
Saturday 13 November 2010

Finals are FINALLY over!

Assalamualaikum and hello to all. :)


23/10/2010 Halaqah/Study Circle Final Exam
27/10/2010 Tilawah Final Exam
29/10/2010 Pharmacy Practice Practical
31/10/2010 Islamic Worldview
1/11/2010 Islamic Input in Pharmacy
2/11/2010 Pharmacy Practice
3/11/2010 Common OSPE and Bahasa Melayu Lanjutan
4/11/2010 Physiology
6/11/2010 MCQ Islamic Input, Pharmacy Practice, Physiology
9/11/2010 Physical Pharmacy
10/11/2010 Anatomy and Histology
13/11/2010 MCQ Physical Pharmacy, Anatomy

YEAH! FINALS ARE OVER! And the first semester of the first year in Kulliyyah of Pharmacy has come to its end!

I think I did my best and OK (my definition of OK)  in all the subjects except Physical Pharmacy. It is the toughest paper out of those listed above. I really hope and I'll pray with all my might that I'll pass the subject! Insya-Allah.

 What? You think it's easy to score? Try taking the subject yourself! Physics Matriculation lagi senang tahu! Physics SPM tak payah cakapla (ceh, tiba-tiba berlagak pulak).

And the end of the semester marks the beginning of a four-weeks semester vacation! There are so many things I wanted to do!

1. Complete my novel (By the end of November)
2. Master 'Fur Elise' and 'play by ears' trainings.
3. Practice and master the art of driving. XD
4. Update blogs
5. Finish reading unread and half-read books

Eh, itu je ke? Oh, those are the compulsory things that I must do. Meaning, productive things that I intend to do during the 4 weeks vacation. Banyak-banyak aktiviti pun nanti tak terbuat. Cakap je lebih. HAHA.

Other side things
1. Watch available Japanese Dramas and movies in hard disk
2. Watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in cinema. :D
3. Dates with old school friends. :D

And family's gonna go for vacations around places in Malaysia! (of course la, duh!)
I'll try my best to update on that. 

I really really really so badly wanted to go to Big Bad Wolf's Book Fair. Imported fictions at a mere price of RM 9.00 each? OMG!!! I'm practically hyperventilating!

But it's in Selangor! Which is really sad. I wish I live in Selangor (for the sole purpose of going to book fairs around the state). I wish Kedah has lots of good bookstores. I guess I'll just have to wait for the MPH Book Fair next year. Which doesn't give that many discounts as compared to Big Bad Wolf. Which is really disappointing. Which makes me wanted to open my own bookstore one day. Apahal banyak sangat 'which' ni?

It's hard being a bookaholic, you know (drama queen's tone)

Oh yeah, know what? We Pharmacy students haven't gotten our scholarship money yet. Because OSC made a silly mistake of  forgetting to send our forms to JPA.  They have forgotten? Oh, really? Or, are they not alert enough? Okay, don't care.

Oh, cuti! Oh, Kedah! Oh, Sungai Petani! Oh, home sweet home!
Oh, Physical Pharmacy~~~ >__________<

I worry too much. Let's worry about it when the time comes. To think again, everything has been perfectly planned and destined for my own good. Why should I be worried at all? :D

Till then, assalamualaikum and bye!


Luqman Fauzi said...

Haha. Seronoknya dia dah habis exam.

You made me miss CFS by mentioning book fairs D:

All the best with NaNoWriMo! I hope you make it to 50K. (I'm sure it's possible for medical students too, but I'm not willing to sacrifice the time)

Sarah said...

Luqman, thanks for the comment!

Oh yes, memang seronok habis exam though something's bugging me somehow. Oh, never mind about that.

And oh, thanks for the encouragement! I hope so. Gotta start cracking my head now. XD