Friday, 25 December 2009
I love blogging and I will continue blogging.
This is it. The first and last post for this month (maybe).
I just realised that I tend to write short blog posts nowadays. -___-
Monday, 23 November 2009
I'm embarking on a journey towards Adulthood
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
And stoop and build 'em up with wornout tools;
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And never breath a word about your loss;
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!
I tend to make the same mistakes again and again. But I try my best to stand up again and again after constantly falling down. That's life.
Wish me luck!
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Book List and Movie List
Ever since I resumed my last, final semester here in UIA, I had read lots of books (fictions) rather than aimlessly surfing the net searching for the latest gossip on Arashi and Matsumoto Jun.
1. Bridget Jones' Diary by Helen Fielding. 3 out of 5 stars
2. A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini. 5 out of 5 stars
3. aA + bB by Hlovate. 3 half out of 5 stars
4. A Change of Heart by Jodi Picoult. 4 out of 5 stars
5. Goodnight, Beautiful by Dorothy Koomson. 3 out of 5 stars
6. Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella. 4 half out of 5 stars
7. Remember Me? by Sophie Kinsella. 4 out of 5 stars
8. A Little Magic by Nora Roberts. 2 half out of 5 stars
9. Jawapan yang Pasti by Eka Fahara. 2 out of 5 stars
10. Pelangi (Pelangi by Syud, Ked's Story by Hlovate, Rumah Kecil di Ujung Padang by Noor Suraya). 3 half out of 5 stars
11. Detective Conan by Gosho Aoyama.. 4 half out of 5.
Currently reading...
1. Bagaimana Akhirnya Saya Bertudung compiled by Ir.Endok Sempo Mohd. Tahir.
2. Tentang...Dhiya by Syud.
3. Soul Mountain by Gao Xingji.
Movie List
1. A Walk to Remember.
2. Enchanted.
3. The Proposal.
4. It's a Boy Girl Thing.
5. Geng: Pengembaraan Bermula.
6. Forrest Gump. Again.
7. Robots. The Malay subbed version.
8. 27 Dresses.
And I'm proud to say that I haven't watched a SINGLE Japanese Dramas here! And I'm proud to say again that I haven't watched any specific series on the TV till now! And 'Nur Kasih's included. Gonna watch the final episode at home next week. Ah, how I miss home. :(
So, the scholarship money's in. I don't know what to do with it. Buying books? Maybe. I have my eyes on
' The Time Traveler's Wife' by Audrey Niffenegger, 'Kafka on the Shore' by Haruki Murakami, '
The Gift' by Cecelia Ahern and other books. But maybe I need to wait just a little while for the upcoming MPH Book Fair and other book fairs. Okay, book fairs, I will wait for 'you guys'! And the remarkable, awesome discounts that you're going to offer book enthusiasts like me!
Like, seriously, I could wait for MPH Book Fair just like other clothes-crazed people would wait for the Year End Sale or Mega Sale. I don't have that much interest in clothes, sad to say. :(
Notice that I love to read fictions. Books that I've read are mostly fictions. I hope I can grow up and read other mind-blowing stuffs. Motivational books are not included as I read far too much books about that. Andrew Matthews, Zig Ziegler, HM Tuah Iskandar. Ah, ramai la. I've read uncountable numbers of 'Chicken Soup for the Souls'.
Found a website about Haron Yahya. I can read his books online! Yes! First stop, 'Romanticism: Weapon of Satans'. Thanks to Hlovate for indirectly introducing Haron Yahya's works to me.
Gotta stop now. Gotta finish the Physics Exercises by this afternoon.
Till then, bubye :)
Monday, 19 October 2009
The Diary of a Wimpy Kid
The book's reserved for kids between the age of 7 till 13. But Syafiq and I, who are both 17 and 19 had finished reading it in one go and we thought that the storyline is remarkable, splendid!
Friday, 16 October 2009
Confessions of a Procrastinator
Picture taken from Flickr
I don't know what have I been doing for the past two weeks of holidays. And I'm recuperating from flu.
I'm sad to say that I haven't watched any Jap-Dramas throughout these two weeks, I haven't finished reading 'Eclipse' and ' Breaking Dawn', haven't finished reading 'RADHA', haven't completed the essay that my mum wanted, oh, what else? I haven't been to ANY shopping complexes due to two reasons. One, I'm afraid to drive, a pretty lame excuse. Two, my mum uses the car. Haih..
I just turned nineteen on 14th October. Yaay, Happy Birthday to me. We haven't celebrated it yet coz my parents are working and my siblings are school-ing.
I don't really care for a birthday celebration anyway, a simple but sincere wish from everyone is enough to make my day.
Also, I've been logging in and out of the UIA Asasi website. To check whether the result is out or not. Nope. And thus, another week filled with agony. I wanted to get over it QUICKLY.
I am a big time procrastinator. I accidentally left my camera at college. Or like, seriously? Did I dropped it off somewhere? NO!!!! How stupid of me. My electone is yet to be repaired. It's sad coz I only remembered how to play 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' on my cousin Liyana's keyboard. LAME-OH.
I hate myself for eagerly starting something and later forget all about it in another few days.I must change this behaviour fast before it gets worse.
Till then, toodles.
Monday, 5 October 2009
Merdeka! Well, sort of..
Worrying and agonizing a bit about the upcoming results but eh..that could wait until later. :D
Why do I keep on putting smileys at the end of each sentence? XD
I have three fictions waiting to be read.
And countless of J-Dramas and movies that have yet to be watched.
Believe it or not, I'm starting to get addicted to 'Nur Kasih'. Yeah, a MALAY DRAMA! Awesome and unbelievable, right??? :D
I thought that I could study easily and peacefully without the laptop by my side. But no, I just realised it. I need HIM by my side 24/7. Yes, seriously.
Okay, that's all. Bye-bye.
Thursday, 17 September 2009
I'm off to Singapore!
As you grow up, the excitement that was once seen on your face when you were 6 or 7 or maybe 12 is slowly diminishing.
Hari Raya is not that great anymore. I bet the adults are thinking the same way. It is great, it is undeniably great but as I've said just now, the anticipation isn't there anymore.
I do not feel a thing whenever I heard the Hari Raya songs being played on the radio. Unlike those days, where my siblings and I, even with our parents, would sing the songs in the car to kill the time spent along those long hours of journey from north to south.
Maybe it's because I have to spend my Hari Raya holidays by burying myself in books (as if!). But then, maybe there are other factors that contribute to this feeling-less feeling I'm experiencing right now.
ANYWAAYYY....I'll be leaving my dearest boyfriend a.k.a my laptop at home. And I'll come back again after one week of so-called striving and struggling for the final exams. Okay, let's not talk about THAT 'E' word here. I just can't bring him to Singapore and to UIA(Oh, no way!). He's too irresistible, and hence distracting. He will always trying to seduce me, tempting me, enticing me to leave my studies behind and explore the wonderful world beneath him (I sounded like a pervert here,LOL).
Till then, Selamat Hari Raya to all Muslims in the whole wide world. Okay, my dad's calling. BYE!!! :D
Monday, 14 September 2009
Sarah Kushairi's 'Jo oh Jo!'
The script is written by me. My friend and assistant director-Syau wrote the dialogues between her and Fizah and she wrote all the Korean terms and dialogues in the movie. I dunno Korean. Japanese tahula sikit-sikit. LOL.
I'm the director, the
Things to look for
1) Sarah Kushairi's obsessions and infatuations towards Matsumoto Jun and Arashi is seen throughout the movie.
a. The laptop( wallpaper of Arashi)
b. Arashi insert songs( 'Hero' and 'Truth')
c. My handphone with Matsumoto Jun's phone chain dangling from it. Of course, you couldn't see it. :P
2) The moments where Solehah and Syidah had forgotten some of their lines but managed to cover them up.
a. The ifthar scene
b. The sahur scene
3) You would notice that the camera's shaking sometimes. Wanna know the reason why? The cameraman/director/yours truly was trying to suppress her laughters. LOL. Very unprofessional of her.
