
Sunday 14 August 2016

Mixed up and Mashed up

In 2011, when Pottermore was introduced to the world, I got sorted into Ravenclaw. I was disappointed at first, as my preference back then was Gryffindor. 

But over the years, as I began to learn about my own traits and personalities, I began to discover more about myself and that I realized that I am indeed, more of a Ravenclaw than a Gryffindor. I identified with most of the traits of a Ravenclaw, as written in many articles and blogs that discussed the traits of the four houses of Hogwarts. 

5 years later, I decided to retake the sorting hat test to see whether I am still a Ravenclaw or whether my personalities changed over the years leading to the change in my Hogwarts House. 

And aha, I got Slytherin! Freaking Slytherin. I was dissatisfied. I know that Slytherins are those mostly ambitious lots who  craved for power and greatness. Even though I had to accept this bitter news, deep inside me, I know that it's true. I had grown ambitious over the years and after witnessing many bad things and injustice that happened around me and around the world, I feel so helpless, wishing that I have the power to change the world. 

I wasn't satisfied. I logged in with another email and I got, guess what? a Gryffindor. WHAT? Instead of being happy that I got sorted into a house that I initially have preference to, I felt sad to know that my 'Ravenclaw' personality is slowly slipping away from me, or is it not?

I finally did my third Sorting Hat test and got sorted to Ravenclaw pheww. 

But anyway, I guess my true traits lie somewhere between Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Wisdom and power if combined, could really make huge differences to this world, isn't it?

Anddd... JK Rowling had written about a new Magic School located in North America. The Ilvermony School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 

I answered the questions and got sorted into Thorned Serpent. And I was disappointed. I really thought that I was a Slytherin through and through. Until I learned that Thorned Serpent has more of the characteristics of a Ravenclaw. Or that it combines the traits of both Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Well, that makes me satisfied.

Until I decided to log in to my old and first Hogwarts House- Ravenclaw and took the Ilvermony sorting test again. 
I got sorted into Thunderbird, which 'Represents the Soul' and 'Favours Adventures'. What, now I'm more like a Gryffindor now? Perhaps my current mood affected the result of this test. I am feeling rather homesick and rather sick of staying in this place. I want to go home. I need to escape. LOL. 

So, in conclusion, my personality is made up of 3 Hogwarts Houses combined which equal to 2 Ilvermony Houses. 

I am a Ravenclaw, a Slytherin and a Gryffindor. 
I am a Thorned Serpent and a Thunderbird. 

Based on the major traits of these houses, I am supposed to be someone intelligent, ambitious and adventurous. Well, I guess it's okay. Gotta live up to these traits I guess. Hahaha.

And five minutes later....

I took another Ilvermony quiz and I got sorted into Pukwudgie. Represents Heart. Favours Healers. LAUGH OUT LOUD.


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