
Monday 1 June 2009

Tagged by Julia =D

Senaraikan 5 hadiah yang anda impikan:
1. Special card with 50% discounts for every books purchased. Does such thing ever existed? I dunno.. LOL
2. Nikon/ Canon DSLR. I can't really specify it. But it's the latest... ^__^
3. Music editing software together with special Yamaha Electone (you know, where you can put a variety of rhythms to the songs played on the electone?).. :D
4. All Japanese Dramas/ Arashi/News merchandises. And together with the members' autographs.
5. A free way ticket to travel around the world, anytime, any day, anywhere.

LOL, those do not seem realistic. :P

5 alasan terhadap pilihan tersebut:
1. Love books. My parents couldn't stand my 'Becky Bloomwood' behaviour when it comes to buying books.
2. My cousin in Singapore has it (well, it's her father's actually but she made it like it's her own. Jealousy, grrr...) Because I love taking random and candid pictures(not to mention, weird) instead of the normal readily posed photos. And that DSLR cameras OBVIOUSLY offer some functions and effects that my current compact camera doesn't.
3. My current Yamaha Electone is yet to be repaired. My skills have slowly diminished, I guess and it has become a bit rusty, LOL. And I LOVE Music. Music is like, one the most wonderful things that ever existed in this world. I'm easily touched with soft and instrumental music. :D
4. Like, duh? Do I need to explain it anymore? I'm obsessed interested in Japanese subcultures. J-pops, J-dramas, etc.
5. Backpacking. Budget traveling. ALONE!

5 perkara hebat yang pernah anda lakukan:
1. Spent one night almost freezing to death while taking care of my mum when she was admitted to the hospital. I did not complain and refused to accept even one of the many blankets that were covering her. She needed them more. Hospitals are so... COLD. Literally. And that I slept on the plastic chair. Pathetic, huh? >_<

2. Coping up with mistakes, failures, and many obstacles that ever happened. Constantly falls down, stands up again and again.

3. Teaching a group of kids ( primary schoolers) English using non conventional methods. You know, music, playing cards, games and all? And I got paid! Unbelievable, right? Well yeah. That is my first paid job.

4. Singing solo at a Prefects' Annual Dinner. Well, being forced to, actually. And Mr. Wan gave me a flower as if I'm like a pop star or such. LOL.

5. Survive my teenage years without getting involved with teenage rebel/curiosity based problems. E.g. Drugs, illegitimate pregnancy(God forbids!), tattoos(LOL), Mat-rempits and all. Well, I was a bit rebellious but I blamed it on the hormones... ;P

5 ciptaan yang paling disukai:

1. Kipas angin (can't survive without them :D)
2. Cameras -Digital or manual
4. Light bulbs (thanks to Thomas Edison =D )
5. Cermin mata. Or else I'll go half buta...

5 perkara yang dibenci:(I'll change it to 5 orang/so-called orang yang dibenci, OK?)
1. Perogol. Kahwin la oiiii
2. Peragut. Pi la cari kerja. Menyusahkan orang je.
3. Mat Rempit. Ingat macho sangat ke korang naik motor macam nak mati?
4. Penagih dan Pengedar Dadah. Perosak negara.
5. Orang yang suka buang sampah merata-rata. Tong sampah berlambak, takkan tak nampak kot?

5 orang yang nak ditag.
1. Jun Matsumoto- kalau dia paham Bahasa Melayu
2. Yamapi- Kalau dia baca blog saya.. :P
3. Mat Rempit yang membaca blog saya. Biar ada kerja sket drp dok merempitt jerr..
4. Pak Cik Guard UIA
5. Nabil Raja Lawak.. Lu pikirla sendiri!

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