
Saturday 17 January 2015

Nightmare Before PRP

With her creepy eyes staring intently at me, Sally said 'Sarah, go and study!' I woke up abruptly as I heard her voice. Upon looking at my horrified expression, her mouth slowly curved into a peculiarly freaky smile and she silently cackled. 

Nothing is scarier than having Sally Skellington as your studying partner. XD

I wish I had bought more pens like this. They are so cute! >___<

Okay, so what's cookin'?
I still haven't received my official posting letter yet. Called the office yesterday and they said that we can only report for our duty when we got the posting letter. ZzzZzzz...
Ahad cuti. Sultan Kedah's Birthday. So, we might get it on Monday? Monday is supposed to be the first day to lapor diri but never mind, let's just report for duty on Tuesday...LOL. 

I had finished all the tasks required for lapor diri like undergoing medical check-up, akuan sumpah at the mahkamah and other stuffs. 

Now I have 2 things left to attend to. 
1. To pack up my stuffs-baju kurung and such. 
2. To start studying. 

I had only started studying last night, after more than 6 months of graduating, haha. 
I guess I had some of the stuffs figured out. I don't exactly 100% remember everything, but the things that I had studied for are at least enough (in my opinion) to prevent me from getting panic attacks and to be entirely clueless when I start working.

I decided to plan my revision/study according to what are required in the logbooks. I had covered 6 logbooks so far (like I said, I don't memorize EVERYTHING about them and besides the seniors said that you mainly gain knowledge through hands-on experiences) and I think I had gotten a general idea about each department. Let's see.. hmm...

As for today, I have to study on the counselling for medications like anti diabetics, antihypertensives, antiasthmatics, anti retrovirals, anticoagulant; those are the main stuffs and others (psychiatry, renal). 

Here's the PRP training schedule. 52 weeks! 52 weeks! 

Oh wait, some of you might not know what does PRP stands for? 
PRP stands for Provisionally Registered Pharmacist. It's like the Houseman version of medical doctors, only that we're required to undergo one year of training, as opposed to 2 years for them housemen. 

Throughout the 52 weeks /1 year, we will undergo rotations to different departments (9 main departments) and we have to complete the logbook for each department (9 logbooks) and achieve a minimum of 60% marks for each logbook to pass each department. Why 60% eh? Why not 50%, like the usual passing marks? Oh, I don't really know but I think it's because 50% is just atas pagar, cukup-cukup je and KKM wouldn't want to produce 'cukup-cukup makan' pharmacists, am I right? Haha memandai je. 

Other than completing the logbook, we also have to sit for the Forensic Law Exam, held thrice a year (in March, June and November-you can choose to take the exam in any of these 3 months) for us to proceed to FRP and get our license. 

So, after sending our logbooks and passing our Forensic Law Exam, that marks the end of the PRP! (Can't wait for this glorious moment)! And then, we will become FRP! (Which stands for Fully Registered Pharmacist-the Medical Officer (M.O) version for pharmacists). 

I hope I could blog at least once a week during the PRP training. 
I hope I can pass my PRP and proceed to FRP.
I hope that all my patients will be healthy, safe, sihat walafiat. Ameen. 
I hope I will be spared from the emotional and physical torments (exhaustion) , which is unlikely. huhuu..never mind, pain is gain. But it's  a whole lot better to gain without having to experience the pain right? hahaha. 

Please pray for me and my friends, and the Angels will pray for you. Hehe. 

That's all from me. Adieu and wassalam. 

EDIT: Di saat baru nak bergembira ingatkan hari Isnin ni tak kerja, posmen pulak datang bagi Surat Cinta. Just arrived. Siap guna pos laju lagi! Begitu gigihnya KKM! 

Moh le lapor diri hari senin ni.... Dx

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