4) The first scene of the movie is actually the final scene that we shot (The one where Jo asked what is fasting)
5) We shot the sahur scene during the time when maghrib's approaching and thus you can hear the sound of a man reciting al-Quran from the mosque nearby.
6) And lots of things that happened during the filming.
7) In conclusion, filming the movie required lots of works and times and at the same time, it was FUN!
P/S. Sorry coz I can't make it any bigger. It took a really long time to upload this video. The same goes when I tried uploading it to youtube.
And sorry if this video doesn't meet your expectations. It's my first movie, I used an ordinary Olympus Digital Camera and I edited this movie by just using Windows Movie Maker Windows XP Edition, LOL.
And please excuse the sound of the camera clicks that can be heard occasionally.
Oh yeah, that I'm just an amateur so-called filmmaker XD
Thursday, 3 September 2009
The Tales of Sarah Sarcastic and the Male Technician
Anywaayyyyy...I decided to take a little afternoon nap because I was so tired. And so, both of us, Syidah and I, collapsed on our own beds. I couldn't really sleep anyway. Coz there were so many people kept on texting me, thus disturbing my sleep as I'd have to replied those messages back.
Syau texted me, saying that she's gonna come to my room. OK. I was feeling a bit annoyed at that time, LOL. I was trying to get a good sleep here, hahaha. Sorry Syau...XD.
And so, about 5 minutes later, I could barely doze off. And suddenly, there was this knocking on the door. I figured out it must have been Syau, and so, I woke up, walking lazily towards the door, trying my best to make a very sleepy expressions. I opened the door, my eyes half closed and....
My half-closed eyes immediately popped open, widely as I was clearly shocked and embarrassed at the same time, HIM seeing me! ARGHHH!!!!
I was gaping out of shock, again, my eyes were wide open, I could recognize the familiar face( He always came to our Level 4 area and he once came to my room to check the electrical appliances, bloody la weiii!!!) and that I can SEE that he was GRINNING though I wasn't wearing my glasses at that time. I immediately shut the door, shrieking ' JUST A MOMENT!'
Syidah was sleeping and I immediately shook her, pestering her to wake up. Then, we immediately dressed up and seriously, I could feel that my face was burning red! It was bloody embarrassing! Then, Syidah opened the door. We were..urmm...standing behind the door. The technician came in, still grinning and looked at us saying ' Why are you hiding?' ARGHH. WHAT THE HECK?
I couldn't bear to look at him on the face and my back was facing him at that time. I acted as if there was nothing going on, nonchalantly looking at ermm..Biology 2 book, and..err..the fork, spoon.
Immediately when he stepped in, I stepped out from the room. And he did ask something about what should be repaired, I said ' the study lamp, the study lamp' and quickly ran away to Solehah's room next door.
EMBARRASSING MUCH, HUH??? I DIDN'T HEAR ANY ANNOUNCEMENTS AT THAT TIME! Maybe because I was half conscious the time the announcement was made..BUTTTTT..even Solehah, who was fully awake at that time didn't hear any announcements either! But Kinah heard it! BLOODY SPEAKER! TECHINICIAN, I COMMAND
And yeah, always asked who that person is whenever someone knocked on my door. I made a bloody mistake and I'll try my best not to let that happen again.
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Full updates!
First of all, sorry, no pictures. I did capture some pictures there. Urmm...except the prize giving one which is a bummer coz I was too excited that I forgot to ask Syau to take my picture receiving the prize. >_<
Or was it about the foods for iftar? I gotta admit, those foods are simple but they are simply delicious. I was eating it non-stop. Syidah and I finished the rice in a jiffy while Syau and other people were still eating it. Hehe. don't underestimate the power of hungry stomachs. :P
I was planning to go to the Medcy Yearbook Editorial Board meeting at 10 p.m, straight away after the ceremony, which was supposed to start at 9.30 p.m. Unfortunately for me, they finished the Tarawih prayer at 9.30 something p.m and that they had to arrange the board, the partitions, to separate the brothers from the sisters. It was funny, yet I feel secure at the same time, LMAO. So, Raja Syahmi, if you're reading this, sorry coz I can't make it. The whole event ended at almost 11 p.m.
Throughout the event, I kept on saying that I wanted to go back. I don't want to attend it. One secret about me. I may looked like I'm a confident person. I AM CONFIDENT, LOL but I get nervous SOOO easily. My hands and feet were all cold. Then, the emcee announced the winners for the logo competition. Oh, they have 2 consolation prizes! Maybe they will give the consolations for the Short Movie Competition too! :P
Ok, the moment we've all been waiting for. He announced the winner of the consolation prize. SURPRISE SURPRISE. The brothers from my class, the ones that I claimed the awesome one, the reasons for my worries and agony, actually won the consolation prize! That was surprising. And then, it hits me, if they only managed to get the consolation prize, then what about me? The emcee straight away annouced the third prize winner. Ok, it wasn't me. And what? There's only ONE consolation prize?
Then, second prize went to..(Seriously, I actually felt something when he was about to announce it. Sixth sense? Probably) Sister(Ok, GOTCHA!) Siti Sarah Syahirah ( there's no need to write out my full name here, actually. LOL).
Seriously, I became all excited and immediately jumped to the front. I was looking for that person who's supposed to hand me the prize with my face brimming with happiness and surprise. In other way, I was grinning like a pompous idiot. Then, Miss Shafiyyah gave me the prize and there was this camera man who captured the so-called glorious moment. Syau and Syidah were grinning as well. We only get the hamper loaded with snacks and an envelope of I'm gonna keep the envelope, hehe coz it was written ' Second Prize winner for Short Movie Competition'. I was a bit frustrated coz I was hoping that they would give us certificates or something. Huhu. That certificate worth more than any of the snack hampers around the world. But just like my dad said, the main thing is that I've won.
They showed the first prize winner's movie. It was interesting and funny at the same time. But I seriously think that the brothers from my group's movie is better.I dunno. I only watched the snippets of it. Not the whole thing. Maybe the message that they're trying to show is not conveyed. Lots of laughter and yet there's no message. Well, maybe sometimes less is more.
And I'm glad that they didn't show the movies for the 2nd and 3rd prize winner. Hehe.
So, that was it. Syidah had to go to KC and so, I had to carry the hamper all the way up to 4th level of ZC. And I was smiling ear to ear along the way. LOL. Farizah won 2nd place too, for the logo competition. Congrats Fareez! :)
Now, I'd have to concentrate on my studies. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY ESPECIALLY! Sheessshhh..Okla, not gonna sleep after sahur. Setadii....
Oh yeah, I watched the snippets of the new episode of 'Himitsu no Arashi Chan' and JUN MATSUMOTO, YOU ARE SO DAMN HAWTT!!!! I'm totally IN LOVE with him. An infatuation, to be exact? LOL. I want all the new episodes! Sheesh, Sarah! Bulan puasa ni! What happened to your resolutions?
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Jubilant! :D
IT WAS BEYOND MYYYYY EXPECTATIONS...................................
And okay..I'm tired already.
Gonna write full updates tomorrow.
Toodles! :)
Monday, 31 August 2009
Saturday, 29 August 2009
Politikus Cipanikus
Yesterday, my group members and I presented the topic for our **** presentation. The topic is regarding Lack of Faith.
And so, i managed to babble aimlessly(well, with directions, :P) and kept on saying and stressing on the same points coz I didn't manage to memorize the whole three pages of my summaries. Panjang giler! Sometimes, I was laughing and giggling foolishly, and wrinkling my forehead, scrutinizing my nose, making idiotic facial expressions, LOL.
And when the whole group members finished presenting, it was time for the questions and answers. I was waiting eagerly for the questions coz I'm such a 'gila kuasa' person for wanting to be the only one who answered those questions. Oh yeah, coz the other group members REFUSED to answer the questions though I asked them to.
