent, and that includes the difficulties and the problems you're facing now.


With that, thank you for reading and may you have a great day! 


a said...

What a great feeling it is to wake up to a post like this one :p Humans always tend to complicate things around them which makes life harder to deal with. I loved the hugging part and the running part too. As for Holy Quran, there's no better way to start your day with it and end it with it as well, it brings so much serenity and relaxation.

Sarah said...

LOL Luna!!! :D

Yes, I prefer to be simple minded, even though people said that 'You have to think more, it shows that you're matured, yada- yada'.

Oh yes, that's a great idea! To start my day with the al-Quran and to end it with al-Quran as well.

You're soo lucky to be able to directly understand the Quranic verses without them being translated into English. I'm sure you'd find the verses so beautifully created and written. *sigh*. I really think that I should revise my basic Arabic and to learn MORE Arabic in the future, insya-Allah.

When you come here, we can run together! Haha.xD
Thanks for the comment, Luna! :)

a said...

yes, am blessed to be born an arabian and have the ability to understand the verses as they came, you can truly feel their greateness.
I promise i'll teach you some arabic when i come inchaa Allah and we'll do some running together too, it'll be so much fun xD

Sarah said...

Hahaha, okay, insya-Allah!

can't wait!!!! You're coming in January, right? :D

a said...

Am not sure, I should receive the new offer letter within these days I guess, the date will be on it xD So am still waiting :(

Sarah said...

Oh..nevertheless, I'll be waiting for you! ;)

a said...

ooooh :) thank you, this makes me even more eager to come :D