
Wednesday 5 October 2011

Penicillins, Cephalosporins, Beta Lactam drugs+Beta Lactamase inhibitors, Carbapenems, Aminoglycosides and Tetracyclines are all antibiotics

Assalamualaikum and hello all. :)

Okay, tajuk macam takde motif.

I handled my first study circle session yesterday. Sufi sent me to at-Tabbari to meet those halaqah members. 1st year Medical students. I was out for outing to search for bicycle before so I straight away went there with jeans (loose okay, loose) and pashmina wrapped around my head (covered okay, covered). Tak pernah dibuat facilitator halaqah datang pakai jeans dengan pashmina, cakap pasal Islam, Iman, Ihsan. Oi, don't judge people by their appearances. Siapa cakap facilitator kena bertudung labuh dan berjubah aje? 

Oh yes, 8 of us (Sarah Syau Naza Isfa Hajar Salihah Rumaisa) bought our own bicycles. Yeah!

Okay, the study circle went well I guess. Luckily I've been blessed with the skills of 'the flow of ideas when talking' LOL thanks to the debate practices at school.  We finished our study circle at 10.30 pm. Dah terlajak tak sempat nak tadarus al-Quran surah al-Israk pun. Sambung minggu depan.

So today, something interesting happened. We had our leadership class. So have to DEBATE! So I debated a lot. I mean, really A LOT! It feels so refreshing. To be able to gaduh-gaduh over petty reasons. HAHA.

I was feeling really exhausted. Had my dinner. Then ngantuk gila so I accidentally fell asleep for about 15 minutes until Isfa woke me up for Maghrib prayer (buruk perangai tidur nak dekat Maghrib tapi penat sangat!)

And then, have to study for Pharmaceutical Analysis and Pharmacology of the Peripheral Nervous System quizzes this Friday. Tomorrow maybe gonna wake up early at 4.30 a.m to study. *sigh*.

Oh yes, a thing that popped into my mind.
The Torch is IIUM Official's newspaper that is created by BEN+journalism+Mass.Comm students of IIUM Gombak. They went to the Journalism on Campus (JOC) boot camp organized by News Straits Times. 

Lepas tu datanglah si budak Pharmacy ni menyibuk tiba-tiba nak tulis artikel hantar kat The Torch. Pastu budak Pharmacy ni pun fikir 'Ko ni nak jadi Pharmacist ke journalist?'. Kalau betul-betul nak jadi journalist, apasal dulu tak amik BEN ke, Human Sciences (journalism) ke, hahaha. Syau cakap 'Tak salah pun,'. Yes, memang tak salah. 
I've always loved writing. And that includes becoming a journalist for a newspaper. The editorial board members of The Torch, I reckon they might work with News Straits Times after they graduated. Jealous much? 

Takpela, I'm destined to become a Pharmacist. Pharmacy is of course, a tough course but I like to challenge myself. I like to test my capabilities and abilities, to see up to which extent could I continue. In a way, I love Pharmacy la because it's challenging!

Journalism pulak? Urmm, see first. Part time tu okay la kot. But I still love Pharmacy. :P

Sorry for this oh-so-unproductive post. My mind is too occupied (lah sangat) with Physostigmine, Pilocarpine, Mivacurium and other Isoquinoline derivatives to be writing about politics, cultures or whatsoever. Adios!


-KingSyahmi- said...

"Pastu budak Pharmacy ni pun fikir 'Ko ni nak jadi Pharmacist ke journalist?'. Kalau betul-betul nak jadi journalist, apasal dulu tak amik BEN ke, Human Sciences (journalism) ke, hahaha. Syau cakap 'Tak salah pun,'. Yes, memang tak salah. "

yeah, i got the same gesture too..but not from my classmate, but my lecturers...she said i ought to change career to arts because apparently, i'm very good at it..but no thanks i said to her

Sarah said...

Hey Syahmi! Lama tak nampak, LOL.

Yeah, maybe your primary interest has always been 'Medicine' kot, tu sebab tak nak tukar.

As for me, my primary interest has something to do with writing+filmmaking but I know that I'm capable of doing more than that so I take Pharmacy (saja nak train brain bagi terbakar sikit :P)

Who knows, maybe I'll get involved in those two things mentioned above?

Oh yes, don't forget to get your copy of 'The Torch's 2nd edition' on the 31st of October okay. :D