
Sunday 9 February 2014

Summer in Taiwan: Midnight Outing

Salaam. Sorry for the almost one month long of hiatus, LOL. The things that happened during this almost-one-month-of-hiatus are:
1. Inter-semester vacation
2. Beijing trip with my classmates of 4 years!
3. I have a new baby, which explains why my first-born aka the laptop of 6 years 'di-anaktirikan' , haha.

2nd child

4. Just got my exam results! I am happy!!! One step further towards becoming a researcher! Ameen!!!

Anyway, let's continue with this Summer in Taiwan series (I miss typing on a real keyboard!!! :/) 

After the Auction Night had ended (nothing special about this), we headed back to the hotel, supposedly to get some rest. But being the adventurous us (all 5 of us girls), we decided to take this opportunity to explore (kinda) the area around our hotel.

Well, it's too bad that it had already passed midnight and most of the shops had closed (99%) but anyway, we were craving for some adventures! 

Not good in taking pictures at night. I don't know how to set the light setting, bla bla bla (noob photographer, I am). You could see from the annoying details at the right hand corner of the picture that it was 12.51 am!!! MIDNIGHT!!! 

Another hotel

Yeah, it was this dark!~

And funnily, there was a university located along the street, haha. 

The only shop that was opened 24/7 was/is the good old 7/11, haha. There were an abundance of 7-Elevens in Taipei, each one located at quite a close distance with the next one. 

Oh, these were my absolute favourites when I was in Taipei. Banana Milk (can't find it in Malaysia, insya Allah, Halal) and a Vegetarian onigiri. Hehe. 

They even have sitting places for us to devour our foods, just like those in the Japanese dramas! 

Hygiene freak. Which is a good thing. The chopsticks and straws were wrapped. 

Vegetarian noodles. We met this Malaysia Airlines Pilot at our hotel (a Malaysian Malay) and he gave us info on which food is halal, and which is not. 

So, basically, that's it! And oh, we were supposed to walk back to our hotel but....we spotted a big black dog guarding its master's (?) shop, as we were about to go there, the dog barked at us and was ready to attack us. It was a 90% possibility. And you know what we did? We took a taxi back to our hotel, and it was like less than 100m away! pfftt! And we were being charged extra dollars because it was past midnight. So much for an adventure, huh? Tsk Tsk.

Okay, moving on to the next post. I gotta do this fast, or else I'd procrastinate! Hahaha 

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