
Wednesday 5 October 2011


Assalamualaikum and hello all. :)

This topic gives me goosebumps. SCARY!!!
I've had no ideas at all that majority of my classmates are already thinking about establishing their own baitulmuslims and that some of them are actually seeking, searching for their future spouses. Now I know and this fact scares me! 

I know that this is normal, and that we're already 21 (well, some of us) and even my mom was engaged to my dad when she was at this age. But again, SCARY!!!!!!
Maybe I still feel that I'm in the 'schoolkids' stage and all that's important is my studies. 

Reality struck me. I'm going to be 21 this year! Then 22, 23, 24 and so on! The average age of women getting married! 

Is it only me, who have plans on getting my degree first, working, pursuing Masters' Degree at least, then will only I think about marriage?

To quote Maddy, 'What's with this sudden talks about marriages? What's the rush?'

This scenario about getting married is ubiquitous in UIA. There's even a form which you could fill, listing your criteria, the criteria of the person that you'd want as your future husband/wife, and the matchmaker will find the person who matched the criteria and walla, you'll be 'reserved' as the guy's future wife, possibly both of you'll get married after graduation.

Why should I be giving much thoughts about this anyway? HAHAHAHA. Ok bye. 


Jem said...


my friends kat sini pun siap ade mcm "ikat" dah.
He said something mcm they're not boyfriend and girlfriend, tapi dah "janji" to marry each other someday.

something mcm tu la. I don't know.


Kawan I pun duk non-stop ckp kat I pasal kahwin.

I ni siap cakap, "er, I belum cukup matang utk fikir benda2 mcm ni".


One of my batch dah dapat anak, another due December. A bunch of them dah dalam list to kahwin by the end of this year/ early next year.

Sarah said...

Especially the guys! What's the rush?
If I'm a guy, I'll do many stuffs like backpacking around the world (but I'm a lady, so susahlah), stabilizing my career first, etc.

But most importantly, I'd want to support my younger siblings first. The same goes with my parents!

It's probably due to the fact that I'm the eldest, I guess. So my family is much more important than err...marriage.

And Jem, I know that it has something to do with our 'Convent environment' but I couldn't figure out that particular point.

I mean, tak salah kahwin awal. But for me, diri sendiri belum layak fikir pasal tu la. That's the main point. Haha. And oh yes, culture shock sikit. :P