
Friday 14 May 2010

Aminulrasyid Amzah Vs Police and Sarah vs Weird woman

My mum asked me to write this in my 'Facebook or whatever' instead of  to keep on expressing my dissatisfaction towards 'that thing' VERBALLY. Well, here it goes. 

My mum asked me to send my sis to her tuition place, which is located at a few kilometres from my house. So I sent her there. All went smoothly UNTIL.....

Okay, I turned/navigated the car to the left to 'U-turn'. And one impatient car suddenly speed-ed in front of me, which resulted to me almost hitting her car, of which, I DID NOT. Okay fine, I know my mistake. She too, should know that I'm just a probationary driver with the 'P' sticker at the back of the car. I did NOT hit her car! If I did, I would have heard some scratching sound and a BAM! sound upon contact with that car of HERS. Yes, HER. Not him. Only women would be emotional (cakap pasal diri sendiri).

 In a way, I do admit that it's PARTLY my mistake. The faults shouldn't be placed entirely on me. I know my mistake, and so I went off just like some inconsideratedriversyouseespeedingoffonthe highwaythoughyou'rebloodyangrywithhimbutyoudon'thaveanychoicebuttolether/himgoandcursingandmutteringinthecar,blabbing,cursingagain.

Well, what do you expect? Do you need to follow that inconsiderate driver to her house, DEMANDING a measly apology?

YES! That's what she just DID! I am 90 % sure that I didn't hit her car and then she went off chasing me like a lunatic driver, following me to my house, which made me 90% sure that I had hit her car. Initially, she was going to the opposite direction. After that almost-accident incident, I looked at the rear mirror and heaved a sigh of relief, making a mental note NOT to ever do that again! Then suddenly she sped off, FOLLOWING ME! Dahla laju pulak tu!

I didn't stop. It's my fault. Who asked me not to stop? But then maybe, I made quite a wise decision of not stopping and just straight away letting her followed me to my house. She kept on honking her car at me!
Then, I stopped in front of my house. She stopped. She went out from her car. Her face all angry. I went out, looking at her for a moment, waving my hand, saying I'm sorry and went inside the house. And she asked angrily 'Hah, nak pegi mana tu?'

Excuse me, it's my HOUSE! Do you expect me to stop at some stranger's house and went in? It's my house la, woman, even if you want a compensation for the so-called damage I've done to your not-a-BMW-nor-is-it-a-mercedes-car-but-instead-it's-just-a-measlyMYVI you can just come to my house.

I said to her 'Sorry, saya nak jumpa mak saya!'
My mum opened the door, let me in and I said 'I hit somebody's car! She's outside!' and I went inside, hiding like a coward. My mum put on her tudung and went outside. 

Then she talked to that lady.Oh wait, WEIRD WOMAN. I'm expecting the woman to demand a compensation or what. Then my mum went inside, saying 'No la, you didn't hit her car,'
I was flabbergasted. Now why the heck did she follow me back to my house, behaving like some psycho lunatic?

My mum said that she just wanted me to stop and thus 'advising me on the right and correct way to drive as I'm stilla probationary driver'. I got sick when I heard this.Who does she think she is? JPJ people? Driving instructor?

I asked my mum 'Would you or Abah went on chasing some drivers back to their houses when there's no damage done to your cars? Only weird people would do that,'

I was so FURIOUS with that WEIRD WOMAN. Still am furious. My mum calmly said 'She just wanted to talk to you nicely, bagi nasihat, all that,'
Oh really? As if she would talk to me 'nicely' .She would have 'marah-marah me instead!Like, seriously, kan?? I can read the personalities and behaviours of weird people who come chasing some inconsiderate drivers to their houses. They are not very patient! Those weird people, I mean.

And my mum said 'Next time, when the same situation occurred, stop,'

I asked back lamely 'What if that person's a guy? It will be dangerous!'

'Don't get out from the car. Just say 'Aunty, I'm really sorry,' and just let her babbled and scold you absent-mindedly on what she has to say,'
My mum is a very calm person. I am not like her. I am still growing. She's a matured lady. I am not. She is a well-behaved adult, whereas I am an immatured-childish-infantile teenager (I'm still 19!) who doesn't know how to handle such measly problems.

Okay, I'm slowly letting it go now. It really infuriates me to think that she FOLLOWED ME all the way home just to DEMAND an apology when there's NO DAMAGE DONE?! I repeat, her car is OK! No dents, no scratch, no whatever! 

Now I know who's the one who is NOT MATURED. Even adults do not behave like adults. That's a FACT. I bet she is furious for not being able to scold me right onto my face. HAHAHA.

And thinking back, I couldn't help but to correlate the situation that happened to 15-year-old Arwah Aminulrasyid Amzah, who drove his mum's car at the wee hours of the morning. Saw a road block and sped off to the opposite direction while the police chased him and later, shot him.

Now I know how he must have felt. He must have been very scared while he was inside the car, the police chasing after him. I was very scared too, with that woman chasing after me.
He did not stop. Me too. I did not stop. He wanted to escape from his problems. Me too. I wanted to escape. That shows that he is not matured (of course, he's just FIFTEEN!). I am still not matured, running away from problems (in that case, that weird woman). I should have just faced her like a matured adult. I learned my lesson. Next time, stop. Don't panic. Be extra extra careful when driving the car.

