
Friday 24 June 2011

Pottermore Fever

Assalamualaikum and hello all. :)

All about taken from tumblr ( I LOVE TUMBLR!)

Users will go through a quick registration process and then choose their own “magical 
They will then be given a personal home page called “the gateway” that will represent their own 
journey through each of the seven HARRY POTTER books.
Users move through the story chapter by chapter and are presented with “Moments” which are 
scenes of significance from each chapter.
In the first book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, there are 44 Moments, for readers to 
Tarek Nseir, chief executive of the digital agency TH_NK, which helped design the site, said: 
“We have tried to set the scene but allow your imagination to do the rest.”
As fans move through the site they can scroll over different aspects of each scene such as a 
Privet Drive sign or a cupboard under the stairs.
They can then click on items such as Harry’s sock and uncover new writing from Rowling and 
additional information about the characters.
Readers will be given a key to access Gringotts Wizarding Bank where a virtual currency will be 
available to enable them to choose items from a shopping list needed to complete their journey.
They will be issued with one of 33,000 wands and can collect items such as chocolate frog 
cards and spout flavoured beans to put in their trunk.

Users will answer a series of questions selected at random from a vast pool and will be sorted 
into one of Hogwarts four houses based on their answers.

The chosen house will be the centre of their experience but Rowling insisted that those not 
placed in Gryffindor, Harry’s house, should not be disappointed as they will be offered an extra 
quarter of a chapter to meet prefects and learn about the “true nature” of their own house.

Rowling disclosed that she always considered Gryffindor and Slytherin to be the two closest 
houses and said that Harry himself could have gone into either. She said she had tested the 
pool of questions on her own family and each of them was sorted into the house she had 
The author said that each users profile would grow as they progress through the books and add 
their own comments, drawings and pictures as they go. They will mix potions, challenge other 
users to duels and interact with various characters along the way.
Mr Nseir said: “The future will be decided by you the reader. It’s the same story but with 
one new addition, you.'

I'm excited!!!
I've taken several quizzes and I always get RAVENCLAW.
I hope this new real quiz would determine my REAL Hogwarts house. I have a feeling that I would 
be in Hufflepuff. Nothing to be ashamed of as Cedric was in it. :P
Besides, they've never shown the common room scenes of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff in the 
Slytherin is kind of cool too. :D
I know that some people would deliberately cheat just to be in Gryffindor. LAME!

And I've successfully registered my email address! :D

I wonder what will the casts of Harry Potter get?(I mean, if they did get themselves involved in this) I have a feeling that Daniel Radcliffe would get Hufflepuff, Emma Watson getting into Ravenclaw and Rupert Grint err..I think it's Gryffindor. 
I hope I will not be killed by any of the Death-Eaters and die halfway in the story. LOL.

And it's stated that I should come back by 31st July and find out ways to get into Pottermore earlier than everyone else. I must get in earlier! I couldn't afford to wait until October because by that time, I would be in UIA, slaving over drug names and mechanisms of actions, learning about zeta potential and equations, mugging for quizzes and exams. Plus, the internet connection there is slowww....
Ceh,as if the website is available for a limited time. 

I suddenly feel the need and desire to reread the books. *grins*
And I need to create a cool wizard-like, Harry Potter-ish names. ^^
I'm such a geek, I know. :P


Anonymous said...

kak,dia x available ea skang?just bole register email jeke?

Sarah said...

Hai Rai!
Eh, Rai pun minat Potter fan? Haha

Yup, dia blm available. J.K Rowling baru buat announcement. Kita tinggalkan email je nanti 31st July mcm tu dia akan buat announcement lagi. :((

Lisa said...

omg i literally shrieked bila i bukak pottermore & it worked
terus hantar email cepat2 lol
lepas baca this entry lagi lah excited

i always get gryffindor but tiba2 rasa awesome pulak kalau dapat slytherin kan

hopefully kita dapat early entry! XD

Sarah said...

You know what, you got me all enthusiastic all over again with this zealous comment of yours!

Yes, it's kind of cool to get into Slytherin. Their common room's awesome (in dungeon) but I would like to see how the common room of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff look like. :D

Yes, please!!!

Sarah said...


Correction: Rai pun Potter fan? Hahaha

Anonymous said...

if not available yet,knape akk bole wat quiz sgale?

Sarah said...

Oh, LOL.

Quiz tu boleh cari sendiri. Ada di mana2 di dunia internet ini.
Search je 'Which house in Hogwarts do you belong to'. Mcm tu semua, haha.

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

oooohhhh...malunye sy..;p