
Friday 3 July 2009

The GREEEEAAAAATTTTTEEESSSSTTT Day so far for this semester.

Today has been the GREEEAAAATTTTEEESSSTTT day of my life.
Class from 10-11 a.m. Bio 3
Class from 2-6.
2-4 pm. Maths 2. Madam gave us some past semester questions and oh boy, those questions WERE HORRIBLE!
It was like, I could only answer half of the given questions. Hey, it's not only me, OK! Those si pandai in the class too, couldn't answer ALL of the questions.
I know, coz when Madam asked anyone of us to volunteer to show the workings of those HARD questions, NO ONE budged from their seats. NO ONE, SERIOUSLY!
And Madam had finally relented on it and showed the workings herself on the whiteboard. Since NO ONE volunteered. Even those si pandai in my class.

My friends and I on the other hand, kept on whining on how hard those questions were Fizah and Syau kept on saying ' NAK BALIK RUMAH!' and Husna kept on whining ' Ibu, TOLONG!'. Hahahaha.
I can't afford to think of any single formula anymore and this resulted in me behaving in lunatic behaviours. The condition Syau called ' Trigo effects'. Haha.
Then, Chemistry. Madam gave us a LOVELY surprise saying that we must submit the other half of the tutorial TOMORROW. She had just given the tutorial questions YESTERDAY!
It's like this. Madam had made a mistake by not photocopying the other side of the tutorial paper. So, we dunno about the other half of the questions. And we are required to submit the tutorial TOMORROW before 4 pm.
And we are also required to submit the MATH ASSIGNMENT on the SAME DAY!

Biology on the other hand, was rather fun. But Madam kept on pointing towards me EVERYTIME she asked any sort of questions in the class. Okay, recapping
" Ada sapa-sapa tahu?"
And off she called some people's names randomly.
" Syed? Taufik? Syafiq? Blablabla" and when none of the brothers could give the PERFECT answer, she will call the sisters.
" Sisters?" I lowered down my head. ANDDDD....
Yessss.... She called me Syahirah! 'Aina Nurliyana punya pasal la ni. Hahaha.
Oh no. Dah agak dah. And off I went, babbling like mad. But hey, at least my answers are correct, OK.
Haha, I don't mind though. Huhu. But it's rather unfair to other students. Coz Madam keeps on calling the names of the SAME people in every Biology lessons. Haha.
And she called Sharifah Nurul Ain ' Kak Pah' ! LOL.

And so here I am, feeling nausea due to the overdosage of Organic Chemistry and Trigonometry.
And now I'm going to Husna's room. Gotta finish the whole things tonight. Oh help me, I think I'm gonna vomit.


Mimbar Jiwa said...

salam. sorry for not directly relpying those comment coz im not actually seating in front of pc 24-hrs k.hu3, juz kidding. emm.. how could u recognise me then? i didnt even put my full name in my blog i think. emm.. you too. very interesting blog! thnks anyway

Sarah said...

Such dry, sarcastic sense of humour you got there. :P

Oh yes,the method is called blog hopping. I saw your name and other people's names in the link list of another person's blog I've been visiting . :)

I've been blogging for 2 years already and I couldn't resist blogging.It's good to polish up yr writing skills anyway. And I DO NOT sit in front of the PC 24/7 either. :P

Yes, thank you too.

Lisa said...

since learning trigo in sem 2,
yes me too is suffering from them trigo effects.

not a good thing, darn it.

Sarah said...

Yeah, a new disease. Trigo effects. Hehehehe...