And I bet, in fact, I'm 100% sure that Arwah Aminulrasyid must have learned his lesson to NEVER ever secretly used his mum's car when the police chased after him. I'm sure that he will not do the same thing ever again if he is still alive. But too bad, the police shot him. 

I'm grateful though. That it's the WEIRD WOMAN who chased after me for some small reasons and not some police. And I am grateful that I am still alive. At least I learned some lessons and know how to behave and react the next time around (of which I don't ever want to encounter again). I feel sorry for arwah. He is still fifteen. He is not matured. He could have learned ONE valuable lesson on that fateful night (morning) if he could have just stopped, and thus not being shot to death by the police.

I should stop running away from problem. I never did, this is the first time I ever ran from a problem. Or that problem will come chasing after you (that weird woman). Instead, I should just face the problem (that weird woman), and after that woman had finished her lectures-on-how-to-become-an-excellent-responsible-matured-driver-just-like-her, I could just go home, smiling proudly for I have tackled that problem just like how an adult should do. 

I do not blame the police. I do not blame Aminulrasyid either. It's just, things happened... It has been destined.

I will still drive. That measly problem will not affect me nor will it leaves a scar on me. It will be a constant reminder to me whenever I drive. And that will make me be extra careful and calm instead of being panic-stricken girl I've always been.

After all, life is a series of lessons. You learned about the mechanism of heart beats or whatever from Biology Class, you learned Calculus from maths Class. You learned about life from itself.

Thank you Allah. Thank you Mum. Err..thank you, weird woman. And sorry. 
Another lesson learned: Patience. Sabar itu separuh daripada iman. 


Anonymous said...

crita yg mnarik lah,pelik gle,aphal ppuan 2?eh,aphal mak cik 2 ikt smpai umh?mcm nk bg,lbh2..ini mmg pe-lik!

Dasuki D5T7 said...

mesti dh cuak gila kan masa tgh escape tu..

Sarah said...

@Wan:Cerita yang menarik? Thanks! :P
Entah la dia, lain kali sy drive sampai masuk highway terus pegi KL baru tau. Nak ikut orang sangat. >__<

@Norman. Memang cuak sangat. Dia speed, aku pun speed. Dhla waktu tu ada org jogging kat depan. Aku siap hon lagi kat org tu suruh pergi ke tepi takut terlanggar. Mcm stalker je makcik tu.

fikah mus said...

giving advice??
like, yeah..

DIYSAR said...

nak bagi nasihat smpai ligan blikumah...fuuuuuh menakutkan

Lisa said...

huyoo. thank goodness i take public transports. heh.

kina ;) said...

Lain macam je mak cik tu. Depan mak kau bukan main baik lagi..?
Tapi aku bleh imagine muka kau yg gelabah masa lari dari mak cik tu..Hehehe..Nasib baik semua ok.. ^^

Sarah said...

@Afi: yeah, you're right. As if! *rolled eyes*

@Norman: Memang menakutkan pun.

@Liz: You're lucky KL byk public transports.I LOVE public transports. But here, takkanla nk hantar adik tuition yg jarak dia tak sampai 5 km pun nak naik teksi? XD

@Kiki: Hipokrit, kan? Waktu dia kejar aku tu fikiran aku terbayang mcm cerita kat TV. Orang jahat speed, lepas tu berhentikan kereta dia depan kereta aku, sbb nk halang, huhu.
Tulah, yg paling risau kalau terlanggar org yg jogging tu. XD

Dasuki D5T7 said...

aku pernah gak kena kejar dulu,
ada bro ni kejar naek perdana sampai pasar malam, haha..
sebbnya- membe aku potong dia ngan kelisa..what the heck!
very immature kan, kita xpela, kecik lagi..haha..

Sarah said...

Whoa, lagi menakutkan. Psiko. Nasib baik korang lelaki.

Su'ai Ysff (onyx_myc1510) said...

yea me too...
penah jugak...
dgn macik motor..
yes, it's totally my fault...
im soooo wrong...
and i didnt stop too since i know she's ok..
she chased me to the very next traffic light. knocking on my window..
but,, duh~
yeah i said sorry and
she said blablablablabla

Sarah said...

@Su'ai. Menakutkanla makcik tu. Huhu. Glad to know that I'm not the only one who experienced this though. :D

Unknown said...

tol ke sarah yg pasal arwah tu? i feel sorry for him.. aq bwak keter slalu gak kne hon..haish, dah abes lsen P pon same je..haha.. nk bw kete sndri g KL lagi la jgn arap.. kim slm je.. hahaa.. but da moment ko kne follow siries mnakotkan!!hoho

Sarah said...

Paie tu ko kan Fai? Jenuh aku cari kat post mana ko comment. XD

Ko cuba baca surat khabar pasal Aminulrasyid Amzah tu. ish ish ish. :P
Aku pun, dah habis lesen P pun mcm budak yg baru nk amek lesen. Huhu. Aku kena atasi ketakutan aku.
Memang menakutkan. Tapi dh berapa minggu dah, makcik tu dh lupa kot, harap2 gitu la. haha. :P