First, 2nd and third questions. All from the brothers, I guess, I can't remember.I managed to answer all of them using my own wits and sarcasm. The sisters kept on smiling when they looked at me, ardently debating and presenting my facts and points, complete with indecipherable hand gestures. Kak Pah was listening attentively, I noticed..:P
And then, the lecturer asked me a question. Who should be blamed for this matter, PARENTS or GOVERNMENT?
Immediately, I answered parents. And presented my own opinions and thoughts. Then the lecturer said " I do not agree with you". And so, she expressed her own thoughts and opinions. I kept on stressing that parents are at fault. But she kept on denying that. Ok. And so, without the both of us realising it, and with the class fully aware of it, both of us were debating about that. And lastly, I wished not to argue any longer because she is my lecturer and I couldn't debate and become sarcastic towards her. I finally said. OK, both should be blamed. Well, of course. even if it's government's faults, parents should be blamed as well, right? I'm being realistic here. Then, she said, no, government should be blamed. Government's the reason all these social ills occuring.
I was making a dissastisfied face coz I couldn't see the relevance of government being involved in social ills. My mum said maybe it's because of the government's policies, by permitting the urmm, opening of cinemas, and all those night clubs? Yeah, maybe. But parents are the one who should ensure that their children don't go to such places.
And how? By giving their children a really good foundation, equipping them with good Islamic teachings and moral values. Insya-Allah that their children will have a strong iman and is able to refrain themselves for getting involved in those social decadence when they grow up. Government should not be blamed 100% for this.
And I'm sure that all of you who are reading this whould feel the same. Like, even if she asked, who should be blamed? Parents or the oppositions? I would still say the parents. I'm being realistic. I'm not being influenced by my own political views. Even if you do not agree with me, let me give an example on one of the everyday situations.
A Muslim teenager was caught drinking alcohols and taking ecstasy in night clubs. One of your immediate reactions would be " What the heck with this teenager? Don't her/his parents care about her/his whereabout?". Your immediate reaction would not be " What the heck? It's totally the government's faults!" So, you get my point?
Then, Syau asked me. " What does she mean by that? Is it government or environment?" And I politely asked her " Excuse me, is it environment or government?" and she stressed the word ' GOVERNMENT'. Oh, ok.
Then, Fizah looked at me with an annoyed expression and said " Just give up. Let her win,".
Ok. She's my lecturer so I respect her and so I said " Ok, government is at fault,". I do not wish to argue any longer.
The whole class laughed and she said " Maybe one day you'll understand,".
Well, ok. I barely reached the age of 19. So, what do I know about politics? And why did she ask me that in the first place? And why did she asked me to make a decision between two matters? Parents or government? And she wants me to pick ONLY ONE of those two choices. Of course, me, being an immatured teenager, I couldn't find any correlation between the government's policies and the lack of faith among youth.
Okay fine, Muslim youths. Even if the government is at fault, my dad said, then look at those Chinese people. Most of their children are not involved in the social ills such as mat rempits and stuffs. So, government should be blamed for that? Maybe someone whould say, MUSLIM YOUTHS specifically. And I would like to point out something. What's the difference between us and the people of the other races and religions? Are we dumber than them? No, right? In fact, we are better than them in terms of religious stuffs.
It is COMPULSORY for us to perform the 5 daily prayers. So, we must have stronger iman in our heart than them, right? And also, the muslim youths ought to have better akhlak compared to the chinese and indians people right? Coz we are much closer to Allah compared to them with their Gods.
And so, those who are not fully equipped with those religious and Islamic tecahings are the ones who commit such social ills. And who are to be blamed for that? The GOVERNMENT? Of course not! The parents! Maybe if the lecturer gave another choice, which is the youth himself, then I would choose that one.
But for me, all of us, the community play vital roles in moulding the shapes of our youths. No one should be blamed 100%. The same goes with the government.
And that politics SHOULD NEVER be mixed with academic matters. I don't know what will happen to my marks. I'm sure that she is a good lecturer that will never mix stuffs like that with the marks she give to her students. Maybe she wished to know about my political views. I dunno.
P.S. Sorry for the numerous grammatical errors. The government is at fault for this. They do not provide enough English classes so that I can speak like Mat Sallehs in overseas.
Thursday, 27 August 2009
Guys make great movies, don't they?
What can I say, it's a typical, stereotyped, mediocre scripts and movie. The actors are great, it's just that the scriptwriter and the director is just well...average.
Anywwaaaayyyyy...I did this just for fun, remember? That is my intention in the first place. And just to gain experience. I don't care about winning or losing anyway. It's the experience that matters. Hehe.
It's a new thing for me. And I'm glad I take this chance to do something that I've never done before. If I backed off from doing this, just because I fear that I would lose or something, then I'm a coward. And of course, I'm not a coward. So, by just doing this-the movie, makes me a courageous person who dares to take chances and explore new things that life can offer.
So, I have no regrets! :D
Ok, so I saw some snippets of the guys' movies. And I gotta say, I'm really impressed. Guys are different from girls. I hate to admit this but I seriously think that GUYS ARE MORE CREATIVE. Well, duh, it's a fact, right? And they are good in cracking up jokes, without making themselves looked like fools in front of other people.
And seriously, I have a strong feeling that this guy's group going to secure the number one place in the competition. I have to admit this. THEY ARE GOOD! Seriously! Even looking at one of the actors' face makes me laugh uncontrollably.
There are six groups. Two of the are juniors. Both are guys. Both from the Engineering and ICT course. Then, there are three of us. Two senior guys and one girl. One of them is from the Engineering course. While the other guy is from the Pre-Medical course and INCIDENTALLY, my groupmate for this semester. In fact, majority of those guys who act in that movie are my groupmates. Oh yeah, their movie's the one I mentioned above. The Awesome one. Well, yeah.
And there's another girl. I dunno whether she's a junior or a senior. And I don't know what programme is she taking.
Ok, that's all.
My stomach is grumbling. Imagine, I'm being charged RM 4.00 for a polystyrene of white rice, fish, vegetables and two crab sticks. THAT IS SOOOO UNREASONABLE! HMMPH!!!
Bila nak bukak puasa ni? :P
Sunday, 23 August 2009
Disney Hits Organ
Phantom of the Opera-Andrew Llyod Webber
:D :D :D :D
Gonna get one of them-preferably Rodgers and Hammerstein's for Organs before Raya!!! :D
Or maybe, can use the 'Duit Raya' to buy it! Hehehehehehe *evil grin*
To think again, it's quite hard to find songbooks for organs. Most of the available ones are for pianos, violins and guitars *sigh*.
Anyway, I'm currently:
-In search for Arashi's musical notes...
-In search for P.Ramlee's musical notes/Classic Malay songs
-In search for online websites that offer these things. Gotta google harder!
Too bad he's married though :(. LOL, I'm JOKING! :D
Yeah, gotta master the skills again! To think again, it's been almost ONE YEAR since I last played it. Oh man, I bet my skills have become rusty already. >__<>_<
But now, I have to study for Maths Quiz tomorrow! And complete my Chemistry tutorial!
Gosh, this week's gonna be a busy week! :((((
And Assalamualaikum. :)
Saturday, 22 August 2009
Puasa di Perantauan..*sob sob*
Tiba-tiba, handphone berdering. Oh,Emak rupanya.
" Sarah dah buka puasa eh?" beliau bertanya.
" A'ah. (Janganlah tanya buka puasa makan apa, huhuhuhuhu)" Sarah Sarcastic membalas pendek.
" Oh, bestnya. Kita orang kat sini belum masuk waktu lagi," dengan ceria beliau berkata.
" Oh, okay. Hehe," Sarah Sarcastic ketawa kecil.
" Buka puasa makan apa?" beliau bertanya soalan cepumas.
" Err..Maggi. Hehehe," Sarah Sarcastic menjawab dengan yakinnya. (yakin ke?)
