
Friday 7 October 2011


You're sarcastic, annoying, irritating,
Just be yourself
You're childish, dramatic, panic stricken
Just be yourself
You're verbal, outspoken, confident,
Just be yourself
You laugh over simple things and finds joy in small things
Just be yourself
You're loony, weird, a daydreamer
Just be yourself
You're expressive, painfully honest and highly imaginative
Just be yourself
You couldn't care less on people's perceptions
Just be yourself

However, up till what extent is 'being yourself' considered a good thing?
I think that it's as long as you feel comfortable I guess. And others too (oh, who cares about others. It's always better to reveal rather than to pretend/backbiting).
I always smile, I always laugh, I always talk animatedly to my close friends. I always wear a dreamy and cheerful expression on my face. Is that good or bad? Bad, because I've developed two lines of wrinkles at the corner of my eyes. Gahhh! 
Being yourself is not always good. 


Dasuki D5T7 said...

being yourself is not always good.
its true, but at least we are honest with ourselves.

Sarah said...

Yes, you're right Norman! It's better to show off our true (maybe not the truest :P) colours to the public rather than hiding them and suddenly exposing/revealing them at inappropriate times!

anisah shurfa said...

Being yourself is not always good

Very true! I alienated all my friends in my first year because I was...well...pretty messed up. Loud, annoying, outspoken -- that defined me.

But instead of realising my mistakes, I thought "I'm just being myself!! What's wrong with them? Why can't they accept me as I am, my faults and weirdness and all?"

And that is bullcrap, though it took me quite some time -- and a lot of whining -- to realise.

Now I've come to this conclusion: Don't just be yourself -- be the best version of yourself.


Sarah said...

Hi Anisah! Or should I call you Kak Anisah? :D

Back then I wasn't comfortable being myself and a friend said "Be someone you're comfortable being of," Well, something like that.

But yes, you're right! That's another good advice. :)

Thanks for the comment!