
Monday 15 November 2010

the Geek of the Lord of the Rings

Post ni ketinggalan zaman ke? Bukan dah habis ke Lord of the Rings 7 tahun lepas? Oh, who cares!

All three movies! Done watching! I mean, done REwatching! :D
No matter how geeky I sound, the Lord of the Rings trilogy is the BEST! I repeat, THE BEST epic fantasy film I've ever watched! Like, seriously! Harry Potter pun boleh kalah tau! Twilight saga? Oh, purleaseeee...Tak masuk dalam senarai pun (the movies, I mean).

It was in 2004, and I was staying up late until 3 a.m  just to watch the ?th Academy Awards to watch the glorious moments of which 'The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King won all ELEVEN awards it was nominated for!

Seriously, the movies are awesome! The books?

Err, I mean, the book. The only Lord of the Ring book I've ever bought.

I was twelve when I bought it. My vocabulary was not that vast back then. I found it difficult to understand some of the 'difficult' adult-ish words that Tolkien's using. Then I ended up not reading it. -_____-. Maalini, my classmate, also the best student for the English subject at school admitted that it was quite difficult to comprehend some of sentences, and she said that the selection of words are of high level English. We regarded it as an 'adult version' of Harry Potter. xD

 And after 8 years, when I tried to read it again (due to LOTR's movies influences), the first thing I did was smile. I could understand almost all the words in the book and thus it will not pose that much difficulty for me to start reading it again. I just couldn't believe that I didn't know the meanings of very very simple words like.... ah, tak payah. Bikin malu je.

Looks like Peter Jackson is making a new movie titled 'The Hobbit', which is actually the prequel of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. It tells about Bilbo Baggins and Gandalf's adventures and how Bilbo managed to 'steal' the ring from Gollum and all. Can't wait! Okay, I'm turning into a LOTR geek, I'm afraid.

And I want a vintage Middle Earth map like this! Oh, screw it, vintage or not, I want any version of Middle Earth map where I can stick to my bedroom wall and analyse the war strategies used by Aragorn and others in the wars between Rohan and Gondor with Mordor (oh, how geeky). Where to buy eh?

and last but not least...

Don't you think that Gollum is AH-DOH-RA-BLE ??!!? :P

Hollywood version of hantu toyol, I must say.

Disclaimer: Images are googled.


nikmahamirah said...

oh myyy.....tgok lame2 gollum tu menakutkan pulak. lagi2 waktu macam ni(note: 1.15AM)

btw,aku pun gila LOTR.tapi dulu la masa baru2 kuar kat wayang. siap ajak ayah aku gi exhibition kat TSquare dulu.pastu simpan segala macam benda yg bkaitan ngan LOTR.especially mags. haha....sebenanya gila kat Legolas but then,cte tu sendri memg best gila!

Sarah said...

Nikmah! Again, thanks for your comment! Tak tau knp still x blh bkk blog ko. Nanti aku truy guna mozilla. Haha.

Gollum comel ape! :P
Yeah! High five! Tapi tahap 'kegilaan'kau (terhadap LOTR) tu lagi tinggi drp aku. :D

Siap pergi exhibition kot! That's amazing! Yeah. Aku pun minat Legolas. :) Legolas, bukan Orlando Bloom! :P Lepas tu lelaki2 and perempuan2 elves tu semua good looking. xD

Cerita LOTR ni semua complete. Thriller, suspense, friendship, family, fantasy, perseverance. Semua la!