" HAH???!!!Kenapa makan maggi je?"
Dan Sarah Sarcastic dengan automatiknya berasa sebak dan ingin mengalirkan air mata *sila main lagu 'Dendang Perantau' di sini*.
Seriously, sebelum ni OK. Tapi bila mak cakap macam tu, terus rasa sedih, huhu. Sebab dah buat dia rasa risau and sedih kot, huhuhu...
" Kafe tutup hari ni," Sarah Sarcastic menyembunyikan nada sebak dan sedih suaranya. Berjaya!
" Lah, kesiannya," (huhu, janganlah dikasihani diri ini, cewwahh)
" Ada je Bazar. Tapi malas nak pergi," (Itulah akibat orang pemalas. Junior dah bagi hint nak ajak pergi bazar tapi lazybums punya budak!)
" Oh, Mak masak mi rebus, semua," (oh, meleleh air liur seketika).
Dan tiba-tiba bonda tercinta berhenti bercakap. Mungkin tidak mahu 'mencemburukan' diri ini yang hanya makan Maggi dan minum air mineral untuk berbuka. Oh yeah, dan Biskut Oreo sebagai dessert.
" Nanti sahur makan apa?" beliau bertanya lagi.
" Sahur makan biskut," Sarah Sarcastic menjawab lagi. Sedaya upaya menahan rasa sebak di hatinya (poetic gila).
" Lah, nanti kurus la macam ni!" Bonda tercinta memberi komen yang sangat menyayat hati pada pendengaran Sarah Sarcastic. (Padahal sebelum ni waktu ganti puasa bukannya sahur pun. Ngeh ngeh ngeh. Pagi tadi pun teguk air je sekejap. Jadilah, kan? :P)
" Oh, ok. Takpela Mak," Sarah Sarcastic menjawab, menyedapkan hati bonda tercinta. Ibu mana yang tak sedih kalau kat rumah makan sedap-sedap, tapi anak berbuka makan maggi mee kari je. Huhuhuhu.
" Takpela, nanti Sarah balik rumah, mak masak sedap-sedap eh?" beliau berusaha menyedapkan hati ini.
Oh, sungguh terharu diri ini. Lagu 'Dendang Perantau' masih beralun-alun di fikiran.
" Next week mak datang KL eh?"
" HUH?" (Dalam hati, yippee!)
" Nanti kita buka puasa sama-sama,"
Haha, OK. Yes!
" Okla, bye-bye. Love you," ayat yang sering menjadi rutin setiap kali bersembang dengannya di telefon.
" Ok, love you too," ayat yang acap kali juga menjadi rutin bagi diri Sarah Sarcastic. Hehehehe.
Telefon dimatikan. Sarah Sarcastic kembali melayan maggi meenya yang telah kembang semangkuk. Mak, nak balik!!!! UWAAAA!!!!(siapa suruh tak nak balik?Jawapan: Malas nak balik. 6 jam woohhhh).
The moral of this story is: Jangan jadi pemalas. Ngeh ngeh ngeh..
Friday, 21 August 2009
Salam Ramadhan...
I really miss the month of Ramadhan and I am eternally grateful for being given the chance by Allah s.w.t to be in this holy month again. Alhamdulillah.
So, what are my resolutions for this month?
1. To manage my time accordingly between studies and ibadah. Cewwahh.. I'm planning to 'khatam' the al-Quran throughout this month of Ramadhan. Insya-Allah. And to keep on improving my recitations. Amin.
2. To reduce my 'Japanese fandom' activities. That is, less Arashi and Japanese Dramas and music. No more watching hot Japanese actors in the laptop.( well, reduce)
3. To carefully observe and improve my akhlak. By not being too sarcastic (LOL) and talk bad about others.
4. To do more Ibadah Sunat. Insya-Allah.
Speaking of the month of Ramadhan, I would like to express my gratitude towards Allah s.w.t. Soul and I had met the Creative Club committee and she allocated three more minutes extra for the movie.
And speaking of the Ramadhan movie, I'm very grateful to say that I've finished editing it. Together with the music and slide transitions. And that I'll give it to Syidah or Syau for further editing-pimping up the slides and all. Oh yes, I forgot about the subtitles. Maybe I'll put it in some parts. Their voices and loud and clear enough anyway.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank, first and foremost, Allah s.w.t for allowing me to complete this movie. Also to the talented actresses- Fizah, Syau, Soul and Syidah. Thank you very much. I don't know how can I ever repay you guys.
And also, I would like to ask for everyone's forgiveness. I'm sorry if I ever hurted any of you guys' feelings. Sorry! Gomenasai onegaishimasu!
And so, that's all.
Let this month of Ramadhan be a month that is filled with barakah to the Muslims not only in Malaysia, but around the world.
And speaking of Ramadhan, I'll be going back to Sungai Petani on the 11th of September! I miss my family tremendously. :(
Directed by Sarah Kushairi
Moments of emptiness around~~
Floating away, with auras of hope, reality brings me...
to the ground!!!!!
Yes, I'm listening to Indecisive's Empty Decorations right now. It's the theme song for the sitcom 'Kopitiam', in case you've never heard of it.
And so, yours truly had managed to finally finished filming her first so-called 'masterpiece' at about 12 something a.m. JUST NOW!
Unfortunately for us- the crews cum actors, we are currently encountering one MAJOR problem. Which is...
The whole video is more than TEN MINUTES!
Well, like..I mean, why did they limit the time to only TEN MINUTES?
It's a MOVIE! Not an advertisement! Even the advertisements in the TV took longer time compared to our pathetic over-than-10-minutes SHORT movie.
I fully understand that it is being called as SHORT MOVIE. But it seems preposterous to actually considering something that takes time from 5-10 minutes as a REAL MOVIE.
A movie should contain the introduction, the climax, the conclusion. And a good plot. Not to say mine is good but yeah, why should you limit the time to only 10 minutes?
And so, the four of us( Syidah, Soul, Syau and I) did our best to cut off, cut off and keep on cutting off some selected clips. And the result is remarkably boring! The movie that we were once proud of has now become a TRAILER! Yes, you know? Just like in the TV? The trailer for Harry Potter, Spiderman, where everything is not in order. That event suddenly leads to this..A trailer la! Not a movie!
We had to cut some interesting and IMPORTANTE parts just to fulfill the requirements. And the message that we're trying to convey to the audience is lost. POOF!
And so, I strongly suggest that the Creative Club SHOULD change the competition's name to 'Movie Trailers competition' or even ' Ramadhan Advertisements competition', rather than 'Short Movie Competition'.
I've been sending messages to one of the committees for the respective club but apparently, she's having a meeting right now. And that she will inform me when the meeting's over. And urrmm, yeah. It's 2.02 a.m right now. So, do the math.
I really hope that they will compensate at LEAST, a minute extra! We have to do the slide transitions, the title and credits some more. HOHOHOHO.
And yes, them calling themselves 'CREATIVE CLUB'? Why should they LIMIT our creativity? By only allocating a mere TEN minutes for a short movie?
Anyway, I don't care whether we'll win or not. As I've said before, we're doing it for fun and experience!
Making movies is a really fun and interesting thing to do! Though you might feel a bit lethargic, it doesn't matters when the whole thing is completed and the final result is achieved. And I learned new ways on how to control the camera, shooting at appropriate angles, how to direct people, how to learn from others. Though I'm the director, I DO take others' opinions into considerations. That's how we cooperate with each other. That's how we learn new things. By giving and taking advices and even accepting criticisms.
And so, Insya-Allah I will post the completed movie here in this blog. But it will not be the same as the one that I will be sending to the competition. I will further edit the movie according to my own interest and taste, inserting some sound effects and musics, even adjusting the video quality.
Right now, I don't have all those sound effects collections. I don't have enough time to search for them and download them from the internet. We are students. We are quite busy with other things. Syidah and Soul, for instance, had to attend replacement classes for this whole week! And that we have to complete our abundant amount of workloads and that include tutorials and assignments. And that we have to study for upcoming quizzes.
