It's funny. You finally realised that the person is important to you only when you lost him to someone.. LOL.
The same case goes with me. While waiting for the Bio Class to start, I, Husna, Fizah, Syau, Alia and others were sitting in the unoccupied class next door.
And that was when Husna revealed the most shocking, heartbreaking news ever!
" I read in Kosmo! that the Hero of Hana Yori Dango a.k.a Matsumoto Jun is married!"
I was flabbergasted. " Serious? WHAT THE HECK????!!!!"
Maybe I was paying too much attention to Yamapi and had almost forgotten about my first love, Matsumoto Jun. And he got married.
Husna replied " Yes, it's true! He's married to a singer. The singer has a rare disease. He feels responsible and thus married her,"
Several thoughts had accumulated in my mind.
1. I thought that JE Boys aren't suppposed to get themselves girlfriends/ lovers and GET MARRIED!
2. I don't care whether he's married or not. BUT I want him with INOUE MAO!!!
3. How come I didn't know about this before?
Anyway, I felt a bit down, LOL. But WAS ABLE to concentrate in the Biology class. Hahahahaha.
And Husna kept on consoling me. " Sarah, it's OK. There are other guys out there,"
She said again" It's not like they're going to marry you anyway,".
I just nodded silently and sadly. And she even regretted telling me this. LMAO.
And Husna kept on getting on my nerve by telling about Matsujun and his so-called beloved wife.
" They went for a dinner one night. Then they dissapeared. Went to the apartment,"
I was like " Grrrrrrrr......"
Sabar, sabar!
When the class was over, I decided to ask KINAH, A.K.A Die hard fan of Arashi about the truth.
Like, are you hiding the truth from me all this while? Hahahaha.
And I kept on giggling like a maniac anyway. Giler sarah ni. Kinah kept on pestering me to tell her what's going on.
I don't care anyway. I'm going to find out the truth in the INTERNET!
In the cafe, while waiting for my food to be ready, I finally relented on asking Kinah about it. Though it is INDEED a silly and a foolish matter to be bothered about.
She was like " No, where did you get this information?"
And off she told me about the IMPOSSIBILITIES of JE Boys to have girlfriends/lovers let alone, getting married. And bla-bla-bla. Other facts as well.
And when I went upstairs to my room. I switched on my laptop and suddenly, one thought popped into my mind.
It's MIZUSHIMA HIRO! I've read somewhere that...
And to get things even funnier, people DO AGREE that he looks like MATSUMOTO JUN!
Hahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaha *continues*
haha. I couldn't stop laughing.
And I told this to Kinah. She just laughed and said " Kau ni macam tak senang hidup je tadi,"
Hahaha. And I asked her " What if Sho got married. What will you do?"
She couldn't answer the question! Hahahahahahahahahahaha.
Never mind. This teaches me a lesson not to fancy a guy too much as you will get heartbroken and sad when he did something unacceptable to you like cheating you, being with other girls, etc.
Hey, it's a vital survival skill, right??? :P
The same case goes with me. While waiting for the Bio Class to start, I, Husna, Fizah, Syau, Alia and others were sitting in the unoccupied class next door.
And that was when Husna revealed the most shocking, heartbreaking news ever!
" I read in Kosmo! that the Hero of Hana Yori Dango a.k.a Matsumoto Jun is married!"
I was flabbergasted. " Serious? WHAT THE HECK????!!!!"
Maybe I was paying too much attention to Yamapi and had almost forgotten about my first love, Matsumoto Jun. And he got married.
Husna replied " Yes, it's true! He's married to a singer. The singer has a rare disease. He feels responsible and thus married her,"
Several thoughts had accumulated in my mind.
1. I thought that JE Boys aren't suppposed to get themselves girlfriends/ lovers and GET MARRIED!
2. I don't care whether he's married or not. BUT I want him with INOUE MAO!!!
3. How come I didn't know about this before?
Anyway, I felt a bit down, LOL. But WAS ABLE to concentrate in the Biology class. Hahahahaha.
And Husna kept on consoling me. " Sarah, it's OK. There are other guys out there,"
She said again" It's not like they're going to marry you anyway,".
I just nodded silently and sadly. And she even regretted telling me this. LMAO.
And Husna kept on getting on my nerve by telling about Matsujun and his so-called beloved wife.
" They went for a dinner one night. Then they dissapeared. Went to the apartment,"
I was like " Grrrrrrrr......"
Sabar, sabar!
When the class was over, I decided to ask KINAH, A.K.A Die hard fan of Arashi about the truth.
Like, are you hiding the truth from me all this while? Hahahaha.
And I kept on giggling like a maniac anyway. Giler sarah ni. Kinah kept on pestering me to tell her what's going on.
I don't care anyway. I'm going to find out the truth in the INTERNET!
In the cafe, while waiting for my food to be ready, I finally relented on asking Kinah about it. Though it is INDEED a silly and a foolish matter to be bothered about.
She was like " No, where did you get this information?"
And off she told me about the IMPOSSIBILITIES of JE Boys to have girlfriends/lovers let alone, getting married. And bla-bla-bla. Other facts as well.
And when I went upstairs to my room. I switched on my laptop and suddenly, one thought popped into my mind.
It's MIZUSHIMA HIRO! I've read somewhere that...
And to get things even funnier, people DO AGREE that he looks like MATSUMOTO JUN!
Hahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaha *continues*

And I told this to Kinah. She just laughed and said " Kau ni macam tak senang hidup je tadi,"
Hahaha. And I asked her " What if Sho got married. What will you do?"
She couldn't answer the question! Hahahahahahahahahahaha.
Never mind. This teaches me a lesson not to fancy a guy too much as you will get heartbroken and sad when he did something unacceptable to you like cheating you, being with other girls, etc.
Hey, it's a vital survival skill, right??? :P
You are so funny!
Sangat klaka!! XD
When you nak tak nak tanya I pasal this, I was thought there must be something related to Arashi.Haha.
Rileks, if ada big news pasal Arashi, I'll immediately go to your room.^^;
Sho kahwin? Terjun bangunan kot. Hahaha. But ada tilam kat bawah. :P
Malu siottt...
cerite yg sgt touching....
tersentuh jiwaku!!!
nseb bek x btol,,,,
patot la td ak tgk ko mcm kucing mati laki je...
Kurang asam eh ko Su...
cheating on u?
he doesnt even know u la..
does he?
Yes, he surely KNOWS me!
I come into HIS dream every single night!
you are so freakin Obsessed with a big capital O! dang.
i do understand how you feel, tho.
but not about the falling-for-celebs thing lah, the part about losing someone to some other person haha :D
Though I have yet to experience 'that' kind of feeling in reality.
Well, I hope that I'll never get that.>_<
Enough with this one already!It's too devastating! ;P
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