
Thursday 3 June 2010

Is this really me, talking about love?

Yes, I am in love. Not with anyone but with a movie I've just watched. Of which this action is not necessarily to be called love, it's more like an infatuation and obsession. But the word love sounds so pure and honest, so I'm gonna use this word.
In case you've been wondering what movie am I talking about, it's a movie about fairy tale, glass slippers, peasant/servant-turned princess, evil stepmother and stepsister, the Prince. Most of all, it's about love. You guess.

When I was eleven, I entered a public speaking competition in my school, with the topic 'Love' of which I managed to scrape a mere second place. I didn't really know the meaning love back then and I still don't know the meaning of it now as I've never experienced it myself. There are many definitions of love but what I'm going to talk about is a totally different kind of love. What's got into me? I'm in a love mode. Blame the movie. My eyes were transfixed to the TV screen that I hardly blinked. I swooned when the prince said he'll always love her no matter whether she's a countess or a mere servant girl. I almost cried when Danielle got beaten by her evil stepmother. I cheered to the happy ending. I don't care what people think of me. I really take the movies I watched seriously, no kidding. I'm a sentimental kind of person.

Is this really me, falling in love? With a movie? More like with a crappy non-existent fairy tale? Told you, there are different kinds of love. And I keep on smiling all of a sudden, I even smile right now, thinking of Danielle and Henry, living happily ever after. Is this even normal? Do tell whether you've experienced such thing. Maybe it's the hormone. Yes, it is the hormone.

I want my own fairy tale. I want my own happy ending. I want to have a love story that is something you read from the books or watch from the movies and dramas of which most of them are completely unrealistic.

I am 100% sure that ALL girls, girls from all walks of life would want their own fairy tale. Even a girl who is currently living in such undesirable environment would dream for a prince to rescue her and bring her out from all these misfortunes. Even those who are already married would want their own desired fairy tale kind of love story.

 But unfortunately, no matter how much we believed of these fairy tales, these happy endings, there will be no way that our own story will be the same as we expected to be. Fairy tales are created by those who longed for a happy ever after life. Those who wanted to escape from their own marriage woes. I expect guys will snigger upon reading this. Oh, guys. What do they know? Forever condemning women for falling head over heels with Japanese or Korean actors, making fun of our infatuations. Yes, a mere infatuation and admiration. Not love. We are sane and rational enough to differentiate between REAL human beings and pop artists who exist in posters and television screen. If we did say that we like them, it doesn't mean that we would want them as our future spouses. Most of the guys don't really believe in love. Or perhaps, they thought that it is love. But it isn't. I shall elaborate now.

Some of the peoples of my age have already found, is it? Is it love? Or is it a mere obsession and infatuation, quite similar to the one I had for those Japanese and Korean actors? :P How much do you love her? Or him? What makes you love him? His looks? Status? The chemistry and compatibility you shared with each other? Do you wish to have a significant other just for the sake of following 'THE trend'? So what can you do to prove to him to you love him? Devoting your life towards him? How is that? And when you've decided on doing that, don't ever throw the 'product' of your never-dying love into the drain or garbage bin or whatever. Okay, something is wrong with this sentence. I'm sure you get what I mean. XD

Being in love doesn't mean that you have to constantly text-message or call each other 24/7. That's an infatuation. Is love ever an infatuation? Could anyone answer that? If you do love and care for her/him you would certainly RESPECT her privacy.

Being in love doesn't mean that you have to keep on holding hands, dating every week at the mall or even giving each other gifts and presents. Is it really love? Reasonable, right? Giving gifts to someone you love.If you do love and care for her/him you would certainly respect her. Holding hands together, hugging his waist on the motorbike, going out together, just the two of you,  is that love? Respect? Certainly not. And you certainly do not respect her parents and even your religion by simply touching her, the one who is not your mahram. And that is HARAM. Certainly, you do not respect her dignity as a woman.

'Then what definition of love do you have in your mind?' you might ask me that.
 Of course, my own definition of love. Simple. Mutual respect towards each other. This sentence might be plain simple, as if there is nothing that you can think out of it. I have lots of points in my mind and I've just given two of them in the paragraphs above but you can think of the rest and elaborate them by yourself. The more points you get, the more you will realise that 'Eh, she's right!' and the more you will ponder 'Is this love or infatuation I'm experiencing right now?'

This is a post specially dedicated to my dear friend.
A message to her 'Do not feel sad when that guy cheated you. That is not love. Do not even regard that as your first heartbroken. Or even, your first love. It was never called love in the first place. If he really loves you, he will respect your feelings, instead of toying with them. There'll come the time when you'll meet someone that really respect you. Love you. Then only you'll call that person as your first, true love,'

To others: Selamat mencuba dan selamat beramal. XD


Anonymous said...

Being in love means always remembering that the relationship is not about one person, what he or she wants, needs or expects - a world of 'us', never about I or You.

And mutual respect means while we endeavour to get someone to hear us, we must also put in the effort to listen to the other party. And then, jointly compromise on a solution to the issue.

Being in love doesn't mean we have to be in touch 24/7 - true. But that is only our definition. Have we sat down to listen and hear the other side - that why to some being in love needs getting in touch 24/7 - have we accorded the respect to hear the other side, reflect and think about it? Or do we just want our partners to listen to us (and call this respecting us). What about respecting differing opinions?

While we ask others to respect our privacy, have we respected their needs for togetherness?

If the word is "mutual", then please remember, respect is to be earned. Before we set rules to what is the meaning of 'respect' according to our definition, respect your other halves by listening to them first.

This is the true meaning of respect.

Sarah said...

To anonymous.
That is so true and so beautifully written. It's as if it comes from your heart. Thanks for reading this and giving your opinion on this.

I guess I'm too young to understand the true meaning of love. Of course,there's a broader meaning to the word 'respect'. Thanks for elaborating it further.

Anonymous said...

sarah i love this
'Do not feel sad when that guy cheated you. That is not love. Do not even regard that as your first heartbroken. Or even, your first love. It was never called love in the first place. If he really loves you, he will respect your feelings, instead of toying with them. There'll come the time when you'll meet someone that really respect you. Love you. Then only you'll call that person as your first, true love,' can i copy it as my status on fb?
-hazy clsmate syidah ( mls gle nk log in google acc)

Sarah said...

Hello Hazy! Thanks for the comment! =D
Yes, sure. Boleh copy jadi status. XD