
Monday 3 August 2009

Another Day Has Gone...

Another day has gone,
I'm still all alone,
*insert MJ's song here* LOL.

Oh no, I'm not all alone, hehe.
Sudah lama tak menulis blog ye.
Mula-mula, UIA blocked blogger. Now OK alreadyla.
Lots of things happened.
Yeah yeah, I know. There are still final exams but let's enjoy ourselves for a while before the time comes eh? Final Exams, I mean. LOL.

Imagine, my friends and I had taken FOUR PAPERS in one week. Bloody tired, exhausted, lethargic, both physical and mental. But we managed to survive! Hehe
Let's recap.

Bio 3: Ok arr, Alhamdulillah. It's not easy nor is it bloody difficult. Huhu. Let's wait for the result. Huhu. SCARY!
Maths 2: I can answer most of the questions but it is still difficult. Not ENOUGH TIME!!!!! Highlighted word: DIFFICULT! :P
Chemistry 2: Surprisingly, I can answer the questions given. Alhamdulillah. :) Can answer la, but dunno whether the answers are correct or not :P Careless mistakes berlambak ke...Hahahaha
FIM: I just read through and Alhamdulillah, I can answer all of them though some of the questions are quite confusing/ tricky. Same here.Dunno whether the answers are correct or not. Huhu. >__<
Let's just pray that I'll get the desired marks for all the papers. Amin.

Then, we went to the PC Fair in KLCC on the last day of exam. Stayed there-around the KLCC area from 1.30 and went back at 8 something PM! Sugoi ne? :P
Bought myself an external hard drive. FINALLY!
Syidah bought herself an MP3 player- after much persuasion from me, LOL.

Oh yeah, I had transferred all the Japanese/Korean Dramas available in others' external hard drives to MINE!
Imagine, now, there's only 55 GB something left. The capacity is about 298GB. Amazing eh?
Don't underestimate the power of J-pops! ;)
P.S Entah bila la boleh tengok habis. Satu tahun pun belum tentu habis kot...kehkehkeh.

Oh yeah, bought Hlovate's books. Have finished reading '5 Tahun 5 Bulan'. In the middle of finishing 'Tunas'- the Magnificent 7 part, and Rooftop Rant. Read half of it already. Hehe. Multi-reading/tasking huh? AS IF!
My dad gave me the Frederick Forsyth's The Afghan and other crime-thriller books but they are at home. Hoho.
Now, have to revise for Maths Quiz and Chem Quiz this Thursday. Huhu, BARU nak bernafas dah kena study balik, ngeee....

And someone told me there are already THREE students being suspected of having H1N1. I don't want the CUTI H1N1! I don't want UIA to shorten our SEMESTER VACATION! NO WAY JOSE!!!

Ok, bye! :)


DIYSAR said...

sarh wwawawa(imagine im screams like a jonas brothers fanz lol)update jgak blog awak ahahahah

DIYSAR said...

asal x bli 1 tera jee hdd..lg jimat hhehehe

-KingSyahmi- said...

i'm sure u can score ur chem 2....

and the other subjects too...

i barely answer maths 2...

Sarah said...

Rasyid: Eh, you waited for my post eh? Thanks for being such a supportive fan. LOL. :P
Thanks for reading!
Oh, 1 tera eh? Ada jugak nampak. 1 tera RM319 kot but my friend ckp tu utk the first 10 people ke apa entah.
For now, I'll survive with just 298GB! LOL. Besides, it's within my budgetla, I've allocated RM300 maximum. So..hehehe..paham-paham je la..

Sarah said...

King Syahmi: Well, I hope so. huhuhu. Amin...
Well, you too of course. I'm sure of it.
It's not just you though. Semua org ckp Maths 2 paling susah antara semua. >__<
Anyway, good luck!

DIYSAR said...

u can find 1 tera in rm3++..but its not inclding the case..
the main problm for hdd is the case..
need to find a good case or ur hd will be meletop due to heat or elctrcl causes

Sarah said...

Oh, really?
Hoho, next time I'll buy la.
I got the case for free though.