"Oh yes, I forgot to tell you what I think about your magazine,"
I clutched her hands, exclaiming "Oh no, is it that bad?"
I paused for a while, and said "Oh, never mind, I should be able to accept criticisms,"
She seemed amused and asked "Do you really want to hear the criticisms?"
I nodded "Yes, I need that to improve myself,"
And so, Luna began
"I thought that the magazine is good! There are some sentences that were accidentally cut-out by the designers, including the dean's speech (laughing), other than that, the whole contents are great, no grammatical errors, the designs are quite good, except for the last article. The design needs to be improved,"
I heaved a sigh of relief "I guess it's not that bad. You couldn't expect everything to be perfect,"
"Yes, it's great! You shouldn't be too hard on yourself," Luna labelled me as a perfectionist, something that I never thought I am .
"Anyway, it's my first time doing this job,"
"Oh, it's your first time, then it's great!"
She continued "One word of advice. You shouldn't do everything by yourself. You might read the whole thing and you didn't realize of the mistakes committed. You should let another person to read it as well, so that she could detect the mistakes that you did not see,"
Wise. As expected of her. Thanks Luna! =)
Luna (not her real name) is a one-year-older Algerian friend I have made for the past six months (since the previous semester). She is currently pursuing her Masters here in IIUM Kuantan. We got to know each other ever since she posted several comments on my blog, way before she came to Malaysia. We finally met each other here in Kuantan.
She's a book lover, someone weird (just like me!) I think I have found someone I could confide my problems to, someone whom I could talk to, about people I have issues with. LOL. It's because she is not a Malaysian, and she is not my classmate, and she doesn't know who are my friends. So it's kind of liberating to finally let everything out to her, to pour out my heart's contents and to be relieved with the support she gave. She is a good listener and she responds well to my rants and babbles, haha. Most importantly, we agree on most matters and that she does not JUDGE me.
So, thank you Luna. I feel blessed that Allah sent you here for me all the way from Algeria. =)
May our friendship lasts till Jannah.