By even completing this movie can be considered as a great achievement already. LOL. What's with the sentence? Haha. Whatever. I'm sleepy already.
Maybe Insya-Allah, I will continue writing and directing and producing my own movies and even a mini series. Maybe it'll become one of my hobbies. And I will post them in this blog. Insya-Allah. I'm just an ordinary human being who planned things, but Allah's the one who decides over those plans.
Anyway,by completing this movie, I can show it off to Syafiq(my brother) and brag about it. LOL. He's really good in making movies and animations. This in a way will show him, and my whole family members that I, Sarah Kushairi is also CAPABLE in doing stuffs GUYS normally do!You know la, living in a family which most of them are males! Three younger brothers, father. Even my ONLY SISTER in this world is quite tomboy-ish. But that doesn't make me a demure and a ladylike person, LOL. My mum often praised my brother for his great motor skills, logical skills( He learned how to solve the Rubik's cube numerous times by just watching it from the internet! And even formulating his own formulae!), awesome skills in repairing electrical items (he is a boy, what do you expect?).
Oh yeah, I haven't told them about this movie thing. Let it be a surprise...;P
Maybe I'll write a new script and make a short movie together with my siblings. Insya-Allah.
Thursday, 20 August 2009
1.04 am
Monday, 17 August 2009
Two are over, another 6 to go...Ganbatte!
Yours truly had managed to film two scenes of the short movie together with Fizah, Syau and Syidah.
Gosh, it was bloody bloody tiring! Now I know how those people in the entertainment scenes must have felt about acting.
Seriously, everything can't be perfect in just one shot/take. You had to do MULTIPLE takes to make sure that the outcomes/ results are satisfactory. Well, to us. I'm not sure about the viewers and the judges' criteria and opinions. Anyway, this is about having fun and gaining experience. Not for the mere purpose of winning. And our concepts in the movie is quite different compared to those other films that were shown before(those that entered the competition). This one is more 'gila-gila' (loony, crazy, you name it). We the casts and crews share the similar personalities a.k.a gila-gila. So, we can't afford to be skematik letronik and act all serious.
We had to switch off the fan to make sure than the sound system is quite OK. And all of us had to wear 'pakaian menutup aurat' (aurah covering clothes). Long sleeves, long pants, tudung! Hoho.
So, can you imagine how we felt at that time? Panas! Hot!
So, actors, actresses, directors, crews and staffs out there, I salute you! You guys are GREAT!
So, two scenes done, another six to go.
In the morning, starting at 9 a.m, we have to start filming for scene 1,4 and 6.
In the afternoon, we have to film scene 8
And at night, we have to film scene 2 and 5.
Everything will be over by tomorrow night, I hope.
And I'll start editing everything this coming weekend.
Oh yeah, Fizah, Syau, Syidah and Soul. Thank you! Arigatou ne! You guys are awesome! :)
And so, wish me luck, ok? :)
Sunday, 16 August 2009
Film making is hard! I mean, the whole scriptwriting and editing, shooting stuffs are not that hard.
But it's cooperation that matters!
It's hard to even begin filming when the casts got something to do. And yours truly, as the director(ecceeehhh) couldn't say anything as she is grateful enough that they are willing to help. But somehow I have to take the feelings of other casts in considerations.
The hard thing is that we are students. We are not professional people in the film making industry. And so, we have other things to do besides dedicating our whole lives towards acting in front of a mere digital camera.
So, it's all right. I'll try to understand.I will never give up. Until the date of the dateline. For the coming two days of holidays, of which most of CFS students will go home to spend their first day of ramadhan with their families, I will instead, stay in the room, editing and further edit the completed movie (I hope so).
Coz giving up is SO not me. For perseverance is also my middle name. Oh yeaaahhh!!!
Saturday, 15 August 2009
Creating Masterpiece(s)
This is SOOO like me!
EVERY TIME I'm about to embark onto doing something new, the feeling of excitements, anxiety, jittery, dreamy (you name it) will keep on possessing me, occupying my thoughts, pushing me to think about the wonderful possibilities that might occur IF I manage to get this done. No, it's not a mere daydream. It's not wrong to try to imagine on what comes next, though the reality might not be as sweet as the one I've been dreaming all along...
Those so-called daydreams in a way, acts as a booster to push me, keep on pushing me, pestering me to get that thing I'm excited about DONE, FINISH! THE END.
But as time passes, it took me a while to realise that I no longer feel the excitements I've felt before. I no longer have the jittery feelings bubbling out of my head and there is no more the feelings of anxiety as if there were really butterflies flying and fluttering their wings in my stomach. I no longer have those 'wonderful' feelings. Dreaming and thinking about the possibilities stuffs.
So what can really keep me going on and on, continuing to do that stuff until it finishes. What?Nani kore? Nandeyo??
The people whom I got them involved in the 'little project' I've been creating in the first place, of course. The 'little project'. A product of my everlasting daydreams.
Seeing them becoming excited over this 'little project' that had managed to slowly waver my interests in it, the giddy feeling I had before is slowly rekindling.
Seeing how excited they are, had punched me back to the past, reminiscing that I was once excited as they are now.
Seeing how they are willing to help me without any rewards or payments make me realise how selfish I am right now.
Seeing how they are willing to read and improvise and memorize the bloody mediocre stuffs I've once wrecked my brain to construct the sentences before, had touched my heart a bit, again making me realised that they too, play vital roles in making the dreams I've always dreamt of, becoming reality.
Seeing how sincere they are, of which they don't care whether we're going to win or not gently reminds me that efforts and experiences are the things that matters. The intentions matters. Not winning. The same goes with losing.
And so, I must start! It seems like everyone is ready to begin it tomorrow. FINALLY! After ONE WEEK! XD
Everyone, I'm going to become a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _! Wish me luck! :D
It's gaining experience and having fun that matters. Not winning or losing. :)
P.S. I seriously think that I dream a lot.
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do!!!!
No matter how much you've been dreaming,
if you keep on believing,
the dreams that you wish will come true~~~
*insert the remaining Disney's song here*
Dreams. The lyrics is quite irrelevant all right, depending on how you interpret the meaning of it.
' If you keep on believing, the dreams that you wish will come true'.
Of course, you can't just 'Keep on believing' so that your dreams will come true.
Mind me. Several things make me ponder. Am I following the right track?
I don't know. Following dreams?
Chasing after rainbows and butterflies?Dah masuk fairy tales ke apa ni?
I hate to study la wei... But if tak stadi, nak kerja apa? Nak makan apa? Nak beli DVD Matsujun berlakon pun tak boleh.
I have lots of things to do. Things I'd like/love to do rather than studying.
This is my life. I'm the one who should be given full authority/rights to chart my future, deciding on what to do or what I DON'T want to do.
Okla fine. I don't really wish to vent my anger and frustration here. PMS kot.
I've lots of things to do rather than worrying about others' perceptions about me. Or even MY OWN perceptions towards myself.
Quoting a dialogue in Hlovate's book-Rooftop Rant
" Bercita-citalah!Pancangkan cita-cita itu setinggi mungkin!Iringi dengan kesungguhan, perjuangan dan pengorbanan untuk mencapainya.Semoga Allah SWT merahmati kita dengan memperkankan cita-cita kita itu,"
YES! In order to achieve my dreams, I need to sacrifice sometimes, and really work hard as Allah will not help those who did not help themselves.
Life is hard. But it holds a series of lessons. Life is our teacher and we are its students. Life educates us, hardships teach us to be stronger.
Ermm, yeah. Must work hard to fulfill my dreams. Dreams, OK! Academic Excellence is not a wonderful dream. It's a NIGHTMARE!
Oh well, even if it IS a nightmare, I have no choice but to work hard. Huhu.
To think again, two more semesters to go (including the present one). And maybe I needn't worry much as I do right now once I stepped into main camp. Seriously??
