
Sunday 4 March 2012

One of my proudest moments

Went into the bookshop.
Browsed the selection of books. 
Found one book I really wanted.
Held the book, flipped it through.
Suddenly remembered that I currently have like, 5 half-read books. 
Put the book back.
Walked out of the bookshop. 

Went to Carrefour.
Bought Sushi instead. 


W said...

Books are a life-long investment.

That's what I always tell myself, anyway. Now I have, what, ten unread books? Unfinished books not included.

Still is the best decision. Buy, buy, BUY!

Sarah said...

Haha, that's true.
But I'm afraid that I will 'menzalimi' those books if beli je mahal2 then tak baca. LOL.

Besides, I'm saving money for my Taiwan trip and JPA tak masuk lagii.....:((((