
Tuesday 23 November 2010

NaNoWriMo Blues Part 1

Assalamualaikum and hello to all :)

I got tired. I'm actually thinking of cheating!
How? By copying the contents of my blog to the word count scoreboard. :PPP
Meg Cabot actually caught me cheating!
But no, I'm not that pathetic.

8 more days to go and currently my word count is at pathetic 12,630. Aiming to reach 15,000 by this evening. And going to write 5000 more tonight. My target for today is 20,000 words! Oh yeah!

My story is divided into Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. The same story but different genres for each part. Heh. You might feel that there's no connection between the first part and the second part, but as you read part 3, you will discover that part 1 and part 2 are actually connected and related. Part 3 pratically concludes what happened throughout the story. Sounds complicated? Not really.

So, what is it about? You'll see. :P

Why am I doing this? Life is short. I wanted to try everything that is possible to attain. Athough my novel is not 'publishable', at least I could tell someone that throughout my 20 years living on Earth, I had at least successfully written TWO novels. This is my second novel. I completed the 1st novel when I was 18 and it's in Malay, Also, there will be lots of regrets if I didn't manage to finish it. NaNoWriMo only comes once a year and I need something to be proud of, something that actually motivates me, consoling me during the horrible hours of lecture weeks next semester.

What did I actually do to gain ideas? Lots of prayers, haha, reading (read: CLEO and COSMOPOLITAN :P), going all bonkers and crazy, and yes, listening to sad instrumental music really helps.

I don't care whether it is a good story or not (to others). I just want to finish it and get my hands on the swanky NaNoWriMo certificate! And of course, I would want to brag to others that I managed to finish my novel in a matter of weeks! (less than 4 weeks, to be precise). :P

For now, it's QUANTITY that matters, not QUALITY. Imagine, if I sit down, looking blankly at the computer screen, typing the sentences, then felt that they are not good enough, deleting them, writing again, deleting again, my God, the novel will never be finished!

 And I'm using simple words that everyone can understand. My vocabulary is not that vast and I'm not good in constructing flowery, literature-ish sentences.

The first draft is always about quantity, the matter of finishing your story. The same goes with the second draft, adding bits by bits, then the third drafts and so on. You need to keep on editing and editing. Writing a novel is HARD! To all novelists out there,  I salute you!

And this is a conversation between me and my sister

Moi: I'm so tired!
Moi sister: of what?
Moi: of writing!
Moi sister: You're not writing, you're typing!
Moi: It's the same la!
Moi sister: Writing kan guna tangan
Moi: Habis tu, typing guna kaki ke?

In case you don't know, 'Moi' is pronounced as 'Mua', which is French for 'me' or '  I  ' ( I guess). see, you learn something new from my blog! HAHAHAHAHA. 

Okay, got to go back to writing. 2370 words to go! And I aim to finish it by 6 p.m

And eh, I just realised that I forgot to take my lunch. GRRPPBBBPP (bunyi perut berkeroncong).


kak timi said...

sarah! what exactly r u up to? haha..nak tulis novel in 30 days ke? klakarla moi! gud luck ! :)

Sarah said...

Hai Kak Timi! Oh, malunya, hahaha.
Yup, cracking my head to construct legible sentences, thus reaching the 50,000 word counts and finished my novel. Heh.

Thank you! :D

Dasuki D5T7 said...

your perut sounded funny..
ade ke bunyi camtu??
all the bez on finishing your novel.
do post it on the blog.

Sarah said...

HAHAHAH. Dah lapar, kan.

Norman dengan Daisuki Green tu orang yang sama ke?

Thanks for the comment!
Nope, I don't think I'll post it to the blog. Sorry! :P

Julia Ishak said...

Good luck =)
I know writing can be hard, especially when you have a deadline and a number of words to achieve. I yang nak ni pon tak boleh XDD;; I'm sure you'll achieve your target. All the best~


Sarah said...

Thanks Joo! =)
Ala, kalau you nk menang ni pun boleh je, cuma November last year kan lecture week. You had more important things to do :)

Besides, you have won many writing competitions which is just awesome!
Unlike me, this might be the only writing competition(so-called) that gives me a chance of winning. LOL XD