Maybe at that time, my mum wouldn't worry so much by asking whether I've studied or not every time she called me.
Study, study, study. Students. The word student sounds like a... a furniture. Like a table.
Oh, whattteeevverrr.. Study for Chem and Maths. NOW!
Ganbatte yo.
P.S. Only a normal person doesn't like to study. And I'm normal. :P
Monday, 3 August 2009
Another Day Has Gone...
I'm still all alone,
*insert MJ's song here* LOL.
Oh no, I'm not all alone, hehe.
Sudah lama tak menulis blog ye.
Mula-mula, UIA blocked blogger. Now OK alreadyla.
Lots of things happened.
Yeah yeah, I know. There are still final exams but let's enjoy ourselves for a while before the time comes eh? Final Exams, I mean. LOL.
Imagine, my friends and I had taken FOUR PAPERS in one week. Bloody tired, exhausted, lethargic, both physical and mental. But we managed to survive! Hehe
Let's recap.
Bio 3: Ok arr, Alhamdulillah. It's not easy nor is it bloody difficult. Huhu. Let's wait for the result. Huhu. SCARY!
Maths 2: I can answer most of the questions but it is still difficult. Not ENOUGH TIME!!!!! Highlighted word: DIFFICULT! :P
Chemistry 2: Surprisingly, I can answer the questions given. Alhamdulillah. :) Can answer la, but dunno whether the answers are correct or not :P Careless mistakes berlambak ke...Hahahaha
FIM: I just read through and Alhamdulillah, I can answer all of them though some of the questions are quite confusing/ tricky. Same here.Dunno whether the answers are correct or not. Huhu. >__<
Let's just pray that I'll get the desired marks for all the papers. Amin.
Then, we went to the PC Fair in KLCC on the last day of exam. Stayed there-around the KLCC area from 1.30 and went back at 8 something PM! Sugoi ne? :P
Bought myself an external hard drive. FINALLY!
Syidah bought herself an MP3 player- after much persuasion from me, LOL.
Oh yeah, I had transferred all the Japanese/Korean Dramas available in others' external hard drives to MINE!
Imagine, now, there's only 55 GB something left. The capacity is about 298GB. Amazing eh?
Don't underestimate the power of J-pops! ;)
P.S Entah bila la boleh tengok habis. Satu tahun pun belum tentu habis kot...kehkehkeh.
Oh yeah, bought Hlovate's books. Have finished reading '5 Tahun 5 Bulan'. In the middle of finishing 'Tunas'- the Magnificent 7 part, and Rooftop Rant. Read half of it already. Hehe. Multi-reading/tasking huh? AS IF!
My dad gave me the Frederick Forsyth's The Afghan and other crime-thriller books but they are at home. Hoho.
Now, have to revise for Maths Quiz and Chem Quiz this Thursday. Huhu, BARU nak bernafas dah kena study balik, ngeee....
And someone told me there are already THREE students being suspected of having H1N1. I don't want the CUTI H1N1! I don't want UIA to shorten our SEMESTER VACATION! NO WAY JOSE!!!
Ok, bye! :)
Friday, 17 July 2009
Betsy Carter's book, Secret Recipe's cakes and early dinner at Wendy's.
Just a quick post.
-I bought two slices of Secret Recipe's cakes. Mango Delight and Lemon Cheese. Those cakes are so tempting, creamily seductive and simple irresistible! Huhu. Lama tak makan Secret Recipe. Anyway, there are TWO Secret Recipe shops in Sungai Petani. Hehe. Sungai Petani, KEDAH is not an ULU place, OK! :P
-Went to a very small bookshop. The size of the bookshop is quite equivalent to the size of my hostel room here in Mahallah Zainab Jahsy. LOL. Sarah Sarcastic memang tak sah kalau pergi shopping complex tak beli buku. And so I bought a Betsy Carter's book at a very very reasonable price of RM 9.90! FOUR TIMES LESS than the NORMAL PRICE! It's a BARGAIN, RIGHT???!!!!! Gonna go there again. But unfortunately there are not many choices of books. The title is 'The Orange Blossom Special'. I love the book cover and apparently, this book was featured in the 'Oprah Winfrey Magazine'. So, it must be good, right? :)
- Then, moved on to Wendy's. It was my first time there too. Ordered Chicken Burger set. There are the chicken nuggets and the Coca-Cola drink. I am quite full, thank you very much.
So, that's all!
Oh yeah, since Syidah had already gone back home, the room will be mine for the whole night and for the whole day tomorrow. the UIA bus leaves at 10 pm tomorrow. Huhu.
At had a meeting/stuffs to do at KC and when she came back, both of us will be watching CICAK MAN 2 in her laptop! :)
My blood is type AB positive! :D
We had the best Bio Lab class ever this morning. We did experiments on genetic traits. It was by grouping your blood(blood typing) and recognizing and doing poles on how many people in the class possess the traits listed.
I got to admit, I was a bit anxious with the experiment. I was scared of the blood typing thing. The mere clicking sound of the lancet made me shudder. Fizah was the first one whose finger was being pricked by the lancet. And immediately after Syau pricked her finger, she yelled " AUUUUWWW!!!! SAKIT! SAKIT!!!!! (PAIN! PAIN!)". My face turned pale and I was a bit scared. Pathetic, huh?
Then, it was Husna's turn. She, on the other hand, failed to show any expressions of shock or pain. Whoa, that's COOL! And then it was my turn. I kept on wiping my finger with the alcohol strip for a few times nervously. And Syau inserted a new 'needle' into the the lancet. I kept on whining pathetically and annoyingly on how PAINFUL it would be. And finally, I relented on it. When Syau finished pricking my finger. I was like........
" Lahhh, macam ni je ke? Tak sakit pun!" and both of us laughed. Syau mentioned that my expression is kind of 'tak-boleh-blah'. Seriously. I'm so pathetic. But it doesn't mean that I'm such a sissy girl. I've received TWO injections when I was in Primary One. The first one is the Standard 1 injection and the second one is the RUBELLA injection. I didn't shed a tear AT ALL!. Yes, I received the Rubella injection when I was in Standard 1. Some of my friends from Convent Father Barre cried when they received that particular injection when they were in STANDARD SIX! And of course, I received various injections throughout my school years. I'm not scared of injections, OK. I was just being a pathetic drama queen there in Bio Lab.
And so, my blood is Type AB positive! YES! It's very RARE, I KNOW!!!! At first I thought that I get the AB NEGATIVE coz the blood took a long time to clot in the rhesus reagent.
And so for the next experiment, Madam did head counts to determine who possess that particular trait and such.Anyway, AB positive is a universal recipient. the red blood cells do not have any antibodies and so it could receive blood from any blood groups. Some of my friends were a bit jealous, LOL. :P
I have heavy eyebrows, my nose is straight but not that prominent (mancung). LOL. It's a Chinese trait I possess. LOL. It's an intermediate between flat and prominent. I should be proud of it. ROFL. My hair is straight. It's a bit embarrassing to raise up your hand when the brothers actually look behind to see who possessed straight hair or wavy hair. LOL. Straight hair. Again, a Chinese trait.Or even Korean, JAPANESE! It's surprising to know that straight hair is a recessive trait. I thought that many of us have straight hair! Enough of that. I have a rare dimple.But I did not raise up my hand when Madam did the head count. It would be quite embarrassing. The dimple is rarely seen. Only some of my friends noticed it. It is situated below the cheek and at the corner of the mouth. You can only see it if I smile with my mouth closed. But that is impossible of course as my cute front teeth protrudes against my upper lip and it seems weird if I smile that way. LOL. Oh yeah, my mum and my youngest brother have dimples on their cheeks. It's just that mine is a rare kind of dimple. But hey, dimple is any kind of natural dent on the face, right? ;) Yeah, check the definition in wikipedia. :)
I can't roll nor fold my tongue. I don't have a widow's peak. I have a hitchiker's thumb and curved thumb. I can curve my little finger. My ear shapes are quite peculiar. I have attached earlobe at one ear and I have the intermediate between attached and hanging earlobe at the other ear. But it looks like attached anyway. LOL. And the Darwin's ear point. Only TWO brothers possessed that trait. It's like, your ears are shaped like an elf's ears. The first one has Darwin's ear point at both side of his ears and the other one has only one Darwin's ear point. I didn't realise about the structure of my ears so I didn't raise up my hand. But when I got back to my room....
