
Friday 12 June 2009

Bio Lab Class

My first perception:
What? Bio Lab B? Tak best! Tak best!
Know why? There will be two groups in a lab. In my case. It's Group 4 and Group 6 combining together.
Why don't you like that? Coz I've grown accustomed towards being in a single group in a lab. We had our Bio Lab 1 in Bio Lab A the previous semester. It was more peaceful, the lab is smaller, easy to get around and less noise coming from the brothers.
Sarah is Selfish. I'm aware of that fact, thank you very much.

Anyway, the experiment being conducted just now was fine. Only 2 hours in a week, ok la tu.
Somehow, I miss my dear old friends from Bio Lab 1. Aminah Sano, Farihin, Suyi, Farah, Azri, Isfa...Girls from the first table. Hoho.
And I miss Brother Mahathir and Mdm Haliza the most!
Tiba-tiba sangat rindu short sem. Kelas komputer, Mdm Fuhaina, bio lab, bro Mahathir, Mdm Haliza, budak-budak komputer dengan bio lab. Huhuhuhu
Anyway, lots of things to be done. Bio Lab report, Bio exercises, Chemistry tutorial, Maths assignment, FIM assignment. Whoa..
Ok, that's all. Just a brief update.


jiuge said...


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Sarah said...

Hi Jiuge. You've been here before, LOL.
Yes, I've checked out that particular post. Hahaha.