slm n dear sarah, since i dunno your email, im writing to u here. Can u tell me more about pottermore, wait no, tell me how to join. as specific as u can. macam bes lak pottermore ni.
From 31st july till 6th august, go to to solve the clue and thus you can register and get early access to pottermore.
Clues are based on all harry potter books. Day 1, based on book 1, day 2, book 2 and so forth.
But the places are limited so you have to stay in front of the laptop and keep on refreshing the page till they finally reveal the clue. There are specific time zone (read in pottermore website)
But this is only for the early access. Pottermore will be opened to public (everyone) this october.Kalau malas nk tunggu clue early access tu, tunggu sampai october je.
awesome! lawa sgt pic tu...
thanks for the lovely wish, as lovely as u r, may one day we meet and have our own memories...
Thank you Kak Hanis!Camera biasa je. Haha.
Yes, I hope someday we'll meet by the wills of Allah. :)
slm n dear sarah, since i dunno your email, im writing to u here. Can u tell me more about pottermore, wait no, tell me how to join. as specific as u can. macam bes lak pottermore ni.
From 31st july till 6th august, go to to solve the clue and thus you can register and get early access to pottermore.
Clues are based on all harry potter books. Day 1, based on book 1, day 2, book 2 and so forth.
But the places are limited so you have to stay in front of the laptop and keep on refreshing the page till they finally reveal the clue. There are specific time zone (read in pottermore website)
But this is only for the early access. Pottermore will be opened to public (everyone) this october.Kalau malas nk tunggu clue early access tu, tunggu sampai october je.
For more info, bukak
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