
Tuesday 16 August 2011

Almost kidnapped

My mom told me that when I was 3 (1993), I was almost kidnapped by a man. Well, a strange man. A stranger. 

My parents brought me to the pasar malam and suddenly while in the midst of buying stuffs or something ( I dunno), my mom realized that I wasn't with her. They looked frantically all over the pasar malam for me. My mom was extremely worried.

Luckily, my dad spotted me walking with a man.  He was holding my hand and seemed oblivious to the surrounding. He wasn't even looking anywhere else. Only straight ahead. You know, to at least try to locate the little girl's parents.

I wonder what might have happened to me if my father didn't find me. *shudder*

Here are the probabilities:

1.  He (stranger) might sell me to some sort of gangster group where I'll be forced to beg for money and food on the streets. They might even chop off my limbs to show that I'm not an able person, to gain sympathy from people.

2. Get sold to another gangster group where they would kill me and took out my body organs to be sold in black market.

3. They might torture me like they did with Nurin Jazlin and other missing kids. *shudder again*. Stupid pedophiles!

4. Sell me to those filthy rich people who do not have any child and I'll be pampered with lots of toys. :P

5. Maybe when I reached my teenage years, they might sell me to Bapak Ayam whomsoever and work as a prostitute. NOO!!!! I pity those prostitutes. You think they would want to become one? They are forced to, okay! 

6. Got adopted by the head gangster and being raised as his own child. This might be due to the fact that his wife had taken a great liking towards me because I was so cute *cough cough* and that his wife once suffered from ovarian cancer and could not conceive any child. The head gangster, though tough and mean, loves his wife so much that he relented on the idea that I'll be his adopted daughter. His future plans include having me to inherit his position as head gangster. MUAHAHAHAHA

I'm so glad my father found me. I'm so grateful that Allah helps me. Alhamdulillah. 

P.S Sila tengok Kasih Alia,  Isnin hingga Khamis 7 malam hanya di TV3. LOL. Cerita dia lebih kurang sama. Hilang kat pasar malam, kena culik, kena mintak sedekah, kena ambik organ badan, etc. Okay tapi sekarang diorang dah besar. =___=


mariam xD said...

haha! Sarah, the head gangster xD

Sarah said...

Haha. Well, it could have happened. :P

Anonymous said...

lbih kurang la sy by maid...hohhohooho

Sarah said...

Oh my. Rai. Maid lagi scary lah! Sebab dia bukan orang asing. Orang yg parents percayai untuk jaga anak-anak diorang. O__o

Anonymous said...

tau dgr mak sy cerita pun takut...alhamdulillah sy semat diselamatkan..hohohoho...lepas tu parents sy mmg x amek maid dah

NuHa said...

dah agak dah ni gara-gara tgk cite tu..klaka la tp still scary...
mintak dijauhkan

Sarah said...

Tu lah, siapa suruh Rai cute sangat. Kan dah kena kidnap. LOL. Ok, joking2. Alhamdulillah. Kalau x, tak kenal Rai dah.

Kak Kimah pun tengok Kasih Alia? Hehe. Yes, scary. Huhu.

Dekna said...

haha..asal i bru jmpe post ni..adehh

kelakar la..hii


Sarah said...

Hey, baru teringat nak balas comment Zaty. Hahaha. So now we're even. :D