
Friday 4 November 2011

Tell the world I'm coming home!

Assalamualaikum and hello all! :)

Wow, I seem excited, am I not?
Yes, quite.
Unfortunately, I'm coming home with a cold, caused by oh you evil rhinovirus!

I can't believe it has been 8 weeks/2 months since I've last seen the faces of the people I love. 
Remember the 'Homesick' post? LOL.

I'm not going to study during this one week holiday. :P
But rather, I'm required to do lots of  research for these FOUR assignments.
- Anti-infective seminar: Anti-malarial drugs in pregnancy
-UNGS 2050K- Islam honours women: Theoretical and Practical
-Pharmaceutical Analysis- Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
-Leadership and Management- Stress Management >__<

So, there's already lots of works! 

Internet at home is super awesome! Can't wait. :D
I want to jalan-jalan with my family and belanja my adiks makan. ;)

Oklah bye. Wish me a safe journey. May peace be upon you! 

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