
Wednesday 5 August 2009

Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do!!!!

A dream is a wish your heart makes..bla-bla
No matter how much you've been dreaming,
if you keep on believing,
the dreams that you wish will come true~~~
*insert the remaining Disney's song here*

Dreams. The lyrics is quite irrelevant all right, depending on how you interpret the meaning of it.
' If you keep on believing, the dreams that you wish will come true'.

Of course, you can't just 'Keep on believing' so that your dreams will come true.

Mind me. Several things make me ponder. Am I following the right track?

I don't know. Following dreams?
Chasing after rainbows and butterflies?Dah masuk fairy tales ke apa ni?

I hate to study la wei... But if tak stadi, nak kerja apa? Nak makan apa? Nak beli DVD Matsujun berlakon pun tak boleh.

I have lots of things to do. Things I'd like/love to do rather than studying.
This is my life. I'm the one who should be given full authority/rights to chart my future, deciding on what to do or what I DON'T want to do.

Okla fine. I don't really wish to vent my anger and frustration here. PMS kot.
I've lots of things to do rather than worrying about others' perceptions about me. Or even MY OWN perceptions towards myself.

Quoting a dialogue in Hlovate's book-Rooftop Rant

" Bercita-citalah!Pancangkan cita-cita itu setinggi mungkin!Iringi dengan kesungguhan, perjuangan dan pengorbanan untuk mencapainya.Semoga Allah SWT merahmati kita dengan memperkankan cita-cita kita itu,"

YES! In order to achieve my dreams, I need to sacrifice sometimes, and really work hard as Allah will not help those who did not help themselves.

Life is hard. But it holds a series of lessons. Life is our teacher and we are its students. Life educates us, hardships teach us to be stronger.

Ermm, yeah. Must work hard to fulfill my dreams. Dreams, OK! Academic Excellence is not a wonderful dream. It's a NIGHTMARE!
Oh well, even if it IS a nightmare, I have no choice but to work hard. Huhu.
To think again, two more semesters to go (including the present one). And maybe I needn't worry much as I do right now once I stepped into main camp. Seriously??
Maybe at that time, my mum wouldn't worry so much by asking whether I've studied or not every time she called me.
Study, study, study. Students. The word student sounds like a... a furniture. Like a table.

Oh, whattteeevverrr.. Study for Chem and Maths. NOW!
Ganbatte yo.

P.S. Only a normal person doesn't like to study. And I'm normal. :P


kina ;) said...

ohoho..i'm normal too..
xde mood la nak study lately..
habis je midsem exam mcm makin teruk plak malas aku.xDD

Sarah said...

Tau takpe!