
Thursday 25 November 2010

What if I'm pregnant??!!

I met this one fool cool guy and he wasn't like any other guys I've met. He's like the other half of me. He completes me. I can act the way I do, being my own self when I'm with him.

So, this is how it goes.

And one day, I went to Popular Bookstores in Megamall Kuantan. I was looking through new books, then I saw Terry Pratchett's Unseen Academicals. Like, OMG! I've been waiting to sink my teeth into it for a long time! Then I saw a really cool guy, he was reading a book, immersed into his own world, unaware of the surroundings. I couldn't help but to stare at him. Kakkoii!
 Then he caught me staring at him. Embarrassed much?? I looked away. And when I was going to pay for the book. Oopsie! I forgot that I only have RM10 in my purse. Tu la, JPA tak masuk lagi! Then, with a heavy feeling, I put the book back into the rack.

He saw me did that. And he asked 'Why? Aren't you going to buy it?'
Whoa! He speaks in perfect ENGLISH!

'Err?' cat got my tongue.
And without us realising it, we started discussing about the kind of books that we've read, which one is better, the movie adaptation of Da Vinci Code or the novel itself? We had fun. Like, totally. He's my type of guy. You know, crazy about reading and books. Like magic, we sort of clicked.

He asked for my number of which I didn't give. Cannot~!
But I gave him my facebook email. And for the next days, weeks, we contacted each other. One day, we met each other again in Popular Bookstore. What do you expect, Kuantan doesn't have MPH or Borders!

We looked at each other into the eyes, mesmerized with each other's beauties (please fetch yourself a basin to throw up) and he held my hand. And. the whole event can be summarized in three words.

We did it.

And suddenly I felt an immense regret, I was crying. He said he'll be responsible. This is never happening! I have committed a really grave sin. I really hope that all this is a nightmare and it will all be OK once I wake up. I decided to repent, I pray to Allah that 'Please, don't make that happen,', decided to move on, pretending it never happens. After all, we have to keep moving forward, right?

And I didn't contact him ever since. In fact, I've deleted him from my list of friends in facebook! He kept on sending friend requests but I blocked him. I feel really angry with him. THIS IS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN! I'm a UIA student for goodness sake!

And so I went on doing my so-called duties as a student, carrying on with my normal daily life. But of course, life is never the same again. I feel really guilty. I didn't tell anyone. Not even my parents! No way!

I'm an optimistic person. I'll move on, that's what I thought. Then I realised I missed a cycle.

'Ok,never mind. It's normal la right, inconsistent menstrual cycle. It must be because of the hormones,'

And I got more and more worried when I had missed THREE menstrual cycles. As a health-based student, I don't need the pregnancy test to confirm that I'm pregnant. I just know it. After all, I did it, right?

I got so scared and started to cry. I couldn't concentrate in class. I don't have any mood to study. My future dreams are ruined! I imagined myself becoming all famous and successful one day
and suddenly all those papparazis took a sneak peek into my past life and they found out that I had a child out of wedlock and all? NOO!!!

I once thought of an abortion but didn't do it based on 3 reasons.
1. How on earth am I going to find accommodation in Thailand to abort my child?
2. I'm afraid of pain.
3. I have to study for a series of quizzes so if I aborted my child it will take several months to recover and I'm afraid of pain.

But later on, people will find out! My  stomach  my uterus will grow bigger. How am I supposed to hide the controversial state of my stomach?

Then I began to eat a lot. A lot of people commented that I'm a bit chubby and my stomach is a bit bloated. I said 'It must be because of the food and I need to eat a lot since I'm all stressed out with the coming final exam,' And the miraculous thing is that I didn't experience morning sick.

When my mum called me I was really sad for dissapointing her. I cried each time I hung up the phone after finished talking to her.

The distance between my Mahallah and the Kulliyyah of Pharmacy is approximately 1 km away and you have to walk under a hot scorching sun to reach there.

One day, I fainted on the road. My friends brought me to the clinic and the doctor said shouted


I just nodded weakly. And she conveyed the bad news to the mahallah principal. Mahallah principal told my parents. My mum called me and she cried on the phone,saying how sinful I am, how dissapointed she is, my father didn't say anything as he was very very dissapointed. My mum said I'm supposed to set good examples to my siblings. And what will happen if her relatives and friends know about this?

