
Saturday 29 August 2009

Politikus Cipanikus

Politics oh Politics! Now why did I have to become indirectly involved in something that's related to this filthy, dirty thing?

Yesterday, my group members and I presented the topic for our **** presentation. The topic is regarding Lack of Faith.

And so, i managed to babble aimlessly(well, with directions, :P) and kept on saying and stressing on the same points coz I didn't manage to memorize the whole three pages of my summaries. Panjang giler! Sometimes, I was laughing and giggling foolishly, and wrinkling my forehead, scrutinizing my nose, making idiotic facial expressions, LOL.

And when the whole group members finished presenting, it was time for the questions and answers. I was waiting eagerly for the questions coz I'm such a 'gila kuasa' person for wanting to be the only one who answered those questions. Oh yeah, coz the other group members REFUSED to answer the questions though I asked them to.

First, 2nd and third questions. All from the brothers, I guess, I can't remember.I managed to answer all of them using my own wits and sarcasm. The sisters kept on smiling when they looked at me, ardently debating and presenting my facts and points, complete with indecipherable hand gestures. Kak Pah was listening attentively, I noticed..:P

And then, the lecturer asked me a question. Who should be blamed for this matter, PARENTS or GOVERNMENT?
Immediately, I answered parents. And presented my own opinions and thoughts. Then the lecturer said " I do not agree with you". And so, she expressed her own thoughts and opinions. I kept on stressing that parents are at fault. But she kept on denying that. Ok. And so, without the both of us realising it, and with the class fully aware of it, both of us were debating about that. And lastly, I wished not to argue any longer because she is my lecturer and I couldn't debate and become sarcastic towards her. I finally said. OK, both should be blamed. Well, of course. even if it's government's faults, parents should be blamed as well, right? I'm being realistic here. Then, she said, no, government should be blamed. Government's the reason all these social ills occuring.

I was making a dissastisfied face coz I couldn't see the relevance of government being involved in social ills. My mum said maybe it's because of the government's policies, by permitting the urmm, opening of cinemas, and all those night clubs? Yeah, maybe. But parents are the one who should ensure that their children don't go to such places.

And how? By giving their children a really good foundation, equipping them with good Islamic teachings and moral values. Insya-Allah that their children will have a strong iman and is able to refrain themselves for getting involved in those social decadence when they grow up. Government should not be blamed 100% for this.

And I'm sure that all of you who are reading this whould feel the same. Like, even if she asked, who should be blamed? Parents or the oppositions? I would still say the parents. I'm being realistic. I'm not being influenced by my own political views. Even if you do not agree with me, let me give an example on one of the everyday situations.

A Muslim teenager was caught drinking alcohols and taking ecstasy in night clubs. One of your immediate reactions would be " What the heck with this teenager? Don't her/his parents care about her/his whereabout?". Your immediate reaction would not be " What the heck? It's totally the government's faults!" So, you get my point?

Then, Syau asked me. " What does she mean by that? Is it government or environment?" And I politely asked her " Excuse me, is it environment or government?" and she stressed the word ' GOVERNMENT'. Oh, ok.

Then, Fizah looked at me with an annoyed expression and said " Just give up. Let her win,".
Ok. She's my lecturer so I respect her and so I said " Ok, government is at fault,". I do not wish to argue any longer.
The whole class laughed and she said " Maybe one day you'll understand,".

Well, ok. I barely reached the age of 19. So, what do I know about politics? And why did she ask me that in the first place? And why did she asked me to make a decision between two matters? Parents or government? And she wants me to pick ONLY ONE of those two choices. Of course, me, being an immatured teenager, I couldn't find any correlation between the government's policies and the lack of faith among youth.

Okay fine, Muslim youths. Even if the government is at fault, my dad said, then look at those Chinese people. Most of their children are not involved in the social ills such as mat rempits and stuffs. So, government should be blamed for that? Maybe someone whould say, MUSLIM YOUTHS specifically. And I would like to point out something. What's the difference between us and the people of the other races and religions? Are we dumber than them? No, right? In fact, we are better than them in terms of religious stuffs.

It is COMPULSORY for us to perform the 5 daily prayers. So, we must have stronger iman in our heart than them, right? And also, the muslim youths ought to have better akhlak compared to the chinese and indians people right? Coz we are much closer to Allah compared to them with their Gods.

And so, those who are not fully equipped with those religious and Islamic tecahings are the ones who commit such social ills. And who are to be blamed for that? The GOVERNMENT? Of course not! The parents! Maybe if the lecturer gave another choice, which is the youth himself, then I would choose that one.

But for me, all of us, the community play vital roles in moulding the shapes of our youths. No one should be blamed 100%. The same goes with the government.
And that politics SHOULD NEVER be mixed with academic matters. I don't know what will happen to my marks. I'm sure that she is a good lecturer that will never mix stuffs like that with the marks she give to her students. Maybe she wished to know about my political views. I dunno.

P.S. Sorry for the numerous grammatical errors. The government is at fault for this. They do not provide enough English classes so that I can speak like Mat Sallehs in overseas.


Lisa said...

haha politik cipan

i'm on your side
i think we should blame the parents
agree with all your points :]

maybe she's blaming it on the government bcz it's easier to do so. heh. she's a parent what? XD

Sarah said...

Yeah, exactly!
From my point of view, I can see that she totally disagree with my stand, blaming parents all along as she's a parent herself. Maybe she was thinking that I was indirectly blaming her as a parent, LOL. XD

Luqman Fauzi said...

I'd agree with you. Masa zaman Pemerintahan Rasulullah at Madinah & Khulafa' Ar-Rasyideen pun ader je org berzina & minum arak. Nak salahkan govt lagi ker?

I'm a bona fide pembangkang, but that doesn't mean I have to blame every single crappy thing in life on the government.

Sarah said...

I should have bring that up during the 'debate'. LOL.
That's a really strong point.

Oh I see.
Thanks for the comment!