
Saturday 8 January 2011

I saw a cat with green glowing eyes at 12.00 a.m

 Assalamualaikum and hello to all :)

So, yesterday had been a rather productive day. Class at 8 till 1, had Organic Chemistry quiz, went back to room, had lunch + watching Princess and the Frog, hand washed clothes, then washing machine-d the clothes, hung the clothes dry, bought dinner then get ready for meeting at night.

When I was in class, I received a message from the PIC of Muslim Scholar programme of CAMPRO (Campus Dakwah Programme). He invited me to become the MC for the programme this Sunday. Then I said, okay, why not? It is rather fulfilling to do that rather than curling on my bed until 10 a.m (biasalah, orang bujang :P). And thus, I was required to go for the meeting at 8.00 p.m. Then postponed to 9.30 a.m.  And then I received a message from Kak Nisah, requiring me to go for the Ladies Night meeting at KOM (I'm going to be the MC for Ladies Night too). Arghh.. KOM JAUHH!!!  I slept for about 15 minutes only (after Isyak) then I woke up, got ready and the PIC sent a message (Meeting dibuat selepas Kuliah di KOM habis). Grrr.

Then I decided to go to KOM for the Ladies' Night meeting first. I thought the Kuliah Maghrib would end up at 10 or something. And so I walked ALONE from Mahallah Maimunah to Kulliyyah of Medicine, passing through the Principal's 'reputedly haunted' bungalow surrounded by the trees and dense, monkeys-infested jungle. I was a bit scared (No, actually I told myself to be scared. I was a drama queen so I would express anything dramatically). It was quite dark. Then I recited 'Ayat Qursi' out loud. I'm sure if there were any human beings present nearby, they would have laughed at me.

I had my umbrella as a weapon and I clutched it tight. And so I walked for hundreds of kilometers to KOM and whaddaheck, so many guys there! The kuliah is over! Then I walked into the IIUM Mosque and began the meeting with Kak Nisah and the rest of the Ladies' Night committees. 

And walla! The PIC for Muslim Scholar called me after 5 minutes reaching in KOM, asking me to go to their meeting NOW in CF Brother. And so I have to walked again by myself for hundreds of kilometres back from KOM to the Mahallah. And as I reached there, panting, the PM introduced me 'This is our MC' and everyone nodded and smiled.

I studied the Master Plan of the event and thus I have to make my own MC text. Then,it was over. And so, I have to return back to KOM, walking again for hundreds of kilometres there and went on with the meeting for Ladies' Cultural Night. I'm required to make my own text too. But it's more like an impromptu. Rather than to boringly follow the text just like a normal MC in a formal event would do, my job is more like a host, so I must present a jovial disposition instead of being stiff. Oh yeah.

Then, the meeting ended at about 12.00 a.m Went back to Mahallah (walking hundreds of kilometers again) and I saw an orange cat (GARFIELD) with green glowing eyes. It was not visible at first. I thought I was hallucinating or something. HAHA. But then, it glowed TWICE. GREEN! I reached into my room, switched on the laptop(LOL) and then sleep at about 1.00 a.m 

In summary, I will become the MC for two events
-Muslim Scholar Programme
-Ladies' Night

I had a bad experience last semester where I literally screwed up a national event, in front of hundreds of audiences. Why is that so? I couldn't focus due to the high fever I suddenly contracted. I couldn't even stand on the stage (due to fever). Never mind, Allah is great. I believe everything that happened has its own blessings and benefits. The guy from CAMPRO said that someone from Kulliyyah of Pharmacy gave him a list of names of those who are qualified to become MC and he had chosen me to become one. I never thought that I was included in the 'List of MC names' before. 

I will pray for Allah's guidance and I hope that everything will go smoothly (My emcee-ing, especially) and I would want to show my truest capability and to banish the defeat I encountered last semester forever! (I'm such a drama queen, I know). The best thing of becoming an MC is, you're gonna get certificates! I wish they would write 'Master/Mistress of Ceremony or M.C' instead of committee of bla bla bla. Never mind, I'm going to tell Anith to do that! It will be great for my portfolio. LOL.

Seriously, you're still reading this? I'm amazed! Then you are truly one great and attentive reader! :)

I'm hungry. I need to buy lunch now. Bye!


Hanis MY said...

hebat tu jadi MC, i always wanted to be one but nobody picked me muka akak ni takde bakat agaknya hehe... ganbatte ne...wuhuu scary la tang meow2 with glowing eyes tu tahkuttt

Sarah said...

Tak hebat pun. M.C event biasa2 je. Hahaha.
Oh, kalau akak nk jadi MC mula2 kena volunteerkan diri dulu. Sbb nanti lama2 orang kenal. Lepas tu baru diorang invite jd MC utk event lain.

Comelnya kak Hanis sebut 'meow2'! xD
Kucing tu comel, tu sebab Sarah tak takut. :D

Thanks for the comment!