HOLY MACARONI! I have a Darwin's ear point at one ear and normal ear point at the other side! Hahahaha. But Darwin's ear point is so cute, don't you agree? ;)
And as for the blood group, it is quite surprising to see that ONLY TWO PEOPLE in the class possess the blood type AB POSITIVE! Yeah, those two people are UMMU and..who else? SARAH SARCASTIC! No wonder I have an alter ego. Maybe Sarah Sarcastic is blood type A and Sarah Kushairi is blood type B. LOL.
LOL. That's quite funny. Most of us possess the O positive blood. The second highest blood type is B positive, followed by A positive, B negative and AB positive. The negative rhesus factor is quite rare and can be quite dangerous to the women especially. It's a recessive trait. Your future child beared in the womb will have blood that is incompatible with yours. Huhu. You'll have to find a husband who possess the Negative rhesus type blood. Advice. Next time you meet a new guy, ask about his blood group. LOL.
So in conclusion, genetic traits are very interesting things to be discovered and recognized! :)
It shows that we are unique in our own ways. We are different. We have our own specialties,talents and flairs. So why should we wish to be someone else? :D
I'm proud to be ME, MYSELF AND I. :)
Monday, 13 July 2009
MUET-O Part 3
Earlier this morning, I went to the Chemistry class. Su'aidah entered the class, informing us that we can check our MUET result using the sms.
I couldn't bother to check. In fact, I couldn't care less. Whatever laaa. I know that I'll get Band 4 or below. Huhu. Who cares. MUET doesn't determine your REAL LEVEL of ENGLISH PROFICIENCY!
And so, during the Chemistry lesson, somebody called. My mum. Thank God I put it in vibrate mode. I whispered into the phone. My mum excitedly said " Ei, MUET result is out you know!"
I replied in a monotonous tone " Mum, I'm in the class right now. Later I'll check, OK?"
And I continued concentrating on the whatever stuffs Madam wrote on the whiteboard.
Then, during Biology class. My mum called again. Huhu. She said that she had already checked my result. WHY OH WHY? I don't wish to know.
" You got Band 5,"
" Oh...OK," I was trying to digest the information.
" It's OKla. Congrats!"
" Oh, OK,". Still, no trace of excitements was found visible on my face.
And so, after having lunch with Husna, 'Aina, Wani, Ummu, Sakinah, Su'aidah, Maryam and Izzati, I asked 'Aina and Wani whether they have checked their results. 'Aina had sent the message but has yet to get the reply. Wani has not checked her result.
'Aina said that most of the people she asked obtained Band 3 or Band 4.
So, in conclusion. I should be happy. Seriously, I thought that I'm gonna get BAND 4 or BELOW! Though I once hoped for Band 6 (coz of the money, man! Muahahahaha) but I'm still grateful. I know that I'm not qualified to be labelled as a highly proficient English user. I did not get exempted in English when I'm in UIA and yes, just take a look at the numerous amount of grammatical errors committed in this blog of mine. Hehe.
So, everyone. I am HAPPY AND GRATEFUL! :D :D :D
MUET is not that important. It is not counted in your CGPA. It's more to a personal achievement. 'Ways on HOW to IMPROVE my understanding in the concepts of ORGANIC CHEMISTRY' is FAR FAR FAR FAR MORE IMPORTANT!
Friday, 10 July 2009
Quizzes, tutorials, Flu, Sarah the Red-nosed Sarcastic
And today, yours truly is currently suffering from FLU. I mean, minor flu. Not Influenza H1N1 kot. Hopefully. Have to see the doctor again. Huhuhu.
Some of my friends in the class kept their distances away from me- in a jokingly manner, of course, LOL, as they feared that this virus will be transmitted to them. Husna said that there is a rumour that someone from KC had encountered this particular H1N1 virus. Atiqah kept on pestering me to see the doctor. Alkaff and I had just realised that we were once classmates when we were in Standard 3 and 4. And yet we failed to remember each other's face. Haha.
I'm positive that the cause of this flu is due to the minor dehydration(it's more to the feeling of thirst, really. I'm exaggerating, LOL) I experienced yesterday. I was fasting, it was really hot and at the same time, I felt extremely thirsty.
Anyway, it was raining heavily yesterday's evening- soon after I finished my Chemistry class. And some of the ACIDIC droplets hit my head. Huhu. It must be due to that la..And when I broke my fast, guess what type of drink did I buy? ICE BLENDED~~~~!!!!!! Hahahaha, yes, I'm so stupid to drink icy cold water when the weather was inconsistent-sometimes it's raining, sometimes it's scorching hot and when I was fasting and my throat yearned for NORMAL temperature water. Huhuhuhu. Mind my sentence. I was feeling a bit loony, deranged, due to this stupid flu. It's not a good time to have flu. As I have to prepare for THREE QUIZZES next week, submit TWO tutorials next week and also, err....I dunno what already.
Okla, that's all. Till then,
Sunday, 5 July 2009
It's the latest novel by Sophie Kinsella! *shriek*GOSH! The synopsis is very tempting! I can't resist it. I NEED IT! *cue Gollum's voice* But the release date in on 16th July. Not in Malaysia, of course *rolled my eyes*. And it's probably in hardback anyway. EXPENSIVE!
Originally titled 'Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic'. I've already read the other 4 books. Funny eh? I read 'Shopaholic and Sister' first. Then 'Shopaholic Takes Manhattan'. Then 'Shopaholic and Baby' and recently ' Shopaholic Ties the Knot'.
I've read all the 4 sequels and I haven't even read the first book in the series. Ahaks..
And I want these too...

" Unputdownable." said Doris Lessing. You dunno who's Doris Lessing? She's the Nobel Prize Winner for Literature la..
'The Twilight Saga'. The Official Guide. Hoho, it's going to be the LATEST addition to my Twilight Saga collection. Muahahahaha.
P.S. Have all of the 4 books at home. But yet to read 'Eclipse' and 'Breaking Dawn' as I've made a vow to only TOUCH them during semester vacation. Hoho. So, the books are safely tucked inside the MPH Plastic bag and are placed in my book shelf. Hoho. I guess.

I haven't even received it now! JPA Scholarship.
No motivational books eh? I've had enough of 'Chicken Soup' books and 'HM Tuah Iskandar' books when I was in secondary school, thank you very much. I don't need such books to motivate myself. My mum's the one who motivates me. My parents. My friends. And Allah. :)
Oh yeah, I motivate myself too. Hehe.
No intellectual books/ Horizon-widening/ Mind blowing books eh? Who needs those expensive books when I can watch TV and documentaries! Meaning, the History Channel, National Geographic, Discovery, etc. My parents even have the 'National Geographic' and 'Reader's Digest' magazines subscribed every month. I can even watch the news! And even read the newspapers.. Pfftt...Oh yeah, those books are expensive la..
No academic-related books eh? Hoho, not enough eh, 'Organic Chemistry for Matriculation' by Tan Ying Toon? I haven't even finished reading Neil Campbell's Biology. Who does anyway? :P
Oh man, so many books. Those are expensive books some more! Haish..
Okla. Need to study a bit of Chemistry... HUHUHU..
Friday, 3 July 2009
The GREEEEAAAAATTTTTEEESSSSTTT Day so far for this semester.
Class from 10-11 a.m. Bio 3
Class from 2-6.
2-4 pm. Maths 2. Madam gave us some past semester questions and oh boy, those questions WERE HORRIBLE!
