
Sunday 19 April 2009

Jun Matsumoto rejected me! How could he????!!!!!

Here's a funny story. And here is how it goes.

It started when I've decided to randomly add one person named 'Jun Matsumoto' in facebook. Of course I know he's not the real Matsujun. I can tell whether that person is real or not, based on his facebook profile. Anyone who is rational and not senile will be able to do so. I just added him, the person who claimed to be Jun Matsumoto for the mere reason of...urm well.... Adding! I was feeling random, LOL.

Unlike those irrational irrelevant Matsujun's fans, who failed to identify which one is real and which one is fake.


And they kept on asking questions like

" Are you the real Matsujun? I like you!"

"Hey, thanks for adding me. By the way, are you really Jun Matsumoto?"

" I like your acting in Hana Yori Dango. You're cute!"

" Are you really him? I hope we can be friends,"

Lame, lame, lame.

Seriously, just because there are lots of pictures of him and Arashi in his photo albums, it doesn't mean that he's really Matsujun! He's a poser.

And you can get the pictures from everywhere. They are even available in Google Image Search :P (My favourite).

And about the tagged picture. Seriously, the tagged friends are not even Japanese. Don't tell me all his friends are Filipinos?

And off I went, cheerfully making a true, yet sarcastic comment on Matsujun's page.

Sarah Syahirah Kushairi said " Get real, everyone. Of course he's not the real Matsujun! LOL"

I waited for several days for the reply from the die hard fans of Jun Matsumoto. I just wanted to see their reactions, LOL. I totally forgot all about it a few days later as I was preoccupied with the hilarious, preposterous, absurd yet entertaining Facebook quizzes. And study, LOL.
And only just now, I've suddenly remembered about it.

I clicked on the friends icon (mcm computer lab pulak), and rummaged through the list of friends.


Jun Matsumoto isn't in my list of friends anymore!!!I've checked twice and I'm pretty sure about it.

I can't help but to laugh as it is indeed, hilarious!

Oh yeah, I've been deleted by Jun Matsumoto as his friend! And it means that Jun Matsumoto has rejected me! Hohoho.

That's too bad. I would love to know and read the sarcastic and unsatisfied remarks they had or would have given me.

Again, that's too bad, Jun Matsumoto's poser, as the truth is now out. And you deleted me as your friend as you're afraid that the rest of the naive, idiotic people who thought that you are Matsujun will have difficulty in swallowing the bitter truth. And that they will delete you as their friends. Better still, they might just removed you from their top friends. Muahahahaha.

So much for trying to gain a cheap publicity and popularity, huh? :P

Jun Matsumoto laughs at such absurdity and says " BAKA! You think you can pretend to be me? In your dreams, sucker!!!!" *cue evil laughter*

He's pathetic, the poser. And the naive, immature fans are equally pathetic.

Me too. Making such a big fuss for such a small matter. LOL. But hey, I'm addicted to blogging. I just GOT to write something.


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