
Saturday 14 September 2013

Third Chapter of Final Year

The first week of lecture had passed by, leaving us with another 4 lecture weeks before the mid break/Raya Haji holiday starts in October.

I am taking 6 core courses subjects and an elective 'Research Project' subject. I'm feeling better now as compared to my first day here. 

I find Clinical Pharmacokinetics to be the most challenging subject this semester. The rest just requires reading and memorization. CP, on the other hand, needs intense comprehension on the list of topics and oh, we have to perform lots of calculations involving different variables provided in the patient's charts, using various mathematical formulae. Clearly, this subject reminds me of Additional Mathematics and Physics all over again. 

Throughout the 3 years in the pharmacy course (I'm a final year student now, ahemm), I have always studied for examinations. But not this year. This year, I am going to change. Screw the exams! I am going to study for my beloved future patients. :P It means that I'm gonna study for Allah's sake la. When you berbakti and  berbudi bahasa' towards people (without any other intention except to make them BETTER in terms of health and maybe appearances), you make Him feel pleased with you, insya-Allah. And so, when studying, I'm gonna visualize that my patient is now in a critical condition and so I need to find out what is actually happening to him. LOL. So yes, study and work for Allah's sake. It's a way to gain pahala. Oi, you don't want pahala ke Sarah?? 

Remember that I used to complain about me feeling confused and clueless as to 'what am I doing in this course?' and that 'I wanted to take other art courses like Law, Journalism or Anthropology?' Nope. That phase is finally over. Full stop. After taking the 'Ethics and Law' subject last semester, where we were forced to memorize the contents of the Law Book, I feel that 'Law' and I do not 'click' with each other. (I got an A- for that paper though). I don't feel the satisfaction of studying that kind of thing.

I guess I have always liked challenges. I wanted to study something that requires me to think really hard and gives me headaches. As much as I despise memorizing the lengthy list of drugs (plus their mechanism of actions, adverse effects, etc etc), I feel that I'd rather memorize the names of those drugs rather than the Regulations, Sections and Acts of the Law subject. And oh, I love History. I can memorize the facts and figures in the History books/articles better than I do with Pharmacology subject/or any other Pharmacy subject. I'm not bragging, I'm just stating the truth. Many of my friends could memorize the names of drugs better than the historical facts. Like I said, I love challenges. There is that satisfaction that could not be described when you finally managed to memorize and master the subjects/topics that you have taken so much time to painstakingly learn and comprehend. 

I'm not comparing Pharmacy with History or Law per se, but you get it? So yes, this is it. If any of you ever came across 'Pharmacy is not Me. I'd rather do something else' in this post or in speech, then feel free to knock my head with an empty 500 ml mineral water whenever you see me. You should knock some senses into me. 

With that, Thank you. And please pray for my success in this world and hereafter. Ameen. May you have a great day and may you be blessed always. :) 

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