
Sunday 25 March 2012

A new Harry Potter spell

Most of you had already known how much I love Harry Potter. Oh, you dono? Hokayla takpe. Now you know. :P

One day, Dr Marwan, one of the lecturers for the subject Body System II: Respiratory and Urinary System taught us about the asthma disease, which is caused by the constriction of the bronchus which in turn obstructs the air pathway. 

And suddenly he said something that has the 'us' thing at the end, it sounds like one of the spells in Harry Potter. 
It goes like this- STATUS ASTHMATICUS!!! It means severe asthma.

I was astounded. HARRY POTTER!! (read: Harry Pottah!)And you know what I did? I held my pen (the make-belief wand), did a swish and flick motion, (though maybe it's just applicable to the spell Wingardium Leviosa but never mind, I love it) pointed it to my friend and muttered STATUS ASTHMATICUS! Okay friend, you got asthma already! LOL.

Why are you so mean-os? I can't breathe-os! I need Salbutamol-os that will act-os on the Beta-2 receptors-os of my bronchial-os smooth muscle-os (Nerd-os)

Evil-os spell-os, this is-os. Of course-os, nothing happened-os.

(I have no idea why tiba-tiba tergedik letak os-os ni)

So, after failing to do that, I decided to keep moving forward and try new things!
What I'm trying to do now:

I tried my best but it didn't work. Maybe I lost my focus there (but then, I didn't get splinched either :P) Oh, never mind. Keep moving forward!!! 


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Sarah said...

Is Miu Chan you, Ash Ketchum? xD

Anonymous said...

Lolol. right, ash ketchum is here. previous jap name~ hahaha (,>.<,)