
Tuesday 30 November 2010

Happy Reading! :)

Assalamualaikum and hello to all. :)

Howdy folks!

First of all, sad to say that I didn't win NaNoWriMo. I know, I still have less than 24 hours to verify my novel but let's be realistic. How on earth can I manage to rack my brain by writing another 25,000 words?
I started a bit late, which is just last week because I had to concentrate on my final exams which started from the end of October till 13th of November. Half of the month had passed.
Yeah, excuses, excuses. It's just an excuse. I might have given up on NaNoWriMo but it doesn't mean that I'll be giving up on my novel. So, I'll just continue writing! Besides, there is always another NaNoWriMo next year (insya-Allah kalau umur panjang dan sihat). This is my first NaNoWriMo. Maybe I didin't manage to make it to 50k this year, but I learned something. I gain a wonderful experience! And in order to win next time, I need strategies. And I will interact with other NaNoWriMos in the forum by sharing ideWinning 50k without gaining new friends/internet buddies is just bland, tasteless, flavourless.

Jem on NaNoWriMo: Why are you pressuring yourself? Tak senang cuti!


I just got my scholarship money. Yaay! And the first thing I wanted to do is to buy BOOKS! BOOKS! and MORE BOOKS!
But sad to say, in order to buy books, I have to finish reading the unread and half-read books that are
currently residing in my overflowed bookshelf.

Nice, girlish cover, right? The real price is RM 62.30 from MPH. But I got it for RM20.00 from Daily Books. And it's in HARDCOVER! :D And it's quite thick. 514 pages. They're making a movie out of this book, if I'm not mistaken.

Muahaha, baru nak baca Eclipse and Breaking Dwan? Yes, you're right! Beli 1 tahun sebelumnya, baru nak habiskan baca 1 tahun selepasnya. :P

Buku Dan Brown paling bosan to tell the truth. Jane Eyre tu complete edition. Time sekolah rendah dulu baca abridged edition.


Ok, bye.


Lisa said...

I have Jane Eyre, bought it ages ago but I can't finished it! I'm not even halfway through. Baru sampai part yang dia jadi governess dekat rumah Mr. Rochester. Fuh, first time baca buku tak habis habis sampai sekarang. But I'll try to finish it anyhow.

Maybe it's because I find Jane Eyre...depressing :O.

Sarah said...

Yes, exactly! I pun sampai part dia jadi governoss tu je. Haish.

To tell the truth, it's a bit difficult to read English classics. I couldn't understand some of the classic sentences. Lepas tu descriptive sentences dia fullamak, banyaknya dia describe sampai x boleh terbayang. Mcm baca sejarah Melayu original edition pulak (not that I read one, haha).

At least Jane Eyre is better than Wuthering Heights (Emily Bronte). First, it has happy ending. Second, story and ayat dia a bit simple compared to Wuthering Heights. Tapi I dh habis baca Wuthering Heights sebab dia lagi nipis daripada Jane Eyre. And believe it, I almost cried. Hehe.

Thanks for the comment! =D

Lisa said...

I dah lama nak beli Wuthering Heights! Nak baca sebab that book macam famous but I haven't read it yet so I feel macam loser sikit, haha.

Yes, English classics are kinda difficult. Most of the time I underline words and Google them later :D

Sarah said...

Eh, baru tersedar silap eja governess. haha.

Yeah, you should buy. Lepas tu you boleh tengok movie adaptation kat Star World. Ralph Fiennes berlakon jadi Heathcliff. hehe.

If you find Jane Eyre depressing, Wuthering Heights lagi lagi la depressing. Try reading 'Rice Mother' by Rani Manicka. 100 times more depressing. Rice Mother tu contemporary, bukan classics.

Whoa, rajinnya! I kadang-kadang bila baca buku, oxford dictionary kena ada kat sebelah. Kadang2 bila rajin carila maksud dia, bila pemalas yg teramat, buat-buat faham ajela! xD

ZaidZaini said...

jpa uia selaen kos crirical dh masuk?

ZaidZaini said...

jpa kos xcept kos crit dh msk?