It was like, I could only answer half of the given questions. Hey, it's not only me, OK! Those si pandai in the class too, couldn't answer ALL of the questions.
I know, coz when Madam asked anyone of us to volunteer to show the workings of those HARD questions, NO ONE budged from their seats. NO ONE, SERIOUSLY!
And Madam had finally relented on it and showed the workings herself on the whiteboard. Since NO ONE volunteered. Even those si pandai in my class.
My friends and I on the other hand, kept on whining on how hard those questions were Fizah and Syau kept on saying ' NAK BALIK RUMAH!' and Husna kept on whining ' Ibu, TOLONG!'. Hahahaha.
I can't afford to think of any single formula anymore and this resulted in me behaving in lunatic behaviours. The condition Syau called ' Trigo effects'. Haha.
Then, Chemistry. Madam gave us a LOVELY surprise saying that we must submit the other half of the tutorial TOMORROW. She had just given the tutorial questions YESTERDAY!
It's like this. Madam had made a mistake by not photocopying the other side of the tutorial paper. So, we dunno about the other half of the questions. And we are required to submit the tutorial TOMORROW before 4 pm.
And we are also required to submit the MATH ASSIGNMENT on the SAME DAY!
Biology on the other hand, was rather fun. But Madam kept on pointing towards me EVERYTIME she asked any sort of questions in the class. Okay, recapping
" Ada sapa-sapa tahu?"
And off she called some people's names randomly.
" Syed? Taufik? Syafiq? Blablabla" and when none of the brothers could give the PERFECT answer, she will call the sisters.
" Sisters?" I lowered down my head. ANDDDD....
Yessss.... She called me Syahirah! 'Aina Nurliyana punya pasal la ni. Hahaha.
Oh no. Dah agak dah. And off I went, babbling like mad. But hey, at least my answers are correct, OK.
Haha, I don't mind though. Huhu. But it's rather unfair to other students. Coz Madam keeps on calling the names of the SAME people in every Biology lessons. Haha.
And she called Sharifah Nurul Ain ' Kak Pah' ! LOL.
And so here I am, feeling nausea due to the overdosage of Organic Chemistry and Trigonometry.
And now I'm going to Husna's room. Gotta finish the whole things tonight. Oh help me, I think I'm gonna vomit.
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Midnight post...
Now, you're going to leave me alone in Malaysia. After SEVEN years of friendship. Get me a handkerchief, please. I'm gonna blow my nose. Huhuhuhu.
Dramatic much?
Oh, I'm quite jealous of you! In a good way, of course. Haha. But I'm really proud and happy for you. :) You inspired me.
Catherine's gonna go to New Zealand. Pharmacy.
Maddy's gonna go to Poland. Medicine.
Ranja's gonna go to India. Dentistry.
Who else eh?
Michelle in IMU now. Medic.
Parvathee's gonna go to USA. Biotechnology.
Kaminee's in Australia now. Accountancy.
Michelle Gan Nollie's in Taylor's College. AUS-MAT. Accountancy. Gonna fly to Aussie.
Khye Lyn's in AUSSIE too! Taking statistics or something like that. Chatted with her last week. So lucky la you!
Maalini's in KYUEM. Gonna go to countries like U.K or Ireland, I guess. Medicine.
The rest are in Malaysia, I guess.
DIOL! DIOL! DIOL! This is to differentiate between Alkene and Alkane, if you don't understand a bit what am I babbling right now.
I'm a disgrace to the Malay society. HUHUHU.
And yeah, a so-called JPA Scholarship recipient who failed to see any trace of JPA allowance occupying her bank account. >__<
A girl with a thick coke bottled glasses(not really la, the glasses I'm wearing now is stylo milo) and with a cute front teeth. I mean it in a sarcastic way.
My life is pathetic, is it not?
But I love it somehow. T_____T
The cute front teeth and all. :)
Friday, 26 June 2009
It's OFFICIAL! Well, sort of..:P
She said it is not true. I was like " REALLY?"
" YES!" she insisted on her answer.
Hoho, PHEW. How did you know?
" I asked two juniors already. They'll have a long 6 months break," :)
Haha, COOL! :)
So, what's more reliable than asking from the juniors itself?
Tagged by Amiirah, Ummu, Su'aidah...
1. Go to your photos folder in your computer.
2. Go to the 6th folder of photos.
3. Go to the 6th picture in that folder.
4. Put the picture on your blog and description of it.

What's this? I took this picture inside the UIA bus, during the journey from Sungai Petani to PJ. This was taken when we were in Penang, kot. Went back to UIA when the mid break was over. First semester. Almost a year ago. Haha.
Oh yeah, the time when I got into the wrong bus. I went inside the UIA bus to Nilai instead of the one to PJ. Hahaha.
Dun want to tag anyone.
Tagged by Ummu and Kina.. Hoho..
1. Kekasih saya adalah : The one and only Allah s.w.t. Huhu. Talking about true and eternal love, OK.
2. Saya sedang mendengar : Lagu-lagu Arashi. Hoho.
3. Mungkin saya patut: Tidor. Dah pukul 12 lebih dah oii..
4. Saya baru sudah : siapkan tag sebelum ni. :P
5. Beza rakan, sahabat, kawan : Sahabat tu dengar klasik sikit. Rakan tu ayat skema dalam karangan bahasa Melayu. Kawan tu selalunya budak kecil yang guna. Haha.
6. Saya tidak faham : Saya tak faham saya tak faham apa. Anda faham dengan apa yang faham ni? Faham-fahamkanla..
7. Saya perlu mencari: something. Tak bleh bgtau.
8. Ayat terakhir yang dikatakan kepada saya : " Lagu apa ni?" Syidah bertanya.
9. Makna kehidupan : Balanced. Both in the world and hereafter. :)
10. Cinta itu adalah: Love is infinity. Haha. And indescribable. Never had that feeling though.
11. Saya paling suka : bila tengok cerita Jepun yang Matsujun and Yamapi berlakon. Muahahahaha..
12. Saya akan cuba : setia terhadap Matsujun walaupun Yamapi dan lain-lain sentiasa mengorat saya. Ahakss..
13. Mengapa rakyat Malaysia suka menggunakan LAH di akhir ayat mereka : Ini dinamakan Manglish. Identiti rakyat Malaysia. Ada dalam gene diorang kot. :P
14. Telefon bimbit saya : berjenama Sony Ericsson. :P Tapi saya nak NTT DoCoMo! :)
15. Katil saya : sedang memanggil-manggil. " Saaaarrrrraaaaahhhhhh....tiddddddooooorrrr," Sangat ngeri pada pendengaran saya. Haha
16. Soalan yang bagi saya tidak perlu ditanya : " Dah tidor?" Habis tu siapa yang bercakap dengan anda ini? :P
17. Teknologi adalah : BEST!
18. Bagaimana saya boleh memasak masakan yang saya paling pandai masak : Sebab practice kot. Haha. Practice makes perfect. But everyone is not perfect. Why practice? :P
19. Semalam : Saya alternate antara baca novel dengan Buku Organic Chemistry. Haha.
20. Hari ini : Saya nak habiskan novel tu. Hoho.Aja aja hwaiting!
21. Malam ini saya akan : tidolaa. Takkan pergi kelas kot?
22. Esok pula saya akan : Bangun sebab ada kelas FIM. Tapi saya pergi kelas pukul 8.10 pagi kot. Haha. Kelas start pukul 8.15.
25. Karaoke : Pernah.. Banyak kali. Orang lain tak payah tahu.
26. Kereta : Nak kereta yang macam Matsujun ada.. :P
27. Bilik yang terang atau gelap : Intermediate. Haha.
28. Makanan jepun adalah : Best tapi pelik. Sushi dengan tempura memang best. Tapi miso soup rasa dia agak pelik dan masin! Yucckk.
29. Ayat terakhir yang nak anda katakan pada seseorang: Huh?
30. Siapa yang anda tag : Malas nak tag sapa-sapa.