I cried as well. I hate this wriggly thing that always kicked me in my uterus. I hate the cool guy. I hate myself for loving books too much thus falling in love lust with a guy who is a bibliophile!

And later on, everyone in Kulliyyah of Pharmacy knows I'm pregnant. And then everyone in UIA Kuantan knows that. My friends were so shocked. I isolated myself from them. Then the Dean issued me a dismissal letter. A student becoming pregnant out of wedlock is TOTALLY NOT ACCEPTABLE in UIA, the same goes with other universities in Malaysia.

My parents don't want to fetch me from Kuantan as they are too embarrassed and angry.
I purchased a bus ticket and throughout the 12 hours long journey from Kuantan to Sungai Petani, I was busy thinking about my fate, my destiny, my future.

When I got home, I got one hell of scoldings. My mum were crying, my dad was really mad at me. My siblings too, were sad and I thought over and over again 'WHAT HAVE I DONE???'

My mum said that I shall deliver the child and give it to someone. Then I said 'No, I want to raise him/her,'.
  I could try to increase my blog traffic so that I can depend solely on Nuffnang for my monthly income. I'll get a lot of money and I'll take really good care of my child.

But for now, I need money. And I dare not to ask for it from my parents, not after what I did.

Anyway, I've learned not to care too much about what people thought of me. Who cares? At least I did not have the slightest intention of throwing away the baby once I have secretly delivered it. And of course, I'm not going to deliver it in the toilet and dumped it into the toilet bowl! YUCKS! I have committed a really grave mistake and I'm not going to commit another one.

I'm still struggling right now. I'm pregnant all right, so what?

To pregnant girls out there! Don't even think of throwing away your child like that once you've found out that you're pregnant. Don't even think of an abortion!There are many alternatives! You could go to the
 School for Pregnant teenagers (except that I'm no longer a teen nor am I a school student)
 or any rehab centres. OPTIMISM IS THE KEY!

If you're not willing to face those horrible feelings, don't even think of having sexual relationships BEFORE you're legally married. You wouldn't want to become like me! This immense guilt will never be washed away. :(

                                                  *                      *                             *

GOTCHA! I am a self-proclaimed drama queeen who has a wild imagination. I like to imagine things. Ever thought of what's going to happen if you accidentally got pregnant before getting married?
I used to write lots of these 'What ifs stuffs. Writing these kinds of stuffs make me become more cautious, responsible, careful. I would often imagine about the worst case scenarios that would happen if I did this or that. It's kind of a self-reflection in a way. Helping me to think rationally before deciding to do something. And I pray they will never ever happened, Allah forbids that please!

It's because I watched this earlier on. It struck me on how relaxed Juno is. How relaxed her parents are when responding to such situation. Imagined if it was me. I guess those western people are too liberal and open minded that the thought of their daughters getting pregnant is considered normal. And somehow,  it makes me reflected back on the cases that I've seen, read and heard in the media. On teenagers getting pregnant, those who did it, baby dumping, school for pregnant teenagers. Haish. I wouldn't want to experience all that. No!

Inspiration, I need inspiration! I need to finish my novel! 

With that, thank you for reading. Adieu and assalamualaikum. :)


Anonymous said...

Hello there,

This is a question for the webmaster/admin here at

May I use some of the information from your post above if I provide a link back to your website?


Luqman Fauzi said...

You surprised me for a second, back there. XD

It's good that you're thinking about these things to avoid them. I used to think "Ah, I'll never do something like that", but after someone I looked up to 'went down that road', I now know that one's nafsu can lead to stupid things... No matter how Islamic or pious you think you are.

Again, All the best with finishing your novel.

Ummu Hurairah said...

sarah! u got me! hai budak ni..pandai betul imagine..! gud luck with that novel! dpt hadiah ape kalau menang?

Hanis MY said...

My dear! superlah i likeee hebatlah ur writing..keep on writing k..those are good materials for minds!

Jem said...

ohmygod. I almost believed the first quarter of this story ok.



Sarah said...

Yeah, nafsu is a dangerous thing. Anyone can fall into the pit of doom/lust/whatever. We are just ordinary human beings, not maksum. One shouldn't brag and say 'There's no way I'm going to do that!' Those kind of people should be careful. Hoho.

