
Tuesday 23 November 2010

Howl's Moving Castle by Joe Hisaishi

Assalamualaikum and hello to all :)

I just loooovvvveeee instrumental music. I love classical music. I love Beethoven, Mozart, Brahms', Rachmaninoff, Bach and other composers in the Classical period. I love Yiruma, I love Joe Hisaishi, I love any instrumental music. They are very soothing and relaxing.

I have an unfulfilled childhood dream of being able to perform in an orchestra. Of which I think it will just remain as a dream. :P

I really wish that I could watch a real live orchestra ( I watched the first orchestra performed by college students when I was nine). Nodame Cantabile tops my list of most favourite Japanese Drama. LOL.

 The song I'm currently in love with. :D

Howl's Moving castle by Joe Hisaishi. It's an old song.

Now, after listening to this, how could one not being able to appreciate and love instrumental music?

P/S: Syidah kena dengar lagu ni! :D


a said...

A fellow classical music lover! yay me ! it's Simply beautiful and soothing like you said, I also have a dream to learn to play the piano and/or the violin :D

Sarah said...

Yaay!!! *high five again!

I can play a bit of piano. My parents sent me to learn it when I was nine. But didn't manage to finish the course. Haha. But yeah, I could play the piano notes (but it takes time, determination and diligence! HAHA).

And now, I really really wanted to learn how to play violin. =(
I've made a plan that first, I shall master my so-called piano skills and once I have graduated, I shall move on to violin! Hehe.