
Friday 15 March 2013

On changing the world through reading

You don't need to wait until you have graduated to change the world- somebody said to me.

You could do it now! Last night, I have been pondering on and thinking of ways to change the world, even for the slightest bit with what I have now. 

There are several personal ideas,which I do not wish to mention here.

But only just now, had I just realized something important, something that I could do and would love to do.Something really easy. 

'Why don't we instil reading habit among youngsters?'

Why don't we just buy books and teach them how to read and pronounce the words? Why don't we show them how wonderful it is, the feeling of reading a book? The children would retaliate at first, as they think that reading is boring. Reading is BORING to them, simply because they haven't found the RIGHT book. 

I'm not an English teacher, so I could not teach them English/Grammar (and there are numerous grammatical errors committed in this blog xD) but I am a reader, a self-proclaimed avid reader, so I could teach them how to read and how to LOVE reading. Once they love reading, they would love writing (haha xD) and then they would perceive the books from a whole new perspective, thus they will excel in their lives, inshaa Allah. 

With whom should I start first? My brother? Dx 

English Reading Programme. Okay. 

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