Again, thanks for reading and comment! I notice that you're not that active in the blogosphere nowadays *quoting your remarks* XD

@Kak Timi
Hehe. Sarah selalu imagine benda merepek2 tapi kadang-kadang berguna untuk diri sendiri. :D
Kalau habis tulis dapat certificate dengan kepuasan yang tak terhingga! Muahahahaha

Sarah said...

@Kak Hanis
Thanks for the encouragement, Kak Hanis! =)
I'll try my best to continue writing. Insya-Allah.

Yes! Mission: Success! I can't believe you Jem! You should know me better after all these years. Hahaha.

Jem said...

Baca title pun dah tau, tapi you had a very good start tau. like very convincing sekejap. until the popular bookstore part tu je la.
after that memang I know you're just being the overly dramatic Sarah I've known for the past decade. XD

Sarah said...

Whoa...A good start eh? Then I should polish up my contents and ending, making my story more convincing. Hehe. sarcastic turned drama queen. Or memang the sarcastic drama queen? :P

Jem said...

Eh, no lah. Your content semua pun best jugak. Tapi I know you well enough laaa to not believe it!

Gila ke ape you betul2 knocked up?!

Sarah said...

Thank you Jem! :D

Yeah, I wouldn't want that to happen to me, my sister, relatives or any of my friends. Insya-Allah. Huhu.

Just being careful by writing this post. Dulu I pernah tulis post yg sama before PMR and SPM what happen if I didn't get straight A. Those are the worst case scenarios of course. But the reality is, there are always other options that Allah will show you. :D

Julia Ishak said...

Haha, I knew it =P But I still enjoyed it. It's pretty awesome too.
You must have imagined a lot of stuff just to write this one piece. Sometimes I do imagine stuff, but tak berani enough to share it with everyone. Who knows, my thoughts can be pretty creepy XD;;
ANYWAY, great work. I don't see how you can have trouble with your novel. There's nothing wrong with your writing. You look like you're doing great. Good luck, ok? And write mooorreee~ =D

Sarah said...

Thank you Julia!
I'm a bit flattered and inspired, hearing that coming from you. :D

I'm still struggling to finish it. It's really hard to write a novel (even the one filled with flaws)in just 10 days, and with 50,000 words!!(I started a bit late because of exams >__< )

I find it easier though,to write from the first person point of view rather than the third person point of view.

Julia, tulis la! I will read your stories no matter how creepy they are! After all, I need to learn more from the experts, right? ;)

Julia Ishak said...

You're welcome. Thanks for the delightful story XD

I know it's hard. I pon tak pernah write 50k in a short time, let alone a month. Yang pernah pun 15k je. Ah yes, if you want speed, then writing in first person will allow you to write fast. Pastu kalau nak panjang, put LOTS of dialogue (even the unnecessary/redundant ones) and flashbacks (just to make it fun la). I've once read on the Nanowrimo forum, that if you get stuck/takde idea, just kill one of the characters. Kejam, right? XD But theoretically, it could work.

Me? Tulis? Segan la XD. And I haven't written in a looong time. Julia dusty and rusty already :P

Sarah said...

Haha. Okay ape you tulis 15k. Time lecture week pulak tu! ^^

Yeah, I've successfully created many crappy sentences. Dialog yang merepek yang entah apa-apa. xD

There are some characters in my novel that will die. Haha.
Not getting ideas/lack of inspiration is not what I'm worried about right now.

I get bored and sometimes I'm too lazy. These things worry me the most. :P

Erm, Julia. Kenapa you nak segan? Haha. I'll be waiting! :D

Syidah Razak said...

hihi..lawak plus penuh maksud tersirat cite nie..
apepun best lah bace..(^_^)

Sarah said...

Thank you Are-c-mo a.k.a SYIDAH!!! :D

Thanks for reading! =)
Awk buat ape cuti ni? ^^

Balloon of Thoughts said...

miss reading your blog~

Sarah said...

OMG Farah, I miss you! Though we've never met and only talked once through the phone, haha.

How are you? I just read your blog and it seems like I've been missing a lot!

a said...

hey there, as i was reading i knew it wasn't what really happened to you but then in the middle i started to doubt myself then i was relieved again lol you were very convincing, great imagination you got there and i love your writing style, you're very energetic and i love the little comments you make, great job and good luck in the future^^

Sarah said...

haha, thank you for your kind words, Luna! :) Glad to know you enjoyed this piece of writing, haha.

Thank you again! :D