
Monday 13 February 2012


My height is acceptable. LOL.
The same goes with my weight.
My BMI is normal.
Visceral fat percentage is normal too.

But the thing is, I love to EAT.
Just give me all kinds of foods, I'll gobble them up like Augustus Gloop.
Okay, let me paraphrase the sentence I love to EAT. Fast foods, particularly. KFC, Pizza Hut. McDonald's tak, sebab boycott. LOL. 
But I don't exercise. I hate exercising. 

And so, I'm scared of getting high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis, all kinds of heart diseases. Diabetes mellitus, etc. 

Also, I think I'm getting fat! *grumpy*. 

Look at me, only 21 and yet thinking about health (this is a cynical remark, not a self-compliment).
It shows that I'm growing up and becoming an adult! *gasp*.
Believe it or not, one of the signs of adulthood is when you started being concerned about your health, and taking action such as dieting (to avoid unnecessary fats accumulating in my heart, vessels and other parts) and also exercising (if you don't exercise and just keep on dieting, do you expect the 'beloved' fats that you  currently possess will miraculously disappear? Okay fine, only if you're severely anorexic but we don't want to be like Nicole Richie or Kate Moss, even Victoria Beckham, don't we?)
The principle is preventing something from entering and throwing something out. Well, something like that. *shrug*

So, I decided to change.
So far, things are going OK.

My first principle is: EAT only when you really feel hungry.
For breakfast, I only drink a hot mug of Milo, which is enough to last up till 1.00 p.m, where I'll take brunch of a polystyrene full of rice (carbohydrate) with the gravy (oil/fat) filled to the brim that if you carry it in a plastic, the gravy will spill out. A large fish (protein) and also, vegetables. Maximum price if you buy it at Cafe Lot 4 Talhah =RM4.00.

When I eat, I will munch it slowly, bit by bit, grinding each food into fine particles (? haha) so that my stomach and intestine could digest them easier, easier for absorption as well. :P Also to avoid indigestion. Doing this is a kind of exercise for your mouth, burning up the unnecessary fats that made up your double chin and round cheeks. (I hope! xD), also it makes you feel satiated (kenyang) at a short time. So, no need to eat more. Save money, yaay!!!

After that, I'll take a tablet of  Vitamin C (I always experience cold so it helps to boost my immunity plus, more radiant skin! :P) and a tablet of Vitamin ACE (anti-oxidants). You could also take other multivitamins but not too much. Real foods always beat the artificial. Taste better, too. 

I drink a maximum of 1.8L water per day. Know how I do it?
Take a water bottle of 600ml capacity. Fill it. 
1. Drink the first 600 ml in the morning. Fill it.
2. Drink the second 600 ml in the afternoon. Fill it.
3. Drink the third 600 ml at night.

Of course, you don't have to gulp all 600 ml water in one go. Take it slowly.

At around 6.30 p.m, I went jogging with my friend at the dirty, polluted lake in front of the mahallah. I made 7 rounds just now. Yaay! Bear in mind that this effort has to be continuous. At least jog once a week if you're too busy during the weekdays. 

At night, I feel a bit hungry but not exactly starving. I shall not succumb to the will of my stomach. Rather, I regard it as a lust towards food. You're not actually hungry, do ya? Pfftt..

Instead, I drink Milo. I drink water. Sometimes, your stomach cheated on you. You think you're craving for food when actually, your stomach yearns to be filled with something. Water, perhaps? Water is good.

I want to keep up with this kind of lifestyle. I don't want to get hypertension (my late grandma had one) and any other diseases resulted from sedentary lifestyles!

But I'm going to add something.
QUAKER OAT! Or just plain oatmeal. 
I'm gonna eat it in the morning as breakfast.
At night, when I could not bear the hunger and lust for food, LOL,
Tadaa! OAT is the solution!

Why oat? After extensive research and evidences, Oat had been proven to reduce the cholestrol of your heart  , the bad low density lipoprotein. Believe me, this claim is 100% valid because according to my lecturer, "For a medical claim to be made towards a particular food product, there need to be supporting proofs and evidences". And yes, extensive research. Also because I take nutraceutical this semester. A subject that deals with nutrition and pharmaceutical. Foods that could give health benefits.

Gotta get Oatmeal pronto!!! 

With that, thank you!

And yes, everything is based on willpower!!! 

P.S. Baru cakap tak nak makan malam, sekali roommate offer mee bandung. Tapi yelah, bak kata P.Ramlee, rezeki jangan ditolak, maut jangan dicari. Juga untuk mengelakkan pembaziran. Sekian terima  kasih. 

P.P.S. Alah, kalau puasa satu hari boleh, takkanlah skip makan malam pun tak boleh? Oh yes, besides, you could also fast during the day, but eat moderately for iftar. 

Can't believe I'm writing this. Tsk. 


Dekna said...

wah sarah
actually sy pun lebih kurang ada azam cam awak gak..
sbb dah mmg teruk dah ktembamam ni

tapi tu la..action not taken yet..hoho.

nnt ajak la i joging jugak.~

Sarah said...

Hahaha. Pipi saya pun tembam-thus the conclusion that I'm getting FAT!!!!!

Okay, boleh2. Kita buat appointment (?) nanti. Haha.

MM said...

sarah! zaty! nk join joging, sarah, u still practise that? 630, go for a jog?? my bad, post ni bulan 2 skrg dah bulan 4!plus +++++ dogs. pheww